UnKnown Error

jquery ajax asp.net-mvc 2014-2-17 0:46:36
I have the below code which runs when an option in the drop down list is changed:function ddlSqlList_onchange(listItemId) {$.get(‘/SqlReportList/SqlQuery’, { “listItemId”: listItemId },function (data) { alert(‘succeeded’); $(‘#tbSqlQuery’).text(data); });}”SqlReportList” is my Controller, SqlQuery is an Action and listItemId is an input parameter for that action.public string SqlQuery(string listItemId){ // code here }It works locally fine but when deployed unto our dev server, it doesn’

jquery jquery-selectors 2014-2-16 21:03:23
I’m tying to select images based on their URLs, but for some reason it’s not playing ball:Ultimately I’m after something like:var imgs = $(“img[@src=’images/object.png’]:not(:hidden)”);But even with something simple like:$(“img[@src=’images/object.png’]”);This error is thrown: “TypeError: Object doesn’t support this property or method”.If I omit the @ from the query:$(“img[src=’images/object.png’]”);I get no items returned. I’ve copied and pasted the path directly from the generated html at run

Robert Harvey
javascript jquery javascript-events firefox-addon javascript-debugger 2014-2-16 20:35:16
I’m trying to debug a webpage that makes heavy use of JavaScript events, and so I need to monitor all JavaScript events that are fired.Most of the events are bound using jQuery. Hence, it would be particularly useful if there was a way to specifically monitor only those events.

jquery html table 2014-2-16 19:31:35
I have a table with rows basically like this.Normal Row Normal Row Normal Row Summary Row Normal Row Summary Row Normal Row Normal Row Summary RowSo basically X “normal rows”, which will always be followed by a “summary row”. The summary rows display aggregates of the data in the normal rows. I calculate the aggregates at runtime, hence the “summary rows” are naturally placed AFTER the normal rows that they aggregate.All I need to do, is move each “summary row”, above the clump of “normal rows”

jquery dojo widget on-the-fly 2014-2-16 16:43:36
I recently experimented with Dojo and figured that given a single dom node in the markup, I can construct the whole UI tree in an object oriented manner i.e., programmatically and not having to worry about escaping ids and making code like data. My question is in JQuery, is the same possible. My markup has a single root div and everything else needs to be added in response to some program event. I am hearing a lot of good things about JQuery and wondered if this was possible I could switch. Coul

javascript jquery dom dom-manipulation 2014-2-16 12:42:06
I know that doing multiple dom manipulations is bad as it forces multiple repaints.I.e:$(‘body’).append(‘<div />’).append(‘<div />’).append(‘<div />’).append(‘<div />’);Instead a better practise is apparently:$(‘body’).append(‘<div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div></div>’);but I am curious about virtual manipulationI.e:$(‘<div />’).append(‘<div />’).append(‘<div />’).append(‘<div /

jquery mobile tabs active 2014-2-16 7:23:48
I have a doubt in jquery mobile. I have set up a navigation bar. But I don’t how to keep it highlighted on selecting a particular tab. I am aware of the class ui-btn-active but don’t know how to apply it into the tab selected. Someone out there please provide a solution?

javascript jquery html snowflake 2014-2-15 11:56:41
Here is the code that i tried for snow flakes. Everything seems ok but once the certain period of time that script get unresponsive means (It slow down the browser firefox). I am not sure why this should happen. How can i make it as responsive without cause anything to browser. Here is FIDDLEHow can i make it responsive script which doesn’t cause any.! I think I made a mistake in looping the javascript function 🙁 Any Suggestion Would Be great.ThanksJavascript:// window.setInterval(generateSno

jquery html5 svg raphael 2014-2-15 9:41:27
I’m wanting to animate the cursive text below, from left to right.An example of want i’m trying to acheive can be found on the slaveryfootprint.org site. Select an electronic item in the link below, and watch the cables animate; http://slaveryfootprint.org/survey/#gadgetsI’m unfamiliar with SVG and SVG libraries like Raphaël js, so i’m not sure where to start. I’ve googled around, but not found a tutorial.EDIT: Find the first tag below, saved from illustrator, depicting the d first character:&

jquery silverlight flash html5 plupload 2014-2-15 6:04:39
I am using plupload (v and set it up a few weeks ago and everything worked. I have not touched it since then.Now it does not work. The file gets to 100% then I get this great descriptive errorIO error. Error #2038var renderImportForm = $(selectors.uploader).livequery(function (){var uploader = $(this).plupload({// General settingsruntimes: ‘html5,silverlight,flash’,url: urls.importCalendarsURL,max_file_size: ‘5mb’,max_file_count: 10, // user can add no more then 10 files at a timeunique

facebook fancybox facebook-javascript-sdk facebook-iframe facebook-canvas 2014-2-12 3:48:10
OK so I have a iframe canvas app with its height set to “Settable” with the facebook javascrip sdk calls to FB.Canvas.setSize(); and FB.Canvas.setAutoGrow();. These are working perfectly, as the iframe gets set to a certain pixel height based on its content.The problem is that when I make a call to Fancybox, it positions itself based on this height. I know that’s exactly what its supposed to do as the fancybox jQuery returns the viewport by:(line 673 of latest version of jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.

