population select option using json_encode-Collection of common programming errors

Can someone help me figure out why the json array I have is not population my select drop down? The array prints fine (name:value) and I have tried different ways (.post .getJSON) to fill the select fields. See my code below…


$q = "select Site_ID, FirstName, LastName from ClientInfo";
$sql = mysql_query($q);
$data = array();
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql, true)){
    $data[] = $row; 
echo json_encode($data);

This is what it prints on webpage:

[{"Site_ID":"10000001","FirstName":"drew","LastName":"0"},     {"Site_ID":"10000002","FirstName":"hello","LastName":"0"},{"Site_ID":"10000003","FirstName":"hihi","LastName":"0"},{"Site_ID":"10000004","FirstName":"","LastName":"0"},{"Site_ID":"10000005","FirstName":"SueAnn","LastName":"Hall"},{"Site_ID":"10000006","FirstName":"Test","LastName":"Name"}]

HTML with script



Works fine until I run the html. Thank you in advance for your help.