UnKnown Error
c# c++ facebook facebook-c#-sdk windows-phone-8 2014-2-15 10:37:23
I try to reference facebook.dll – wp8 branch – within an app of type “Windows Phone Direct3D App (Native only)” project under Visual C++ VS2012, and I get the error:a reference to [dllname] cannot be added because the two projectstarget different runtimes.The restriction is that I cannot change the architecture of the application, so the main entry-point must be in the C++ project, and from here to call somehow the code written in C# for facebook.Based on http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/
internet-explorer internet-explorer-8 facebook 2014-2-15 6:59:11
On my site I’ve implemented Facebook login button and it works well on all browsers except IE. Not sure why on IE it doesn’t work well. You can see it broken on the main page of my website http://colnect.com with the following Javascript error:Message: Unknown runtime error Line: 43 Char: 729 Code: 0 URI: http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.jsOn two other pages with the exact same FBML code http://colnect.com/en/account/create and http://colnect.com/en/sfGuardAuth/signin the button appears and
php html facebook base64 2014-2-14 0:05:03
I have image that is being generated in runtime on my website and I display it in html using <img src=”data:image/jpeg;base64,<!– base64 data –>” />Now, I want for Facebook to fetch this image, but if I do the same for og:image meta tag, facebook debugger gives me an error. Any solution?<meta property=’og:image’ content=’data:image/jpeg;base64,<!– base64 data –>’/>Of course, I would like to avoid permanent saving of files since they are always different and it would g
facebook facebook-c#-sdk 2014-2-13 4:19:06
I just started the CSASPNETWebsite website which is a sample example site uses the c# sdk and the dynamic keywordThe main page contain the following code:var fb = new FacebookClient(this.CurrentSession.AccessToken);dynamic myInfo = fb.Get(“me”);lblName.Text = myInfo.name;I got the following exception: ‘Facebook.JsonObject’ does not contain a definition for ‘name’frommyInfo.name;(or myInfo.id or anything else that should be) the type of myInfo at runtime is Facebook.JsonObject, is it should be a
delphi facebook tags tagging photos 2014-2-13 2:43:04
I need a way to tag photos in a Delphi desktop application the way Facebook does it. That includes some way to easily add the tags over the people, and then hovering the mouse over the person in the photo to show the tag.The two suggestions in the answer given to: “Delphi Components for Face Identification and Tagging” don’t solve this.But I have no idea where to start, and have been unable to find ideas on the web on how to do this. How does Facebook do it? Or maybe there’s a component for Delp
ios facebook acaccount acaccountstore 2014-2-12 21:48:19
I’m trying to test sign-in with ACAccountStore, however it isn’t going very well.I’m trying to gain access to the account like so:ACAccountStore *store = [ACAccountStore new];ACAccountType *accountType = [store accountTypeWithAccountTypeIdentifier:ACAccountTypeIdentifierFacebook];NSDictionary *options = @{ACFacebookAppIdKey:@”12345678987654″,ACFacebookPermissionsKey:@[@”email”]};[store requestAccessToAccountsWithType:accountTypeoptions:optionscompletion:^(BOOL granted, NSError *error){NSLog(@”Ac
facebook fancybox facebook-javascript-sdk facebook-iframe facebook-canvas 2014-2-12 3:48:10
OK so I have a iframe canvas app with its height set to “Settable” with the facebook javascrip sdk calls to FB.Canvas.setSize(); and FB.Canvas.setAutoGrow();. These are working perfectly, as the iframe gets set to a certain pixel height based on its content.The problem is that when I make a call to Fancybox, it positions itself based on this height. I know that’s exactly what its supposed to do as the fancybox jQuery returns the viewport by:(line 673 of latest version of jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.
jquery ajax facebook 2014-2-11 8:34:43
I use ajax to render a content page with a Facebook Like Button plugin in it.The problem is that when the user clics Like, Facebook will extract meta info but I don’t know how to assign the meta with ajax.I tried using append to head int FB.init but it seems to not work and the update isn’t reflected when users like the page on Facebook$(‘head’).append(“<meta property=”og:title” content=”The Rock”/>’);
Vasile Marian Falama?
