
content-types drupal-commerce mysql wsod
I am running a Drupal Commerce Kickstart 1 on top of it (D7)site on localhost/xampp (1.7.7). Now: When I go to Content Type (/admin/structure/type), and click Edit on a given type or New Content Type, i get the white screen or a server 500 error. I can access manage fields and manage display on the same page. When I go to drupal error logs, there is no trace of the error. Neither can I find a trace of the problem in /opt/lampp/log/error_log. Tried to increase allowef script time / php mem

7 drupal-commerce addressfield checkout
I want to prepopulate commerce billing address in checkout process and make all fields in the address field readonly.I’ve tried the next code:$form[‘customer_profile_billing’][‘#disabled’] = TRUE;But disabling didn’t help me because values are not submited when field is disabled. And I get the notice:Notice: Undefined index: customer_profile_billing incommerce_customer_profile_copy_validate() (line 1372 of …I also’ve tried the next code but it doesn’t solve anything:$form[‘customer_profile_bil

Aaron Ortega
7 drupal-commerce payment-gateway
I am working with Drupal Commerce to create an e-Commerce store. However, I am having some trouble with my client’s gateway of choice, First Data. I have everything set up as directed (I believe) but when I try to submit an order the page times out and I am given this error message. (This happens if I am testing a transaction live, test authorized, or test denied)PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away: INSERT INTO {watchdog} (uid, type, message, variables,

Stan Ascher
drupal-commerce shipping
Implementing shipping 2 is becoming a bit more troublesome than i had anticipated.Right now, I am getting the following error on a White Screen of Death when I install commerce shipping 7.x-2.0-beta1Fatal error: Call to undefined function commerce_shipping_services() in /var/www/html/nidadev/sites/all/modules/contrib/commerce_shipping/commerce_shipping.rules_defaults.inc on line 44I am not sure what to make of this Is there something obvious that I am missing?Is there some sort of update to rule

Martin Duys
drupal-commerce feeds
I have just upgraded to core 7.15 and updated all my modules at the same time. When I now try and run the an import using commerce feeds I receive the error below.An AJAX HTTP error occurred. HTTP Result Code: 200 Debugging information follows. Path: /batch?id=892&op=do StatusText: OK ResponseText: Fatal error: Call to undefined function commerce_product_validate_sku() in /home/mmlcofdk/public_html/sites/all/modules/commerce_feeds/plugins/FeedsCommerceProductProcessor.inc on line 216I would

Alex Lee
It turned out there were two issues here: first checkout stopped working, then the server ran out of space. I now have space on the server, but the checkout still isn’t working.It’s a commerce site, and checkout worked fine until launch and now the process appears to be broken. I get this message in dblog:Notice: Undefined index: field_extra_instructions in commerce_customer_profile_pane_checkout_form() (line 165 of /home/wholebox.org/www/profiles/commerce_kickstart/modules/contrib/commerce/modu

Ajit S
I were working on drupal 7. In block configuration, under pages i went for an option “Pages on which this PHP code returns TRUE (experts only)”Added the following code:<?php global $user; $username=$user->name; if($username==”admin”) {return TRUE; } else {return FALSE; } ?>It’s shows me an error message at the top of the screen:Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$name in eval() (line 3 of C:\xampp\drupal77\modules\php\php.module(75) : eval()’d code).I don’t know, how to fix it out.

views drupal-commerce
I have tried to change the cart view (by clicking on “edit view” in the cart page), i have already done this before but now, when i have a product in the cart, i have this message:Notice : Undefined index: commerce_order dans views_handler_field_field->access() (ligne 127 dans C:\xampp\htdocs\drupal\sites\all\modules\views\modules\field\views_handler_field_field.inc). Notice : Undefined index: commerce_order dans views_handler_field_field->access() (ligne 127 dans C:\xampp\htdocs\drupal\si

forms drupal-commerce hook-form-alter render-arrays
Basically This is my Arrayarray( [product_id] => Array( [#type] => hidden[#value] => 39 ) )and I am trying to get the value which is ’39’$cartId = $form[‘product_id’][‘#value’];and yes I get the value without any issues, but in my site it gives me a notice saying “Notice: Undefined index: product_id in …”This is my entire codefunction MyModule_form_alter( &$form, $form_state, $form_id ) {$cartId = $form[‘product_id’][‘#value’];print_r ($form[‘#value’]);if ($form_id == ‘co

drupal drupal-commerce
I build a website with Drupal Commerce. After I add a product to the cart and I consult the shopping cart, which is empty. I get this message:Notice: Undefined index: commerce_product in views_handler_field_field->query() (line 188 of /var/www/jkbudosport/sites/all/modules/views/modules/field/views_handler_field_field.inc).Notice: Undefined index: entity keys in views_handler_field_field->query() (line 200 of /var/www/jkbudosport/sites/all/modules/views/modules/field/views_handler_field_field.in

faizal ismail
I have managed to create a product type and import my product data, so I now have a list of products. then i follow ryan szrama instruction http://drupalwatchdog.com/1/1/building-commerce-product-displayAfter that i get this error. EntityMetadataWrapperException: Unknown data property commerce_product. in EntityStructureWrapper->getPropertyInfo() (line 339 of C:\xampp\htdocs\drupal7\modules\entity\includes\entity.wrapper.inc).what i should do??

Lukasz Zaroda
drupal-commerce search-api
I was working on site, when I got this error:WD php: SearchApiException: Unknown or invalid item type node. in[error] search_api_get_datasource_controller() (line 1396 of/var/www/luken/shop/sites/all/modules/search_api/search_api.module).SearchApiException: Unknown or invalid item type node. wsearch_api_get_datasource_controller() (linia 1396 z/var/www/luken/shop/sites/all/modules/search_api/search_api.module).Drush command terminated abnormally due to an unrecoverable error.[error]Site is telli

The following error appears when viewing any node with a product reference (I have two product types and it happens for nodes referenced to either product type).EntityMetadataWrapperException: Unknown data property commerce_product. in EntityStructureWrapper->getPropertyInfo() (line 339 of /www/customers/legacy/html/sites/all/modules/entity/includes/entity.wrapper.inc)I have installed Commerce Repair and run the repair, but it didn’t change anything.Where should I look to resolve this?