android,android-listfragmentRelated issues-Collection of common programming errors

  • Jan-Henk
    android actionbarsherlock
    I have a simple login layout that contains two EditText fields and a Button to login. The problem is that the ActionBar disappears when the soft keyboard is open and I change the focus from an EditText to the Button, and the ActionBar comes back again when I press back. The problem does not occur when the soft keyboard is closed and I navigate through the EditTexts and Button with the DPAD.I use ActionBarSherlock, and the problem occurs only on Android 2.x emulators, on the 4.x emulators everyth

  • roly
    android nfc
    I’d like to know if it’s possible to handle NFC while the phone is sleeping ? It seems that no intent is launched so I imagine that the system turns off the nfc ?

  • Neal
    java android json getjson
    Hey, I noticed this really weird behavior when calling getJSONArray. This is my code:JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(data);if (!jsonObject.getJSONObject(“transfer”).has(“skill”))return Collections.emptyList();JSONArray events = jsonObject.getJSONObject(“transfer”).getJSONArray(“skill”);now, whenever transfer has more than 1 skill elements, everything works great, but when there is only 1 skill element, Im getting an exception:Caused by: org.json.JSONException:Value {“id”:”2″,”name”:”DOGS”

  • MKJParekh
    java android date calendar
    I have faced the same problem many times.The Same Problem was With This Question and Got Solution Like the Same, How to compare known hours ad current hour in android?Problem :When I use Calendar calCurr = Calendar.getInstance(); to get the Calendar object of current date and time, It always return me wrong.I have put logs and checked it and to make it correct I had to add in years and months and then I got the correct object for Current Date and Time.See My Example :Calendar calCurr = Calendar.

  • tomjung
    java android
    been working on my app, I had 3 Icons because I had listed 3 intent filters with the action MAIN. Tried fixing it, and now I have no icons when the app is installed. Any idea why I don’t have an icon for my app?MANIFEST<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <manifest xmlns:android=”” package=”com.myAppName” android:versionCode=”1″ android:versionName=”1.0″ ><uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=”8″android:targetSdkVersion=”18″ /><!– and

  • ashughes
    android exception adt dalvik android-library
    After updating to the latest developer tools, ADT 14, my Android project that includes library projects will no longer run producing the error:Dx UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION: … already added: … … Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1The other threads describing this issue with solutions that include removing and re-adding the projects do not work.

  • Gagan
    android renderscript
    I intend to process RGB data through RenderScript.For this I’ve created Allocations in Java and passing them to RS Kernel function as below:uchar3 __attribute__((kernel)) invert(uchar3 v_in, uint32_t v_out) { v_in.r = …; v_in.g = …; v_in.b = …; }However ideally I would like to work on v_out in similar way i.e. setting values for v_out.r, v_out.g and v_out.b. Currently I can not do this with uint32_t v_out.Now if I define the above RS kernel as:uchar3 __attribute__((kernel)) invert(uchar3 v

  • Ramin Zahedi
    android opengl-es
    I have got some strange and unexpected results from my program in OpenGL ES for android for example in the code below:matrix = ThisRot.get(); gl.glMultMatrixf(matrix, 0); currentRotation.toMatrix(matrix); temp.set(matrix);I set the matrix value before I use it as an argument for gl.glMultMatrixf and after that I change the value of matrix and use it for another purpose, but it has effect an the way the object rotate so it should have effect on gl.glMultMatrixf(). and that’s not the only one, som

  • Ragunath Jawahar
    android xml resources adt
    I updated my ADT to the latest version after Gingerbread was released. And now<string name=”date_format”>%d:%d %s</string>shows the following errorMultiple annotations found at this line: – error: Multiple substitutions specified in non-positional format; did you mean to add the formatted=”false” attribute? – error: Unexpected end tag stringPrevious ADT version worked fine. Am I doing something wrong? I get this error whenever there are more than 1 format specifiers.