c# facebook windows-8 windows-runtime 2014-2-10 17:37:19
Is there any way you could determine an Image’s source has been set, without taking advantage of the ImageOpened event?I’m using Facebook SDK, to be more specific, the ProfilePicture control, which hasn’t this event (not sure if it’s related to Image actually) and I’d like to know when the image (profile picture) was downloaded and was about to be shown.P.S. : I tagged wpf for a wider “audience”, altough I’m looking for an answer that would work for windows-runtime apps, but I’ll take my chances
javascript jquery facebook iframe scroll 2014-2-10 15:57:44
I have a facebook app run inside an iframe. The problem is that if I have a smaller browser window, I scroll to the bottom to the app’s page list and select a new page, it will open in the iframe also in the bottom.I tried to add a #top to the links, linking to a name=”#top” element inside the new page, but this doesn’t work on Firefox (verified) and supposedly IE(not verified yet). For Firefox, I understood it’s a known issue and there are some workarounds to make a “scroll to top” link work, B
php database codeigniter module codeigniter-datamapper 2014-2-12 7:36:56
We are looking at adding DataMapper ORM into our Code Igniter HMVC setup.DataMapper looks very cool, but I noticed that the models are all tightly coupled with the has_one and has_many E.g. from the datamapper docs:class User extends DataMapper {var $has_many = array(‘book’);var $has_one = array(‘country’);……..class Country extends DataMapper {var $table = ‘countries’;var $has_many = array(‘user’);……..class Book extends DataMapper {var $has_many = array(‘user’);As I mentioned at the star
codeigniter session 2014-2-11 12:25:50
I save preferences of anonymous user in sessions.The issue is that when user did login,I have to clear previous sessions and start new one(for security reasons).It seems if I destroy session, then login function would do logout! Even though I use set_userdata after sess_destroy it cannot do login (maybe session after destruction becomes unusable). Using unset acts only on a few specified sessions.Is there any way to clear all sessions of the user without such a problem?public function login() {i
Peter O.
php sqlite codeigniter 2014-2-10 23:20:12
I am developing a record storage system which stores scanned, indexed and encrypted records in physical boxes.I have a method say “getAvailablePlace()” which checks what box and what seq is available for store. I want to lock this method. Ie when one user is entered into this method and he gets box:12 seq:55 as empty place..simultaneously at same time another user is accessing same method he may also get same values..box:12 seq:55 which is error prone.So if I can lock this method when one user i
php codeigniter 2014-2-9 17:22:27
I have a home controller with an index action that displays a set of featured products. However, the products are managed through a product controller including a proprietary model and views.How do I access product information from within the index action in the home controller? Instancing product won’t work as the class isn’t loaded at runtime and CodeIgniter doesn’t provide a way to dynamically load controllers. Putting the product class into a library file doesn’t really work, either.To be pr
php google-app-engine codeigniter 2014-2-7 23:49:37
I’ve made my entire site using the Codeigniter framework, and it is working well without any hassles (Note I’m using MySQL in the website).I’ve been told now to try and get it on to the Google servers as they are excellent for scalability. I just have one huge problem, is there any way or step by step tutorial that helps me do this as I’ve read up on Quercus which allows for the php to run but I haven’t found something explaining how to use the Codeigniter framework with the Quercus. Please any
php apache codeigniter persistence memcached 2014-2-6 12:16:51
I have a CodeIgniter project. I want to use Memcache, but I don’t want to create a new connection every time index.php is loaded (which is on every page load). How can I set up Apache / CodeIgniter so that I always have access to a memcache connection, without having to re-establish it all the time?