ruby-on-rails ruby ruby-on-rails-3 fancybox simple-form 2014-2-11 20:31:02
I have inside a fancybox box this form:<%= simple_form_for(@message, :remote => true, :html => {:multipart => true}, :url => { :controller => “users/messages”, :action => “create”} ) do |f| %><%= f.error_notification %><%= f.input :subject, :input_html => { :maxlength => 500} %><%= f.input :message_image, :as => :file %><%= f.button :submit, t(‘.send_message’), :class => ‘btn-large btn-primary’, “data-disable-with” => t(‘.send_message’)

Paul D. Waite
javascript jquery internet-explorer-9 fancybox 2014-1-18 5:39:51
Here is my HTML code:<a id=”hidden_link” href=”StatusNotification.aspx” class=”statusNotification fancybox.iframe”></a>And this is my jquery(fancybox) code<script type=”text/javascript” language=”javascript”> $(document).ready(function() {$(“.statusNotification”).fancybox({helpers: {overlay: {closeClick: false},// prevents closing when clicking OUTSIDE fancyboxtitle: {type: ‘float’}},scrolling: ‘no’,//prevents scrollingwidth: 600})$(‘#hidden_link’).fancybox().trigger(‘click’);

javascript jquery fancybox fancybox-2 2014-1-16 0:34:43
Yeah, I’m a JS newb…I’ll admit it. I have a page with a list of addresses and various icons next to them. One icon is supposed to bring up a fancybox 2 gallery of photos for that address. The photos themselves are not initially displayed on the page, but loaded on demand. I’m trying to pass the address ID and the number of photos to generate a list. However, when I call it, it just brings up the fancybox with the string value of PhotoList instead of the photos. function DisplayPhotos(ID,

c# jquery asp.net asp.net-mvc-3 fancybox 2014-1-15 20:07:20
I’m having this error Microsoft JScript runtime error: Permission denied, but still the function is working. There is just this annoying exclamation point on the status bar of IE. I found this link and looks like it’s the solution. But can’t get into it.Anyway here are the screenshots:1.Using fancybox, I have this selection page to be shown, then press save…The page returned perfect result, but with the exclamation point in the browser status bar. When in VS2010 debug mode, the dialogbox Micro

jquery fancybox fancybox-2 jquery-callback 2014-1-14 20:09:12
Is there any way of defining call back function at run time. Here is what I need. I am using fancybox.$.fancybox.open({href : ‘#modal_div’,minWidth:1150,minHeight:820,width:1150,height:820,autoResize:true,afterShow:function(){set_buttons();}});In another part of script, If the value received from server side is “true” then fancybox closes. What I what is to define a callback “afterClose” so as to do some specific thing only when server response is true otherwise not and it should simply close.$.

Tom Medley
jquery fancybox 2014-1-13 16:43:19
I have a fancybox based image upload application. In the first step when I clickd a button labled “uoload photo” it displays a fancybox with a file upload field and a submit button. On submitting it displays the uploaded image for edititing. But what I want is to change the height of fancy box larger to wrap the uploaded image. I used$.fancybox.resize()and tried these things jQuery FancyBox Resize which also did not help me.

javascript jquery html fancybox 2014-1-7 2:58:50
I have this method:checkFancyBox=function(){ldValue=LD(user,’admin’)+LD(pass,’admin’);if(ldValue<2){myHashMap[pass.concat(user)]=ldValue;$.fancybox({content: “<span style=’color:black’>Wrong username or password. </span>”, showCloseButton: true,transitionIn: “elastic”});$(‘#funny’).show(“”);return false; } };when it is placed within the :$(document).ready(function() { //… checkFancyBox(); //…checkFancyBox=function(){ /*…*/ }; };it crashes and instantly refreshed,and when wh

javascript jquery fancybox concrete5 2014-1-6 18:05:26
I have the following code in my page:<script type = “text/javascript”> $(document).ready(function() {// Fancy LightBox$(“a[rel=group]”).fancybox({‘transitionIn’ : ‘elastic’,’changeFade’ : ‘fast’,’transitionOut’ : ‘elastic’,’titlePosition’ : ‘over’,’overlayOpacity’ : ‘0.6’,’showCloseButton’ : false,’overlayColor’ : ‘#000000′,’titleFormat’ : function(title, currentOpts) {return ‘<span id=”fancybox-title-over”>’+ (title.length ? ‘ ‘ + title

jquery fancybox 2013-12-26 13:06:32
Is it possible to make another fancybox() call on a callback like afterClose?Actually what I intent to do is once I close the fancybox window I again need to call a new fancybox() in order to display some images.The method I tried was: // the structure code belowjQuery(“#view_images”).fancybox({afterClose : show_images });Here show_images is a method that again calls a fancybox() to display image slideshow. But I get an error in my console “too much recursion”. Could anybody give me some pointe

