UnKnown Error

php quotes cpanel 2014-2-17 0:21:06
I have a vps with cPanel/Whm/CentOS 5.5 and the problem is that all parameters sent to my server are being addslashed, I’ve checked out the PHP configuration and i found out that all the magic quotes are turned off and i don’t know what causes this.My code is so clean and i know every bit of it and i don’t have any addslashes() or some sort of these functions. i only want to receive the parameters as they are.URL: test.php?text=blah” ‘ ” ‘blah<?php echo $_GET[“text”]; // Output blah\” \’ \” \

Prince Ehsham
php 2014-2-16 23:53:22
How to do this by for loop ? I wants to set variable according to their existence in array …if (isset($sort[3])) $c = 3; if (isset($sort[4])) $d = 4; if (isset($sort[5])) $e = 5; if (isset($sort[6])) $f = 6; if (isset($sort[7])) $g = 7; if (isset($sort[8])) $h = 8; if (isset($sort[9])) $i = 9; if (isset($sort[10])) $j = 10; if (isset($sort[11])) $k = 11; if (isset($sort[12])) $l = 12; if (isset($sort[13])) $m = 13; if (isset($sort[14])) $n = 14; if (isset($sort[15])) $o = 15;

php windows browser 2014-2-16 20:34:07
I have an idea, and i have a single php local web page running on localhost and i want to use GUI for 3 buttons : shut down , sleep and restartIs PHP allows to me for these operations? Are there ready to write classes, methods in PHP?

php upload 2014-2-16 19:44:07
I am uploading profile images to a directory on the server. The script works fine, however I can’t seem to get anything but small file size images to upload. Anything above about 2mb fails. I don’t have access to the php.ini but I have added the following to htaccess with no luck. I have tried every other solution I can find online with no luck. Any ideas?php_value upload_max_filesize 10M php_value post_max_size 10M php_value max_input_time 400 php_value max_execution_time 400

Abilash Amarasekaran
php google-app-engine sdk 2014-2-16 17:01:53
I installed the latest SDK for php 1.8.1 and I am having trouble getting it to run locallyD:\google_appengine 1.8.1>dev_appserver.py –php_executable_path=D:\PHP\php-cgi.exe \Testing –port=5000INFO 2013-06-13 03:16:30,931 sdk_update_checker.py:244] Checking for updates to the SDK.INFO 2013-06-13 03:16:32,851 sdk_update_checker.py:260] Update check failed: HTTP Error 404: Not Found**WARNING 2013-06-13 03:16:32,861 api_server.py:314] Could not initialize images API; you are likely missin

php windows dll php-extension php-internals 2014-2-16 15:34:41
I’ve been attempting for a last few days to make use of the operator overloading extension (pecl.php.net/package/operator), which has apparently been updated recently to be compatible with 5.3 and 5.4.I’ve tried compiling it in windows (64-bit Windows 7) using this guide, with PHP 5.4 and Windows SDK 7.1 without luck. So I tried doing it with PHP 5.3 and Windows SDK 6.1 and I can get it to successfully compile with the config “configure –disable-all –enable-cli –enable-operator” and then “nma

php str-replace 2014-2-16 12:59:48
I am working on a file that should replace a variable in another file. So far I tried:$File = “$dir/submit.php”; $fh = fopen($File, ‘r’) or die(“Couldn’t edit the Config-file. Please report to admin.”); $chosendb = str_replace(‘$chosendb = comments;’,’$chosendb = wuhuws_$dir;’,’$chosendb’); fclose($fh);$dir is a user input. comments is a table in the database that need to replaced with the prefix_$dir.What do I do wrong?

php oop 2014-2-16 10:42:35
I want to call a function every time a method call is made in PHP.Example :$a = new a(); $a->function1();this would make 2 function calls: basicFunction() and then function1()Same would be the case for any subsequent method calls of that class. is this possible in object oriented PHP?

php configuration precompiling 2014-2-16 9:49:14
My application gets configured via a lot of key/values (let’s say 30.000 for instance)I want to find the best deployment method for these configurations, knowing that I want to avoid DEFINEs to allow for runtime re-configuration.I have thought ofpre-compiling them into an array via a php file pre-compiling them into a tmpfs sqlite database pre-compiling them into a memcached dbwhat are my options for the best random access time to these configuration (memory is not an issue) ? the best structure

php mysql 2014-2-16 8:43:48
I am trying to create a view from another view from php and im not getting any error but it simple does not create a view. I can manually create view from another in the mysql console but not from php. Any idea where I am going wrong?function createTransaction_file($db,$file_id){$sql = “CREATE VIEW transaction_file AS SELECT context,transaction_type,starttime,stoptime,stoptime – starttime AS runtime,correlator,parent_correlator,iteration FROM transactions WHERE file_id =” . $file_id . ” ORDER BY