php mysql codeigniter 2014-2-1 23:22:17
I’m new to PHP/MySQL and super-new to CodeIgniter.. I have information in many MySQL tables. I want to retrieve it with JOIN where the tables primary keys are equal to $variable… How can I do it and get all the fields without the primary key field???What I’m doing now is this (only two tables joined here):function getAll($id) {$this->db->select(‘*’);$this->db->from(‘movies’);$this->db->join(‘posters’, ‘movies.id= posters.id’);// WHERE id = $id … goes here somehow…$q = $th
André Alçada Padez
php codeigniter 2014-1-29 16:46:50
i have a website with a dynamic navigational menu. I keep the controller (portuguese) names in a database, together with the translation to english.I want to know if it is possible to affect the ‘route’ array at runtime, so it would create those routes and cache it when the page is loaded.I hope I was clear enough, thanks for the help
Borut Flis
php codeigniter command-line doctrine 2014-1-29 15:32:37
I am using doctrine and codeigniter and I have an existing db.this tool supposedly enables generating models from a database. I try :php doctrine.php orm:convert-mapping –from-databaseBut I get a Runtime exception (NOt enough arguments)any ideas?
ios facebook facebook-graph-api 2014-1-26 1:47:02
I want an iOS app to switch between a number of Facebook apps during runtime.I want the user to be able to login and post under different Facebook App IDs depending which part of the iOS app they are using.The Facebook iOS SDK reads Facebook AppID from the .plist file. Is it possible to change the AppID during runtime and have the user effectively logged into multiple Facebook App at the same time?
Daniela costina Vaduva
facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-php-sdk 2014-1-10 12:31:23
I am working on a Facebook App that get the user Facebook albums and pictures. I all works fine but if the user has an album with no picture in it my app crash because it can’t get an album cover and album pictures count. I’ve tried to escape the foreach that I use but with no success. It “iterate” only the albums prior to the empty one. Here is the raw code snippet:<?php $albums = $facebook->api(“/me/albums”); foreach ($albums[‘data’] as $album) {$album_id = $album[‘id’];$album_cover = $a
Alexander Farber
android ios facebook facebook-graph-api air 2014-1-9 17:59:28
I have a small Facebook game, for which there are also free iOS and Android versions (both created with Adobe AIR) available.In the Facebook application settings I have entered the following data:My problem: when you visit popular Facebook games like “Candy Crash Saga” or “Diamond dash” on a mobile device (like iPhone, iPad, Android) then the corresponding app or the corresponding “install app page” in Apple App Store or Google Play is being launched.However in my case it doesn’t happen, why?The
Adam Storr
iphone objective-c facebook-graph-api 2014-1-9 14:58:22
I’m using Facebook SDK in my app, but need help with what happens when the login process is cancelled. I tried referencing another controller, but it crashes and I get an error of Instance variable ‘textview_facebook’ accessed in a class method.It looks like I cannot make graphical changes inside this kind of method… how can I get around this?Any advice? Thanks in advance!Facebook.m- (void)fbDialogNotLogin:(BOOL)cancelled {if ([self.sessionDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(fbDidNotLogin:)]
Arnaud Ad
php facebook-graph-api facebook-javascript-sdk 2014-1-9 10:36:45
i’m trying to get the facebook user name using the APIthis is my code:$facebook = new Facebook(array(‘appId’ => $this->app_id,’secret’ => $this->app_secret,’cookie’ => true, ));$session = $facebook->getUser();$me = null; if ($session) {try {$uid = $facebook->getUser();echo $uid;exit();$me = $facebook->api(‘/me’);echo $me;exit();} catch (FacebookApiException $e) {error_log($e);}$personLastName= $me[‘last_name’];var_dump($personLastName);exit();the line where it crashes:$m
android facebook facebook-graph-api 2014-1-9 3:09:44
I want to use a facebook friend picker as a UI for integrate a blacklist in my app. What I want to do is show user’s friends which use my app and allow the user to select some of them and put them in a blacklist. I have no problem with that but how can I re-show the previous user selection when he comes back to this picker a second time?I’ve tried the way suggested by il4.serg here and using a json to get the friends blocked, but when I try to add another friend, in the setOnSelectionChangedList
