UnKnown Error

Brad Mace
installation antlrworks2 2014-2-16 21:39:08
I downloaded antlrworks2 from the tunnel vision labs website and tried to install it by running the antlrworks2.exe but getting the error “antlrworks2.exe is not a valid win32 application”. I tried it on Win server 2003 as well as Win 7 32 bit but I got the same error.I am using VS 2008 for development as the target language would be C#.Is that the right way to install antlrworks? I believe antlrworks is a stand alone application or do I also need to install antlr? Has it got any dependency?

Alex Farber
linux unix installation packaging directories 2014-2-15 15:55:25
I am writing installation script for my program, which is supposed to run on Linux/Unix OS. What is the default directory for the following files:Executable files (programs). Program should be executed by typing its name from the command line. Shared libraries. Third-party shared libraries (the program is not open source, so I need to redistribute third-party libraries). Read-only program configuration files for all users. Configuration data available for read/write access for all users.

installation 2014-2-14 21:28:47
I’ve done this a million times … setting up a developer work station. Is there a best practices, or installation checklist for installing Microsoft development software on a work station? What about applying updates and/or service packs? Is there a specific order for doing this, in hopes of minimizing any install issues.Our current software library consists of:Visual Studio 2003 Visual Studio 2008 SQL Server 2005 Microsoft Office 2007We do use some other tools, but I usually hold off on i

.net installation 2014-2-14 21:13:45
I have to install the .NET Framework 4.0 to run a program, and I’ve googled around to find what to install, but the only thing I can find is this.The description there says (emphasis mine);The Microsoft .NET Framework 4redistributable package installs the.NET Framework runtime and associatedfiles that are required to run anddevelop applications to target the.NET Framework 4.Now I know that for Java, there are two packages you can install – the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) which only allows you

java windows osx installation 2014-2-14 12:49:38
I have a Java desktop app that runs on both the MacOS and Windows. I understand that I cannot have one distribution for each, which is not a requirement.I need to know what tool or tools is best to use when delivering a Java app for each. The tool should install prerequisites (in this case, Java and some JARs) and look native to the respective operating system.

Manish Kumar Namdev
android installation flash-builder 2014-2-13 18:38:22
I have built and android application using Flash Builder 4.6 with captative runtime. When I’m running this application on my Motorola phone it works fine. But as I try to install it on my Galaxy Nexus phone this is’nt working and stating an error Error Parsing in Package.I’m confused what to do because the same applicaiton is running fine on one device but popping up an error on another device that have good and enough configuration to run the device.Please guide me with you valuable experience

installation runtime driver rhel 2014-2-13 13:01:10
I am not able to install the DUD image of a driver and blacklisting a in-build driver on run time on rhel 7While on Rhel 6 i was able to do by following boot command:boot>> linux dd blacklist=driver_name dd -> Used to search for a driver of .img format blacklist -> Used to blacklist or stop a driver install on runtime can check the blacklist driver after installation in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist

c++ installation msvcrt 2014-2-13 5:49:38
I’ve been looking online and at my registry and I think not, but it would be nice if we could get a definitive answer on here.Just the run time, as in for re-use on the client side.I see it is possible for VC10, http://blogs.msdn.com/b/astebner/archive/2010/05/05/10008146.aspx, but prior to that we need to call the MsiQueryProductState API. Perhaps just give all the clients MSVCR100.DLL already?

java installation desktop 2014-2-12 13:42:59
I am working in a java application. It is desktop application for Windows Operating System. I am creating a installer for my application. My application works fine for the system where jdk is insalled. I also want to run my application where jdk/jre is not present.For this i am providing jre1.7 along with the installer. I am using advanced installer for creating exe form my application’s jar file and providing JRE 1.7 along with all the lib files which requires in my application.When i install a

.net entity-framework installation dependencies 2014-2-11 19:48:59
I have create .net windows application in vs2010 with entity. I have added mydatabase.mdf file in the application to store data. It is working fine when i executed in visual studio. Now I have created setup project and added mydatabase.mdf file after selecting primary output. When i installed this on my computer then i got error “System.Data.EntityException” with Stack:at System.Data.EntityClient.EntityConnection.OpenStoreConnectionIf(Boolean, System.Data.Common.DbConnection, System.Data.Common

2.3-gingerbread samsung-galaxy-s-2 crashes system-freeze 2013-12-9 15:19:16
I am using Samsung Galaxy S2 for last 4 days. After two days of usage, I am experiencing phone hanging frequently. It just freezes while operating. The screen light won’t go off and screen stays freezed. Only way out is press & hold power off button and restart S2. I was using a launcher called, Go Launcher EX. Thinking this launcher is making the problem, I uninstalled everything related to this. But it didn’t fix the problem.I am running the following applications other than the defaul sam