Miles Chen
c# xml serialization 2014-2-16 16:17:10
I have a weird requirement on xml serialization.Refer the following C# code (which cannot be compiled due to the variable ‘rootName’ is out of scope). My intention is to make my class GeneralData be ‘general’. Which means this class can be serialized to different XML strings with different root element according to the input parameter for the class constructor.[XmlRoot(ElementName = rootName)] public class GeneralData : Dictionary<String, Object>, IXmlSerializable {public string rootName;p

Ryan Thames
java xml jaxb 2014-2-16 15:25:07
I’m looking to update our project’s jaxb version from 1 to 2. Has anyone tried doing this on their projects and are there any tips that anyone wanting to do this? I understand that each project is unique, I’m just looking for general tips.

c# xml web-services types 2014-2-16 15:07:10
I have a followup question to this question.I’m writing a web service which dynamically calls other web services, using the WSProxy class found here.Using WSProxy returns an object with a dynamic type, depending on the web service method called. For example, if I’m calling a method that returns…<StateCodes><StateCode><Code>AL</Code><Name>Alabama</Name></StateCode><!– and so on –> </StateCodes>then the object is of the type StateCodes[].If

Petru Gardea
xml xslt 2014-2-16 11:16:18
I have this XML file:<Response><errorCode>error Code</errorCode><errorMessage>msg</errorMessage><ResponseParameters><className><attribute1>a</attribute1><attribute2>b</attribute2></className></ResponseParameters> </Response>And I want the output to be:<className><attribute1>a</attribute1><attribute2>b</attribute2> </className>My current XSL file is including also “ResponseParam

java xml file servlets properties 2014-2-16 10:43:09
I have a web app in java, and in a servlet I need to load properties from a xml file.The code isXMLReader reader = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader(); … FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(“myconf.xml”); reader.parse(new InputSource(fis));My question is: where should the myconf.xml file be placed in the war file so the servlet can find it?Thanks

c# android xml xamarin 2014-2-16 4:59:10
I have this Button inside a RelativeLayout which is included as part of a custom ListView row Layout.<Buttonp1:text=”Edit”p1:layout_width=”75dp”p1:layout_height=”wrap_content”p1:id=”@+id/editButton”p1:layout_centerHorizontal=”true”p1:background=”@drawable/btn_blue”p1:textColor=”@color/white”p1:focusable=”false”p1:layout_below=”@id/sparyTableLayout”p1:textAppearance=”?android:attr/textAppearanceMedium”p1:onClick=”myClickHandler” />When the user clicks the Button, I want the Button to call t

c# xml xpath-2.0 xpathnavigator 2014-2-16 4:39:46
I want to read some Nodes from a XmlDocument-Object using the SelectNodes-Method and the XPathNavigator-Class.But C# is unable to evaluate this (validated with XMLSpy) XPath-Expressen://LogicUnit[exists(Level[@val = ‘R’])]/LogicLines[exists(LogicLine/DATAVIEW_SRC)]The Runtime throws the XPAthException “Namespace Manager or XsltContext needed. This query has a prefix, variable, or user-defined function.”I don’t understand this exception because my XML-Document doesn’t use any Namespaces and there

George Mauer
.net xml inversion-of-control castle-windsor 2014-2-15 20:34:32
I have the following component public class MyTimer : IMyTimer {public MyTimer(TimeSpan timespan){…} }Where timespan should be provided by the property ISettings.MyTimerFrequency.How do I wire this up in windsor container xml? I thought I could do something like this:<component id=”settings”service=”MySample.ISettings, MySample”type=”MySample.Settings, MySample”factoryId=”settings_dao” factoryCreate=”GetSettingsForInstance”><parameters><instance_id>1</instance_id></p

Adrian Collado
c# xml visual-studio dynamic 2014-2-15 15:26:40
I am trying to create controls at runtime by using an XML file. How would I access these controls after creating them with names specified by the XML file?For instance, if I had a series of controls in an XML file:<control id=”0″ type=”textbox”><param id=”0″ type=”(name)”>DynamicTextbox</param><param id=”1″ type=”location”>100,73</param><param id=”2″ type=”size”>119,20</param> </control> <control id=”1″ type=”button”><param id=”0″ type=”(n

android xml parsing 2014-2-15 3:54:40
I want to extractly diffrenece of four above types.When use SAXPaser,when use others..What is have effective ex.