ios facebook-graph-api mkmapview grand-central-dispatch mkannotationview 2014-1-8 11:35:10
I am working on an app in which I am getting Facebook places and displaying them on MKMapView as annotations using following method.-(void) connectionDidFinishLoading: (NSURLConnection *) connection { latitudeArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init]; longitudeArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init]; nameArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init]; placeImgArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];[UIApplication sharedApplication].networkActivityIndicatorVisible = NO;NSDictionary *placesDict = [NSJSONSerialization
facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-opengraph 2014-1-8 9:12:14
I’ve been recently switching over to Open crash for all stream_publish actions and I’ve noticed a recurring issue:Object titles are not showing when viewing a post on Mobile, or the Web. I usually see this on the mobile app/web – where the object title isn’t being shown, but on the desktop web – it’s always there. Is there a character limit on mobile?OAuth Connection IssuesIn addition – some users are unable to login via Facebook. Every attempt to run through the traditional OAuth server side lo
Domi Nic
facebook facebook-graph-api 2014-1-7 5:01:37
I use the facebook share dialog from https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/dialogs/feed/Now i created my URL and it works:https: //facebook.com/dialog/feed?app_id=145634995501895&display=popup&caption=Mein%20selbst%20erstelltes%20Moebelstueck%20 &link=http%3A%2F%2Fmy-url.de&redirect_uri=https ://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer&picture=http%3A%2F%2Fmy-moebelstueck.de/fb/’.$pictureurl.’.png&description=Gestalte deine Moebel selbst!&caption=3D Möbelkonfi
ruby facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-like sinatra 2014-1-6 1:20:49
I’m trying to figure out whether or not a user likes our brand page. Based off of that, we want to show either a like button or some ‘thank you’ text.I’m working with a sinatra application hosted on heroku.I tried the code from this thread: Decoding Facebooks signed request in Ruby/SinatraHowever, it doesn’t seem to grab the signed_request and I can’t figure out why. I have the following methods:get “/tab” do@encoded_request = params[:signed_request]@json_request = decode_data(@encoded_request)@
Daniela costina Vaduva
facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-php-sdk 2014-1-10 12:31:23
I am working on a Facebook App that get the user Facebook albums and pictures. I all works fine but if the user has an album with no picture in it my app crash because it can’t get an album cover and album pictures count. I’ve tried to escape the foreach that I use but with no success. It “iterate” only the albums prior to the empty one. Here is the raw code snippet:<?php $albums = $facebook->api(“/me/albums”); foreach ($albums[‘data’] as $album) {$album_id = $album[‘id’];$album_cover = $a
facebook facebook-javascript-sdk facebook-php-sdk facebook-oauth 2013-11-15 3:06:03
Like many people I’ve found across stack overflow I’ve been experiencing an issue where after about 10-15 mins of time the users get randomly logged out and brought back to the “Login with Facebook” page where the button does not work without a press and a manual refresh.I setup the try { } of the getUser() to log any eception and what I found was the general error:OAuthException: An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.I quickly searched the net trying fi
php facebook facebook-php-sdk 2013-11-14 19:20:57
After looking for hours, I cant find an answer to this question. Hopefully someone can help me out. I’m using the latest facebook PHP SDK (v.3.2.0). I have a fan page of a company (page A) and several people of that company have fan pages as well (page B, C, D etc.). The issue is we want to have the posts of the page B (and C and D) posted to page A, but the sender (post user) should be page user B.Can you post to a page wall A as another page user B?I’ve tried everything and have the following
Brock Adams
facebook-graph-api like photo facebook-php-sdk 2013-11-14 10:26:48
I have this error: Fatal error: Uncaught OAuthException: Invalid OAuth access token signature. I can’t get the system (like button to do the like in a photo (page photo – no permissions require I guess) work.. Can somebody help me?test.php:<?php//include “dbc.php”;require ‘./src/facebook.php’;$url = (!empty($_SERVER[‘HTTPS’])) ? ‘https://’.$_SERVER[‘SERVER_NAME’].$_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’].$_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URL’] : ‘http://’.$_SERVER[‘SERVER_NAME’].$_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’].$_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URL’];$face
