Cannot mount vmfs version 5 on linux-Collection of common programming errors
I know I can mount a vmfs version 3 on linux using vmfs-tools.
First I get the iscsi connection using open-iscsi
I then check in my partition tool to which virtual drive the iscsi connection has been mapped.
Expert Partitioner
?System View?????????????????????????Available Storage on serviceseta
????serviceseta ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
? ?+?Hard Disks ??Device ? Size?F?Enc?Type ?FS Type?Label?Mount Point ?
? ???RAID ??/dev/sda ? 2.00 TB? ? ?VMware-Virtual disk? ? ? ?
? ???Volume Management ??/dev/sda1?195.00 MB? ? ?Linux native ?Ext4 ? ?/boot ?
? ???Crypt Files ??/dev/sda2? 4.00 GB? ? ?Linux swap ?Swap ? ?swap ?
? ???Device Mapper ??/dev/sda3? 2.00 TB? ? ?Linux native ?Ext4 ? ?/ ?
? ???NFS ??/dev/sdb ? 1.56 TB? ? ?IET-VIRTUAL-DISK ? ? ? ?
? ???BTRFS ??/dev/sdb1? 1.56 TB? ? ?unknown ? ? ? ?
? ???TMPFS ??/dev/sdd ? 7.52 TB? ? ?IET-VIRTUAL-DISK ? ? ? ?
? ???Unused Devices ??/dev/sdd1? 7.52 TB? ? ?Linux native ? ? ? ?
????Installation Summary ??tmpfs ?498.27 MB? ? ?TMPFS ?TmpFS ? ?/dev/shm ?
OK I can see there’s two IET virtual disks and I can tell which is which from the size.
So I know I need to mount /dev/sbd1
and /dev/sdd1
One of these disks (extends actually) is VMFS3, the other is VMFS5.
I can mount the VMFS3 using
vmfs-fuse /dev/sdb1 /mnt/opensuse1600gb
However if I try the same using the big storage
vmfs-fuse /dev/sdd1 /mnt/opensuse7700gb
I get
Error stat()ing ‘/dev/ssd1’
If I then try
debugvmfs /dev/sdd1 df
I get
VMFS: Unsupported version 5
Unable to open device/file “/dev/sdd1”.
Is there some tool that supports mounting vmfs5?