
angularjs angular-ui angular-ui-bootstrap
I have been trying to wire up AngularUI to Bootstrap 3 to no avail. I grabbed the appropriate AngularUI code from the bootstrap 3 branch here: https://github.com/angular-ui/bootstrap/tree/bootstrap3_bis2I picked the AngularUI tooltip directive as an easy “test-case” to see if I can get it all wired up.There error I am receiving is: Uncaught Error: No module: ui.bootstrap I’ve shared a dropbox link with src code below. Views/Home/index.cshtml contains the markup with references to angularjs and b

angularjs angular-ui angular-ui-bootstrap
Everything is very “fresh” right now. I’ve got the angular seed project and I’m using the async index page. When I add a reference for angular-bootstrap It blows up. This doesn’t happen when I don’t load async style.How can I use AngularUI bootstrap with the $script loader?The errors I’m getting are: Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method ‘controller’ ui-bootstrap-0.2.0.js:9 (anonymous function) ui-bootstrap-0.2.0.js:9Uncaught Error: No module: ui.bootstrap.collapse new-job-ord

angularjs angular-ui angular-ui-bootstrap
New to AngularJS and can’t seem to find out what this error means. I’ve found a few others with the same error but it seems their issues don’t correlate to mine.Unknown provider: $modalProvider <- $modal error with AngularJS (Seems I’ve got the latest ui-bootstrap version)And all of the others seem to be having scope issues with a modal, yet I can’t seem to get the modal to begin with so I’m thinking these aren’t related. Please tell me if I’m wrong and how that’s the case:Scope issue in Angu

angularjs angular-ui angular-ui-bootstrap
I found a SO question that showed me how to use an Angular UI – Bootstrap typeahead with $http object. It worked fine (see first plunk) until I changed the Angular version to 1.2RC2 which it is now failing on. I do not know the Angular code well enough to figure out why. What changed between 1.05 and 1.2 to break this codeThis plunk works: http://plnkr.co/edit/eGG9Kj?p=previewThis plunk doesn’t work: http://plnkr.co/edit/HdVBpp?p=previewThe relevant codeHTML<html ng-app=”plunker”><he

angularjs angular-ui angular-ui-bootstrap angularjs-bootstrap
I’m trying to pass a promise to the Angular Bootstrap Typeahead, but I’m getting always the fallowing error: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘length’ of undefinedFactory:angular.module(‘app’).factory(‘geoCoding’, [‘$http’, ‘geoUtils’, function ($http, geoUtils) {var request= function(location){return $http.get(‘http://open.mapquestapi.com/geocoding/v1/address’,{params:{location:location}});};var ret = {};ret.locate = function (location) {return request(location).then(function (data) {if (data &

angularjs yeoman grunt angular-ui-bootstrap
I am trying to rungrunt buildfrom within a directory that was created by yo angularI installed angular-ui-bootstrap via bower. Locally I needed to add<script src=”components/angular-bootstrap/ui-bootstrap-tpls.min.js”></script>to my index.html andangular.module(‘app’, [‘ngResource’, ‘ngCookies’, ‘ui.bootstrap’])to my app.js. However every time I try to build the app I get this errorError: No module: ui.bootstrapat Error ()at /Users/nicholasshook/angular/pokerfund/angular_app/app/comp

javascript angularjs angular-ui angular-ui-bootstrap
I’m using AngularUI Typeahead, on the ‘index’ page of my app. I’m not doing anything fancy – in fact, I’m just trying to get the example they’ve got up on their UI site working, and I’m getting this error:Error: Template must have exactly one root elementI have no idea what this means, but it only happens when I have the following code:<input type=”text” ng-model=”selected” typeahead=”state for state in states | filter:$viewValue”>If relevant, my controller for my main page (which is calle

I try to use angular-ui-bootstrap datepicker and it upset me for a while with an error on firebug console (Firefox 21) saying Error: array is undefined indexOf@http://localhost:9000/components/angular/angular.js:526 arrayRemove@http://localhost:9000/components/angular/angular.js:535 JQLiteUnbind@http://localhost:9000/components/angular/angular.js:1630 JQLite.prototype[name]@http://localhost:9000/components/angular/angular.js:2203 .link/<@http://localhost:9000/components/angular-ui-bootstrap-b

angularjs typeahead angular-ui-bootstrap
I’m attempting to take the results of a typeahead and stick it into a bootstrap alert. I would like the user to be able to select multiple times from the typeahead select, and have this create multiple bootstrap alerts. Here is my sample. Currently the two issues are:alert does not work, even as a sample Alert and Typeahead are not talking to each otherjsfiddleMy html:<body ng-app=”testApp”><div class=’container-fluid’ ng-controller=”TypeaheadCtrl”><pre>Choice: {{selected| j

angularjs typeahead angular-ui-bootstrap
Using typeahead, I am trying to set a couple of options, which are available as standard Bootstrap typeahead optionsUsing the following code, I’m able to set the “minLength” property by putting it in-line as “typeahead-min-length”, but doing the same with “items” as “typeahead-items” does not. Is there a different/better/standard way to do this? Is there a way to attach an array of options to $scope?<div class=’container-fluid’ ng-controller=”TestController”><input type=”text” ng-mod

Julien Meyer
angularjs angular-ui-bootstrap
I’m using typeahead’s UI Bootstrap component and I want to force selection to validate my form. Is it possible to configure it to set the input invalid when ‘typeahead-editable’ is set to false and user enters a “bad” value or I should write a directive for this (but how ?)? ThanksUPDATE 2013-08-09 9:54: What do you think of the following solution : var formValidatorsModule = angular.module(‘app.validator.formValidator’, []);formValidatorsModule.directive(‘typeaheadForceSelection’, function() {

javascript angularjs angular-ui-bootstrap
This question already has an answer here:Setting and getting bootstrap radio button inside angular repeat loop1 answerI have a problem dynamically generating options for a radio model in angular’s ui.bootstrap. I thought I could simply ng-repeat over an array, using it’s contents for the btn-radio attribute like so://in the controller $scope.radioModel = undefined; $scope.radioModelButtons = [“a”, “b”, “c”];//in the html <div class=”btn-group” ><button ng-repeat=”value in radioModelBut

angularjs coffeescript angular-ui angular-ui-bootstrap
I am trying to replicate the following Angular UI example of a simple dialog with a close-button. https://github.com/angular-ui/bootstrap/blob/master/src/dialog/README.md. However, I cannot get the dialog parameter to be injected properly into my dialog controller. The controllers looks like below (using CoffeScript)angular.module(‘myApp’, [‘ui.bootstrap’])angular.module(‘myApp’).controller ‘MyController’, ($dialog, $scope) ->$dialog.dialog().open(‘dialogTemplate’, ‘DialogController’)angular.