4.1-jelly-bean crashes 2013-12-9 14:32:22
I bought a Sony Xperia P four months ago. It came with Gingerbread, but was upgradable to ICS. I upgraded it as soon as I got the chance. It was working excellent after the upgrade and didn’t give me any chance to complain(except battery consumption). Yesterday I updated the phone to JellyBean(4.1.2), which was just rolled out. And the phone became laggy like any 3 year old phone. I haven’t changed any apps, just updated it. And now after more than 12 hours and 5-8 reboots, it’s still laggy. I

crashes angry-birds 2013-12-9 14:14:19
I have a Prestigio Multipad PMP3370B and for some reason I can not play the Angry Birds app on it.I have downloaded the app from the Google Play Store but when I try to play it the screen goes blank for approx 3-4 seconds, as if the game was loading but then it just returns to the home screen of my device.I have uninstalled & re-installed the device several times but to no avail. I have even done a factory reset of my device but again no luck.This tablet was bought for the specific purpose o

cyanogenmod camera crashes bugs lg-optimus-one 2013-12-9 14:01:14
I have an Lg Optimus one(LG-P509) running CyanogenMod7 stable. Apparently there is a bug with the camera device. If the screen is turned off while the camera is active, the camera won’t initialize again. If I try to start the camera up, it freezes up and crashes with a “Camera not responding” popup. It kicks me back to the home screen afterwards.The camera is usable again after a reboot, however it can still happen again. I’ve found that the bug is not limited to the stock camera app, it still h

applications settings crashes 2013-12-9 14:00:11
Something happened on my HTC Tattoo (V1.6) this week that caused lots of apps to crash on start-up. I think it may have been due to their settings getting corrupted somehow, but I don’t know what caused that.I’ve been able to get some working again by uninstalling them and then installing them again. Obviously I lost any set-up by doing this.Is it possible to reset the settings for a given app? I don’t even know where they are stored. Is it in an .xxx type file as on Linux? It would be useful to

4.1-jelly-bean reboot crashes 2013-12-9 13:42:57
Samsung Galaxy Nexus (Verizon) with Android 4.1.1 (unrooted).I seem to be having unusually frequent reboots of my phone; sometimes multiple times in a day. Certainly much more frequent than with Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0.4).Additionally, my battery life seems to be lower since the upgrade from 4.0.4. (It might be my imagination, but it might be running hotter than I remember, too.)I’ve been looking for some common denominator but I’m baffled.What can I do to try to find out what is causing these c

samsung-galaxy-s-3 crashes system-error nfc 2013-12-9 13:40:53
I have a quite new Samsung Galaxy S3 4G (GT-I9305). It is running an unmodified & unrooted version of Android 4.1.2. It works mostly perfectly fine, but there is a slight problem with NFC.I have edited the buttons visible in the notification center. I have added the NFC switch to the buttons. My problem is, the button is not working. It is disabled, and has no green/gray indicator.However, when I tap the S Beam button S Beam and NFC get enabled.After this, if I tap NFC with S Beam either ena

rooting crashes 2013-12-9 13:40:22
After rooting my 1st phone, my only phone, I played around with SD Maid a little. I had been reading, page after page, and forum after forum on how to install a ROM. I don’t think any two people gave the same answer. I installed it and I think I might have screwed up on the backup and restore part, and possibly a good portion of the final steps.I’m honestly not sure, because like I said, every page gives different instructions. But now I can’t get into contacts, or anything even related to conta

crashes sony-ericsson-xperia-ray 2013-12-9 13:29:39
I have a Sony Ericsson Xperia Ray.When i first bought the phone, it came with a 4GB class 2 microSD without a brand name. I could play games without problems and it was pretty stable.Then I bought a cheap 32GB microSD without any class. I moved my files from the old card into a new one by copy-pasting them. When I play games (mostly big-sized games) the games will sometimes suddenly crash to homescreen without any “force close” option.Then I thought it was maybe because of the cheap microSD so I

performance crashes 2013-12-9 13:12:46
I read that it is used on the computer. It has been coming up on my Android Galaxy 2 s. It is on at least 3 times at once and up to 7 or 8 at once. They are called kworker/0:1 through kworker/0:4 and/or kworker/u:1 through kworker/u:4 Occasionally, it comes up as using about 80 % of the CPU. My phone also regularly crashes as of recently. Could kworker be the problem? The virus I have also is kind of trojan-based and has popups when I restart my phone sometimes. Also, when my phone is asleep, an