  • sunshine
    android in-app-billing
    I got this kind of error from last night..i dont’t know what’s going on.Is there any problem from my side?. I didn’t change my code but when i clear data or i restall the application it shows me like….!!!!!! frustrating……..05-05 04:18:16.000: E/Finsky(17538): [1] NotifyingErrorListener.onErrorResponse: Server error on InAppPurchaseInformationRequest: 04:18:16.010: D/Finsky(17538): [1] MarketBillingService.sendResponseCode: Sending response RESULT_SERVICE

  • vish
    android listview android-listfragment android-fragmentactivity android-lazyloading
    I am trying to implement lazy load on a listview in a tab fragment to load the elements of an array abc. I am trying to load 10 elements, then when the user scrolls down, next 10 elements will be loaded. But My app is not working as I am not able to jump to the UI thread in order to update it(runonUithread(returnRes); not working). COuld you [please take a look at the below code and suggest the right way to implement lazy load. Thank you.Fragment Class:package com.example.abe;import java.util.Ar

  • typedef
    android fragment android-listfragment
    I am developing an app in which there are three pan layout with fragments and each fragments are ListFragment. I am communicating between them via interface successfully but I am not able to update the ListView with new items. Here is my code of the ListView which need to be updated:public class SubChaptersListFragment extends SherlockListFragment {public interface OnSubChapterSelectListener {public void onSubChapterSelected(int position);}@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState

  • nomnom
    android android-listfragment
    I place two ListFragment in my MainActivity.This is the ListFragment xml file: fragment1.xml<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android=””android:layout_width=”match_parent”android:layout_height=”match_parent”android:orientation=”vertical” ><ListViewandroid:id=”@id/android:list”android:layout_width=”match_parent”android:layout_height=”match_parent”android:layout_weight=”1″android:drawSelectorOnTop=”false” /></L

  • Namikaze Minato
    android android-fragments android-listfragment
    I want to replace fragment B1 with fragment B2 after selecting listFragment A items.@Override public void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) {Integer Position = position;WebViewerFragment fragment = (WebViewerFragment) getFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;if (Position.equals(0)) {FragmentManager fm = getFragmentManager();WebViewerFragment newFragment = new WebViewerFragment();FragmentTransaction ft = fm.beginTransaction();ft.replace(

  • Sohan Badaya
    android android-fragments android-actionbar expandablelistview android-listfragment
    I have two tabs using tabhost. One tab having activity extends ExpandableListActivity. It works fine. Now I wanted to use actionbar for adding a layout. But it crash because of tabhost. so I thought of using actionbar for tab. I wanted to add the expandable list activity into actionbar’s tab. but its not adding as a I have 2 question here.Can’t we use activity in actinbar’s tab. If no then is there any implementation in fragment for expandable list view. Or Can I have tabhost and actionb

  • user3102133
    android-fragments fragment android-listfragment
    i am using fragment with Base Adapter and having Image icon in ActionBar. when i click on the image button i will change list view to Grid View and similarly. both List View and Grid View are in single class. 1 st time the view changed and all life cycle is called again i click on the icon the life cycle is not called app getting crashed. please help me to come out of this and please don’t rate me downThanks on Advance

  • user2407147
    android android-listfragment
    Facing an error which says My ListFragment Cannot be cast to It’s for a tablet app with a 2 pane layout and this is the left side. Getting a crash not sure why. Any help would be awesome.Code:import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import; import; import android.view.View; import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; import android.w

  • Bill Mote
    android android-listview android-listfragment
    I have problem with calling startActivity(intent) from onItemClickListener() on ListFragment. When I click on an item from listview the application crashes.Code is here: public class AndroidFragment extends SherlockListFragment{static{StrictMode.ThreadPolicy policy = new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder().permitAll().build();StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(policy);}static final String URL = “***”;// XML node keysstatic final String KEY_ITEM = “novost”; // parent node//static final String KEY_ID = “id”

  • Serj Lotutovici
    android actionbarsherlock android-listfragment android-menu
    I have a generic SherlockListFragment that is used in my App in different cases. This fragment has a Option Menu Item ( a SearchView), here is the code of the SearchView creation:@Override public void onCreateOptionsMenu(final Menu menu, final MenuInflater inflater) {super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu, inflater);inflater.inflate(, menu);final MenuItem searchMenuItem = menu.findItem(;searchMenuItem.setOnActionExpandListener(this);final SearchView searchView = (Sear

  • Santhosh
    android android-listfragment
    I was trying to implement lisadapter in a fragment, but Java does not allow to extend two superclasses. Thus I was not able to extend Fragment and ListActivity to the same class. Then I changed my app. I replaced all fragments with ListFragment. But When I run my application, it crashes. Earlier it was running fine. Could you pleasa help me out . Please find below the logcat entriesI have pasted the protab1.xml below:<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android=”ht

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