javascript angularjs yepnope 2013-11-9 21:58:50
I’m writing an app with mostly two javascripts, resources_loader.js and app.js, where the first loads some json files used by app.js.The problem is: app.js (which has angular.js stuff) should run only after resources_loader.js. I tried to run angular code inside the success callback (resources_loader contains a deferred), but this not seems to work well. Here’s my index.html:<!doctype html> <html ng-app=”myapp”> <body><script src=”angular.js”></script><script src

javascript jquery google-chrome yepnope 2013-11-8 17:35:52
I’m using yepnope.js to conditionally load css and js files into my page.I’ve merged my JS files into a single file. The structure is as follows:/* file */// – copy pasted Jquery 1.7rc2.min here -(function () { console.log(“enabled hold”); jQuery.holdReady(true); })();// – copy pasted yepnope.min here -yepnope([ {test: condition,load: [css files] },{load:[js files],callback: function () {…},complete: function () { jQuery.holdReady(false); console.log(“hold released”);} }]);/* end of file */and

Frank Parent
javascript css asynchronous modernizr yepnope 2013-11-6 22:20:41
I’m trying to load a dynamically generated Google Font stylesheet using Modernizr (YepNope) but always get this error:Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL (css:1)My stylesheet looks like this:http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Holtwood+One+SCand I’m calling it viaModernizr.load({load: [‘css!http://fonts.googleapis.com/cssfamily=Holtwood+One+SC|Terminal+Dosis:700’],callback: function (url, result, key) {console.log(‘loaded…!’); } });The website says this but for s

jquery fancybox yepnope 2013-11-5 22:02:56
I’m trying to conditionally load Fancybox js and css code and execute it on an element only if the element is present and I’m in a particular page. So far I’ve been trying the following code:yepnope({ test : jQuery(‘body’).hasClass(‘edizioni’), yep : [‘/assets/css/jquery.fancybox.css’,’/assets/js/libs/jquery.fancybox.pack.js’,’/assets/js/libs/jquery.mousewheel-3.0.6.pack.js’,jQuery(“#gallery a”).fancybox()] });I get a Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method ‘fancybox’I guess jq

jquery ajax yepnope adobe-edge 2013-10-19 19:19:38
So I´m trying to retrieving an Edge animation through jQuerys $.getScript() which is the same as calling $.ajax with dataType: script.Now if I include the script with a script tag it works fine, but when I try to load and execute the script through $.getScript() nothing happens. (I dont get any errors, and the script and sub-scripts are loaded fine – but nothing happens.)Have anyone tried doing this before? I suspect I have problems loading it through AJAX because Adobe uses yepnope in page_a_ed

modernizr yepnope 2013-9-30 10:31:52
I’m using a CDN to Load Bootstrap.css. My question is how can i check if CDN bootstrap was loaded/found. And if it wasn’t, then load local Boostrap.Here’s Jquery fallback..<script type=”text/javascript”>Modernizr.load([{load: ‘//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.1/jquery.min.js’,complete: function () {if ( !window.jQuery ) {Modernizr.load([{load: config.js + ‘vendor/jquery-1.10.1.min.js’,complete: function () {console.log(“Local jquery-1.10.1.min.js loaded !”);}}]);} else {console

Ash Clarke
javascript jquery document.ready yepnope asynchronous-loader 2013-9-10 22:25:18
I have been implementing the yepnope script loader as part of the modernizr.js library. I have successfully got jQuery to load and jQuery dependent scripts afterwards. I am new to asynchronous loading of resources, so it’s a bit new to me. I have been searching around, but haven’t had much luck with the following.My question is what are your opinions on how to effectively replace the functionality of $(document).ready() when working with the yepnope.js framework. My theory was to create a approp

javascript modernizr yepnope 2013-9-3 21:07:36
How come this alerts both, yes and false?Modernizr.load([{test: Modernizr.cssgradients,yep: alert(‘Supports it!’),nope: alert(‘Oh, damn! This browser sucks!’)} ]);I’m using the latest chrome on OS X.

jquery iframe internet-explorer-8 jquery-ui-dialog yepnope 2013-9-1 6:01:57
I am using jquery modal dialogue, within dialogue we embedded iframe. iframe contain button “Show search result”at 1st attempt of “Show search result” button click, nothing happen. My result is not rendering in table (probably server request is not firing).It appears only when I switched to other tab of browesr, 2nd time onwards table rendering properly. var __run = function(getData) {yepnope({test : $.fn.flexigrid,nope : [ ‘www/css/flexigrid.css’, ‘/www/javascripts/flexigrid.js’],complete : get

javascript angularjs modernizr yepnope 2013-8-31 18:55:33
Modernizr.load({ both: [a, b] }) seems to executes b before a but that’s not how Modernizr is supposed to work? “yepnope.js [used by Modernizr] always executes things in the order they are listed”Modernizr versions 2.5.3 and 2.6.2.I’m loading angular.js and angular-sanitize.js like so:Modernizr.load({both: [cdnDir + ‘angular.js’,cdnDir + ‘angular-sanitize.js’,d.i.assetsUrlPathStart + ‘debiki-dashbar.js’],complete: bootstrapAngular })However, infrequently, angular-sanitize.js dies because angular