Gabriel Santos
php facebook facebook-php-sdk facebook-opengraph 2013-11-13 17:00:08
I have the follow code to login with Facebook:// Include Facebook SDK$this->facebook = new Facebook(array(‘appId’ => ‘APP ID’,’secret’ => ‘APP SECRET’,’cookie’ => true ));$uid = $this->facebook->getUser(); if($uid) {try {echo ‘Done!’;} catch (FacebookApiException $e) {echo $e;error_log($e);} } else {$loginUrl = $this->facebook->getLoginUrl(array(‘redirect_uri’ => ‘http://ogabrielsantos.com.br/dev/index.php?route=account/connect/facebook’,’scope’ => ‘user_birthday’)
php facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-php-sdk 2013-11-13 7:04:02
I’m experiencing something eerily similar to this question about an uncatchable PHP error thrown by the Facebook PHP SDK except for the fact that I’m not using PHP namespaces at all. This other question is also close, but doesn’t explain why the error is uncatchable. Further, in my case, I have a Facebook app that issues a Facebook Graph API call against an object that the current user has blocked. This is certainly awkward, but legal for the purposes of this particular app. That means I need to
facebook facebook-fql facebook-php-sdk 2013-11-13 7:00:08
I’m playing around with FQL with a Facebook iFrame app. I have just started getting an intermittent error recently when I attempt a simple FQL query such as get an array of the user’s friends… I get the following error message:Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: 102: Requires user session thrown in base_facebook.php line 1039The only thing that appears to clear this message is clearing all of my cookies. Simply logging out and back in to Facebook does not stop it. The frustrating thing is I that
facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-php-sdk 2013-11-12 23:24:12
I have created a Facebook Canvas App. This canvas app is essentially an image library, the user is able to view images by clicking a ‘Next’ button – pretty simple.I am using the Graph API to post to a custom object when a user has ‘looked at’ an image. I do this like so (PHP SDK):$this->data[‘facebook’]->api(‘/me/myapp:look_at’, ‘post’, array(‘picture’ => current_url()));current_url() is the current URL of the Facebook canvas (https://apps.facebook.com/myapp/image/id). This page has
Mehmet Uyar
facebook codeigniter facebook-graph-api facebook-php-sdk tankauth 2013-11-12 16:54:16
Sorry If there is a post like this question, I checked but I couldn’t find any..I’m using tank_auth_social for Facebook login.https://github.com/sicsol/Tank-Auth-SocialAlso someone mentioned this problem on issues but no reply..https://github.com/sicsol/Tank-Auth-Social/issues/2After user giving access from Facebook at first login it throws exception like this.Fatal error: Uncaught OAuthException: An active access token must be used to query information about the current user. thrown in /home/ha
php facebook facebook-graph-api facebook-fql facebook-php-sdk 2013-11-12 16:09:48
I am developing a php script for retrieving messages from a page (not user) in facebook. I have access to that page (it is mine) so if I must to modify something in config, I can.I tried the FQL query in graph api webpage from Facebook and it works. I get the file with all messages. But whenever I try it in my php script, it fails. I am trying it in a localhost server and calling the script : “localhost/testServer/phpScript.php” I don’t know if I have to add a parameter.I have checked many examp
Mehmet Uyar
facebook codeigniter facebook-graph-api facebook-php-sdk tankauth 2013-11-12 16:54:16
Sorry If there is a post like this question, I checked but I couldn’t find any..I’m using tank_auth_social for Facebook login.https://github.com/sicsol/Tank-Auth-SocialAlso someone mentioned this problem on issues but no reply..https://github.com/sicsol/Tank-Auth-Social/issues/2After user giving access from Facebook at first login it throws exception like this.Fatal error: Uncaught OAuthException: An active access token must be used to query information about the current user. thrown in /home/ha
Manny Calavera
php codeigniter swfupload tankauth 2013-9-19 22:33:21