java xml xml-parsing jaxb 2014-2-10 19:31:39
Am working with the server response with my application. am getting this stuff as response as string. <Body><HotelRQ xmlns=”urn:Hotel_Search”> <POS><Source Username=’USERNAME’ Password=’PASSWORD’ PropertyID=’PROPERTYID’ /> </POS> <AvailRequests><AvailRequest><StayDateRange Start=’2009-09-05T12:00:00′ End=’2009-09-06T12:00:00’/><RoomStays><RoomStay> <!-for Room 1-><GuestCounts><GuestCount Count=’2’/></GuestCounts>

python character-encoding python-3.x xml-parsing 2014-2-3 8:16:11
I have to parse some xml output (from a request to a web site) like below bellow. They are partly in English, partly in French. I am not able to decode and to print (on screen, on file) the French accents like ‘é’ or ‘à’When I use decode(‘utf-8’), I have a wrong result like ‘è’. I am using python 3.3. b’Extr\xc3\x83\xc2\xaamement fort et incroyablement pr\xc3\x83\xc2\xa8s</title><originaltitle>Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close</originaltitle><year>2011</year><

JD White
xml xml-parsing xml-schema jibx 2014-2-1 7:32:15
I’m using JiBX to unmarshall XML based on a XSD provided by external source; unfortunately, some of the ‘required’ fields are not always present in the XML, which is causing JiBX to throw ‘org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException: Missing required element’.I know I can edit the XSD files and change the ‘required’ fields to optional, but since these files are updated periodically I would rather not do this. Is there a setting in JiBX I can change (either at compile/binding time or at runtime) to ignore mi

c linux xml-parsing parser-generator 2014-1-29 5:19:41
I have a c program, that gets its settings from an XML file. Currently I’m using Xerces to traverse the data, but it’s getting quite tedious to map each XML-value to a variable.The same XML is also read by a Java program, which is much more convenient due to JAXB creating all the necessary classes and such in Java. I’m looking for something similar that can create a “structure of structs” or some such. It’s important that I get c structs, and not c++ classes, because this code will run on GPUs.I

php xml xml-parsing html-entities 2014-1-28 3:53:14
I am currently running into a problem where an element is coming back from my xml file with a single quote in it. This is causing xml_parse to break it up into multiple chunks, example: Get Wired, You’re Hired! Is then enterpreted as ‘Get Wired, You’ being one object, the single quote being a second, and ‘re Hired!’ as a third.What I want to do is:while($data = fread($fp, 4096)){if(!xml_parse($xml_parser, htmlentities($data,ENT_QUOTES), feof($fp))) {break;}}But that keeps breaking. I can run a s

objective-c memory-management ios6 xml-parsing 2014-1-24 19:25:14
I am parsing an xml feed (with a NSXML parser) where I need to create a bunch of the same object, foo, and then add these objects to a NSMutableArray. My question concerns memory management while I attempt this.As I see it, my two options are: 1) Create a factory method that creates the objects as I need them. This is my factory method, which I’ve added as a method in the xml parser.+ (id)create_foo { return [[foo alloc] init]; }2) I have automatic reference counting on. So I was thinking tha

groovy xml-parsing xml-schema spring-integration 2014-1-20 6:31:56
I am working on a Spring Integration project and writing a sample transformer using Groovy. Given below is the sample from the Spring configuration file –<int:transformer input-channel=”channel8″ output-channel=”channel9″><int-groovy:script><![CDATA[if (!payload.equals(‘hello’)) {throw new RuntimeException(‘invalid payload’)}payload]]></int-groovy:script> </int:transformer>I have imported the following namespace and also there is no error shown for the xml Sprin

c# .net xml-parsing cli desktop-application 2014-1-18 0:12:04
I have a CLI application which is able to edit XML files with some parameters.However I’m needing now a more powerful way to do it.I want to give users the option to edit XML files using custom code from a .txt for total control over the XML editing.For example:@CODE File<file name for XML editing> <code> # Custom XML parser/editing code for elem in tree.iter(tag=’location’): if elem.text == ‘J’:elem.text = ‘January’ </code>Which would be the safest way to do this in .net C#? I

android xml-parsing runtimeexception xmlpullparser 2014-1-18 0:11:33
I am parsing online Xml using XmlPullParserFactory and showing the details in a listview. I have put the condition for checking internet, but sometimes it takes time to fetch data and crashes.The code which I am using is below.private void runningABackProcess() {Handler mHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());Runnable myRunnable = new Runnable() { public void run() {try{//Thread.sleep(5000);new DoSomeTask().execute(); }catch(Exception e){}/

android layout xml-parsing layout-inflater 2014-1-17 23:56:32
I want display received layout file from server to user.after googling I find out I cant place my file in raw/asset folder and can’t use android’s LayoutInflater for inflat my file .one existing way is use Defaulthandler and processing it for creating views and viewgroups.please help me with represent other ways that I can use for this problem with example.thanks