
Matthew Harwood
javascript angularjs dependency-injection module yeoman
I know this feels like a silly question but it really bothers me. I’ve learned when declaring a module in angular, that one must put an empty array, regardless of there being a dependency needed. EX: (basic angular added app)angular.module(‘ang6App’, [])However in Yeoman (the angular generator) this array[] is omitted; moreover, it crashes the app, if added.EX: (yeoman angular generator)angular.module(“ang6App”)What is this witchcraft in Yeoman? is there a difference between the modules implem

javascript underscore.js yeoman
I’ve written an app using Yeoman and backbone.js. At the top of every js file I have specified ‘use strict’; and when I run my grunt tasks jshint does not encounter any errors. I am able to build my app with grunt without issue however when I try to run the uglified js I get the following error:Uncaught SyntaxError: Strict mode code may not include a with statementI’ve searched the code base and the only things using a with statement is underscore.I’m new to strict mode so I’m not sure how I can

node.js yeoman
I’m using the webapp generator and I’m getting errors on a default build. I create a new directory and runyo webappThengruntAnd finallygrunt server:distThe Chrome console gives me the following errors:Allo ‘Allo! a53234b6.main.js:3 Running jQuery 1.10.2 a53234b6.main.js:3 Failed to load resource Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) Uncaught Error: Script error f

node.js three.js yeoman grunt bower
I installed threejs with bower install threejsThen after this I wish to have threejs in my page, so my app.js file starts with:define([“jquery”, “three”], function() {“use strict”;However when my page loads the Chrome console showsFailed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) http://localhost:9000/scripts/three.js Uncaught Error: Script errorWell, shouldn’t it be looking in components like it does for JQuery?Basically how can I get started with yeoman and install

Justin Boyd
javascript gruntjs yeoman
I did a clean install of Yeoman webapp. When I run the grunt server I get the following error:Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) http://localhost:9000/modules/main.jsUncaught Error: Script error for: main http://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#scripterror Has anyone else run into this issue and resolved it?

compass-css yeoman grunt
I’m building a single page app using the most recent yeoman build 1.0.0beta3 and compass 0.12.2When starting compass:server I get lots of errors, but during dev time all seems to be ok in my browser. grunt build then does not fail, but builds improper CSS output, so that the layout in the browser is borken. Maybe that’s all my fault, caused by a misunderstanding. What I have is a main.sass file with all my includes: // compass @import ‘compass’ @import ‘compass/reset’ @import ‘compass/css3’ …

angularjs yeoman grunt angular-ui-bootstrap
I am trying to rungrunt buildfrom within a directory that was created by yo angularI installed angular-ui-bootstrap via bower. Locally I needed to add<script src=”components/angular-bootstrap/ui-bootstrap-tpls.min.js”></script>to my index.html andangular.module(‘app’, [‘ngResource’, ‘ngCookies’, ‘ui.bootstrap’])to my app.js. However every time I try to build the app I get this errorError: No module: ui.bootstrapat Error ()at /Users/nicholasshook/angular/pokerfund/angular_app/app/comp

backbone.js requirejs handlebars.js yeoman
I’ve tried to follow this tutorials:http://www.gauntface.co.uk/blog/2013/07/18/cordova-web-best-practices/ http://rockyj.in/2013/05/11/yeoman_and_backbone.htmlto develop my test cordova application with yeoman and backbone…I’ve followed all steps but when I’ve tried to insert my first view the console gives me error about template…I’m novice in this and I don’t understand where I wrong.If I execute the code in my app source the console error is:**GET http://localhost:8888/LABS_and_TRAINING/T

This is the last part of my build:Generating the cache manifest- Command: phantomjs /Users/ablair/tmp/yeo2/yeoman/cli/lib/support/confess.js http://localhost:3501 appcache /Users/ablair/tmp/yeo2/yeoman/cli/lib/support/confess.jsonWriting to manifest.appcache… undefined:0 ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: requireFull log: http://pastebin.com/qECNNGSXThe result is that a server is apparently running, I can visit the localhost url but the javascript isn’t combined or minified. I’m using a fres

Running the latest of npm and node and I’ve checked to make sure their ownership privileges are correct, any ideas?TypeError: Cannot read property ‘bold’ of undefinedat Object.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/generator-webapp/node_modules/yeoman-generator/lib/util/common.js:5:56)at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)at Module.load (module.js:356:32)at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)at Module.require (module.js:364:17)at req

backbone.js generator yeoman
I tried to externalize my Underscore templates in files. Found that using yeoman was a good way to achieve this. I tried to make it works with this code (test.ejs only contains text) :var test = JST[‘app/scripts/templates/test.ejs’]; console.log(test());test() return undefined. I read Template not loading in a Backbone.js app – built using Yeoman and https://github.com/yeoman/generator-backbone/pull/20 especially. But it wasn’t help, test() was still undefined.Finally I read https://github.com/g

Edouard Lopez
undefined handlebars.js gruntjs yeoman
I’m working with yeoman, gruntjs and handlebars.js, but my template don’t load anymore with the following error in firebug:TypeError: Handlebars.templates is undefinedvar compiledTemplate = Handlebars.templates[‘cheatsheet.hbs’];Handlebars.JSIn my package.json, I got:”grunt-contrib-handlebars”: “~0.5.9” // previously used ~0.5.8Gruntjs tasksTask: handlebarsI’m compiling .hbs to .hbs.js files:handlebars: {compile: {options: {namespace: ‘JST’},files: {‘<%= yeoman.app %>/scripts/cheatsheet.hb

javascript angularjs yeoman
I am trying to run my AngularJS front-end on server. I am using Yeoman to build the app. I upload the very basic hello world app and I get plain HTML text withou JavaScript loaded. Console in Chrome says this:Error: Unknown provider: aProvider <- aat Error (<anonymous>)at http://../scripts/vendor/d10639ae.angular.js:2627:15at Object.getService [as get] (http://../scripts/vendor/d10639ae.angular.js:2755:39)at http://../scripts/vendor/d10639ae.angular.js:2632:45at getService (http://../sc