android unix process terminal busybox 2014-1-26 12:19:13
Suppose this:Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process process = runtime.exec(SU); DataOutputStream processStream = new DataOutputStream(process.getOutputStream()); processStream.writeChars(“cat /qwerty”); processStream.writeChars(EXIT); processStream.flush();int status = process.waitFor();Log.d(“EXIT STATUS”, String.valueOf(status));process.waitFor(); causes current thread to wait forever. I guess the problem is with that invalid command(I made that deliberately). But how do I handle such

shell prompt busybox 2014-1-15 12:41:44
I am trying to setup busybox’s ash on an embedded system to support expanding the PS1 prompt statement. I have it currently set asPS1=’\u@\h:\w\$ ‘However, all that is displayed is literally \u@\h:\w\$. My environment vars areHOSTNAME=linux USER=root and my pwd is /So what should be displayed is root@linux:/$. Is there something special I need to do to get the PS1 to expand correctly?One thing I noticed is my SHELL variable is /bin/sh even though in my /etc/inittab I have the following linettyO0

linux usb busybox hot-plug 2014-1-15 12:31:57
I have an embedded system with Linux kernel v3.0.35 and Busybox v1.20.2. If I plug a USB flash drive in before starting the operating system the boot process mounts it to the proper place, with the proper file system (/mnt/sdaX). So, it works. But! If I plug a device in meanwhile Linux is running, nothing happens.lsusb does not shows the device, /proc/bus/usb/devices is empty, /var/log/messages and dmesg don’t show new informations.Why my linux won’t detect USB connection changes?

python lighttpd ifconfig browser busybox 2014-1-14 13:22:32
Problem is I cannot run “ifconfig” or similar commands via browser.Environment: Programming language : python Server : lighttpd(CGI) , running on busybox. Well machine is really small and so I am really restricted. Tried techniques:chown every script to root. But there is no differences.Why?Because lighttpd runs under another user, I mean not under root. As it is not root, when I try to run script from browser it always calls the python file with its uid. So it makes it impossible to run “ifcon

data-recovery busybox lost-found 2013-12-17 15:46:14
I have a NAS appliance that crashed last weekend. The IT guys apparently / maybe didn’t recover it in the right way? There’s about 50,000 directories in a “lost+found” directory each with a numeric name like “#4289756”. It looks as if all the missing files are within these directories, each with the original date and owner information (Linux). I need to organize them so they are findable to the staff.My goal is to copy / move these files into a structure so that each employee has their own folde

linux shell networking embedded busybox 2013-12-17 11:57:04
I have a network share named dreambox on C:\dreambox that is shared with the group Everyone in Windows. I have mounted it to /hdd on a Linux-based STB with OpenDreambox (OpenEmbedded) using Telnet (PuTTY).I have done so to enable the STB to record TV show to my PC without a dedicated eSATA disk drive.I now wish to undo this, because I want to use a different PC for this and stop using this one.This is the command I have used after connecting to the box over telnet and logging in:cd / umount -t c

java embedded busybox 2013-12-17 2:53:36
I have a Java application running on an embedded linux (BusyBox v1.12.4). I am using CDC 1.1 and the version of the VM (cvm) is CDC HI phoneme_advanced-Core-1.1.2-b111.The application’s main purpose is to collect some data and send it via GPRS (using the FTPClient of the Apache commons library)The application was running fine, and then lately I added the ability to compress a file before sending it. Following is the code that compresses the file:public static boolean compressFile(String file, St

ubuntu ubuntu-10.04 recovery crash busybox 2013-12-14 22:57:04
I am running Ubuntu 10.x on one of my boxes. Yesterday the SPM popped up during a session, with the choice to install the latest updates. I agreed (like I have done many times before). This time, during the installation, the system crashed, the SPM reported that a Python exception had occured during the installation (unfortunately, I don’t remember on which stage of the installation the exception occured).I rebooted the system, since I could not get rid of the SPM dialog box which was displayed

Crazy Chenz
busybox initramfs 2013-12-14 2:13:59
Why use nash instead of busybox in initrd and initramfs?I’m just looking for pros and cons of both really (and any other applications with similar functionality). I’m currently leaning towards busybox being the better option, but I can’t help but wonder why redhat and fedora use nash in their initrd.Is it strictly for business reasons, or is it technical?Thanks, Chenz

installation crashes busybox 2013-12-9 9:45:08
I’m trying to install BusyBox on my rooted stock Droid DNA.Every time I try the normal install, it fails saying that the program can’t be installed in /system/bin. If I do the smart install, it crashes and restarts the phone.Anything I can do to make it work?Edit so I looked through the busybox applet manager and about 20-30% are installed/symlinked by the smart install before it crashed the phone. I don’t know if this is going to make a difference. Also, would I be better off not doing it this