I am using Codeigniter with the TankAuth library installed and trying to upload to index.php/reuqests/doUpload from swfupload but can’t access the page as authenticated. I have read many posts around the net about similar problem and tried to set $config[‘sess_match_useragent’] = FALSE; but still no difference. I have ended up skipping the login check in my controller for testing purposes. But now I need to access tankAuth library from my controller to get the current logged in user ID. It is r
codeigniter session tankauth 2013-9-19 10:45:23
My app is PHP / CodeIgniter / TankAuth. I have in my database an account balance of sorts, and I want to display this account balance on my app’s pages. So I’ve got in all nicely working, holding the balance in the session data.The balance only changes on login, under certain conditions. So in the tank_auth components, there is a controller, a library etc. The flow is that the Auth controller login calls on the Tank_auth library login function, where the session is created, and then calls on the
Ricky Mason
php codeigniter tankauth 2013-9-17 20:01:57
I’m trying to add the login_form from Tank_auth view into my HTML template.When I do so, it returns a few errors regarding missing variables, and I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.My controller:public function index() {$topbar[‘account’] = $this->load->view(‘auth/login_form’);$data[‘topbar’] = $topbar;$this->load->view(‘main_template’, $data); }Main template looks like:<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN” “http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd”> <htm
php codeigniter tankauth 2013-9-14 14:38:57
I am new to CodeIgniter and I use Tank Auth for my login form. When I try to put Tank Auth in my template, the login form doesn’t appear at all. I didn’t change anything but the controller.Here is my controller code:public function __construct(){parent::__construct();$this->load->helper(array(‘form’,’url’));$this->load->library(‘tank_auth’);//$this->load->model(‘users_model’); } public function index(){if (!$this->tank_auth->is_logged_in()) {$data[‘loginform’]
Sajad A
php codeigniter tankauth 2013-9-11 9:23:06
my login interface starts with error message.A PHP Error was encounteredSeverity: NoticeMessage: Undefined variable: login_by_usernameFilename: auth/register_form.phpLine Number: 10A PHP Error was encounteredSeverity: NoticeMessage: Undefined variable: login_by_usernameFilename: auth/register_form.phpLine Number: 12 if i press login button without out passing any values , tank_auth doesn’t promt me with error.instead it redirected me to welcome page with this error.Hi,A PHP Error was encount
Joe Schindel
php codeigniter tankauth 2013-9-8 9:12:21
I am Starting to work with codeigniter and am using Tank Auth as my Authentication Library. Currently trying to set up my application so the pages mysite.com/login and mysite.com/signup are custom views that load the login_form.php and register_form.php within the view I create. Currently I have a pages class that loads my custom views using a view method. Within the view method of my pages class I load the view using:$this->load->view(‘auth/login_form’);to load the view. When I go to
php codeigniter authentication tankauth 2013-9-7 23:15:26
My question is more of a conceptual one, since I’m rather new to working with users and sessions.My current setup is Codeigniter running with the Tank Auth user libraryMy problems I’m experiencing are, the users are being logged out while using the site, and therefor when I call the function to get the user ID, it returns an error “undefined”.What’s the best way to go about making sure the user isn’t kicked out in the middle of using the site? Can the session be “refreshed” if it’s nearing the
codeigniter tankauth 2013-9-3 6:27:55
I’ve seen question from this CodeIgniter: Passing fields to user_profiles database with Tank_authand my problem same as Davezatch have, but mine like this on auth controller:… if ($this->form_validation->run()) { // validation okif (!is_null($data = $this->tank_auth->create_user($use_username ? $this->form_validation->set_value(‘username’) : ”,$this->form_validation->set_value(’email’), $this->form_validation->se
php codeigniter tankauth 2013-8-20 1:11:30
I’ve started using Tank Auth in my CodeIgniter App, I have followed some tutorial steps to set it up, and as long as it works, it produces lots of error messages during account activation and logout. Here are the errors:A PHP Error was encounteredSeverity: NoticeMessage: Undefined index: session_idFilename: libraries/Session.phpLine Number: 272A PHP Error was encounteredSeverity: NoticeMessage: Undefined index: ip_addressFilename: libraries/Session.phpLine Number: 272A PHP Error was encounteredS