
spring quartz-scheduler spring-batch spring-batch-admin
A newbie question on Sprint Batch Admin. My requirement is that the user should be able to schedule new jobs (passing some parameters for the job functionality) through a web UI. These jobs should be persistent, will be repetitive and could be cancelled or deleted. Also, a report could be generated for last run jobs and to list all the existing jobs with their next run dates. Perhaps my most important requirement is that this should be possible “on the fly”, not requiring redeploying the web-app

Giuseppe Adaldo
java spring spring-batch spring-annotations
i have a problem with Spring SpEL to evaluate if-then-else construct in @Value annotation:1. my config.xml file:<context:annotation-config /><context:property-placeholder location=”file://${HOME}/maven.props/${USER}.properties” properties-ref=”props” /><bean id=”props” class=”java.util.Properties”><constructor-arg><props><prop key=”interfaceName”>createupdateproduct</prop><prop key=”destImportFilesDirectoryPath”>${batch.job.import.zipDestinationPat

java spring-batch
I am new to Spring batch framework. Can we create a batch job and run that without using maven? I have seen spring batch samples connecting spring batch with maven.. Can anyone give me a sample Spring batch project that can run without using maven dependencies? Or at least give an idea about this.

spring spring-batch
SituationI am using Spring Batch to build an Accumulative Snapshot for our Data Warehouse and I am having a configuration roadblock that I cannot figure out.I have created a Simple Spring Batch Project with STS (SpringSource Tool Suite 2.8.1) using the Spring Template Project. These were my two xml configuration files created:launch-context.xml<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <beans xmlns=”http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans” xmlns:xsi=”http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-ins

sql spring-batch
I have a spring batch program which reads from one database and writes to a file.It has item reader as below:<beans:bean id=”myItemReader” class=”org.springframework.batch.item.database.JdbcCursorItemReader”><beans:property name=”dataSource” ref=”jobRepository-dataSource” /><beans:property name=”sql” value=”${dbTofileDataReadSQL}”/><beans:property name=”rowMapper”><beans:bean class=”com.mypackage.MyRowMapper” /></beans:property> </beans:bean>The sql is s

Michal Minicki
java spring spring-batch
I have a spring-batch job that converts various bank statements into my app. There is a different reader for each bank statement type and only one writer for all of them. The job is very simple – read, process and write:<batch:job id=”importer” restartable=”true”><batch:step id=”import”><batch:tasklet><batch:chunk reader=”reader” writer=”writer” processor=”processor” commit-interval=”10″ /></batch:tasklet></batch:step> </batch:job>Now, I would like the e

java spring-batch
We are using Spring Batch for some back-end operations. We need to know authentic way of 1) How to gracefully shutdown a running spring batch process? 2) How to be sure that a particular spring batch process is crashed and recover/launch it on other machine

spring spring-batch dynamic-proxy
When I defined a ‘MethodInvokingFactory’ bean with ‘scope=step’, I got an error that the type of the bean can’t be determined. It worked fine when I replaced ‘scope=step’ with ‘lazy-init=true’. As per my knowledge, both are used for the late binding of the beans, except for that one difference. Are there any other differences between these two ways? Also, is my usage correct?Please let me know your thoughts about this.

I’m developing a Spring Batch job that processes multiple input files in parallel using a MultiResourcePartitioner. In the ItemProcessor I need to get the number of records in the current input file. I get the current file name from the step context and read the number of lines in the file:StepSynchronizationManager.register(stepExecution); StepContext stepContext = StepSynchronizationManager.getContext(); StepSynchronizationManager.close(); log.trace(“stepContext: ” + stepContext.getStepExecu

spring tomcat7 spring-batch spring-batch-admin
I am using Spring Batch Admin 1.2.1 in Tomcat 7. I am trying to read 663 MB file and getting following error. I have also increased the heap size of Tomcat but of no vain. The job is pretty straight forward. It reads flat file and save it to DB with very little processing. Please help.15:05:10,535 INFO http-apr-8181-exec-4 SimpleStepHandler:133 – Executing step: [load]15:05:10,981 ERROR http-apr-8181-exec-4 AbstractStep:212 – Encountered an error executing the step java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: J

spring tomcat6 quartz-scheduler spring-batch
I am using Spring Batch with quartz. I have a bean destroy method which resets some flags in the database when the tomcat is shut down. Due to the following exception the destroy method is not called:2013-06-18 18:11:16,505 INFO | schedulerFactoryBean_Worker-3 | org.quartz.core.JobRunShell | Job DEFAULT.fundAdditionRequestJobDetail threw a JobExecutionException: org.quartz.JobExecutionException: Error while executing Spring Batch job at com.inmobi.sap.quartz.AbstractQuartzLauncher.executeIn

Andrew Regan
java spring activemq weblogic-10.x spring-batch
We’re using Spring Batch 2.1.9 with Spring 3.1.1, and have set up a Job which does the following:A JMS ItemReader (using ActiveMQ 5.6.0) reads incoming messages, passing on to: An ItemWriter that sends batched emails.This is all deployed as a WAR, running under Weblogic 10.3.x. Now, we’ve had this design working OK elsewhere, but on this particular deployment, if a new message is sent to the ItemReader after a good deal of inactivity, the following occurs:09:20:28,155 – DEBUG (org.springframewor

multithreading spring-mvc concurrency junit spring-batch
I am getting the following exception when I run a JUnit test in which I test a Spring-MVC controller that calls a Spring-Batch job. The Job includes two tasklets: first read from a file & write to DB, then update the DB. Both tasklets use the same DB. As far as I can see, the exception tells me that the datasource is closed, but in the DB I see that the first tasklet has been executed, while the second one has not.Could you come up with any suggestion for why the datasource is closed (???) d

Jon Lin
spring-batch jettison
We have a project with Spring Batch & Spring Batch Admin. Recently we got java.util.EmptyStackException while running the batch process.After googling I got some idea of the problem and resolved it by upgrading the jettison jar from 1.1 to 1.3.2.We did this by excluding the jettison in the spring batch core declaration in pom.xml and adding jettison as a dependency in the pom.xml.The question we have is Is this the right way to resolve this issue? Will there be any issue with Spring Batch be

java spring spring-batch
It seems like Spring Batch is running in the same transaction as the ejbs it is calling. So when we get a Rollback in the ejbs, Spring Batch is not able to update its state in database.The exception we get is:org.springframework.batch.core.step.FatalStepExecutionException: JobRepository failure forcing exit with unknown statusat org.springframework.batch.core.step.tasklet.TaskletStep$ChunkTransactionCallback.doInTransaction(TaskletStep.java:418)at org.springframework.transaction.support.Transact

java spring spring-batch
We are using the CommandLineJobRunner to execute Spring Batch jobs. We are using -next on the command line:java -Dlog4j.configuration=file:./prop/log4j.properties -Dlogfile=logfile_load_data -jar EtlLoadData.jar loaddata_etl_config.xml loaddata_etl_job -nextWe started coming down with an error:Job Terminated in error: A job instance already exists and is complete for parameters={run.id=10}. If you want to run this job again, change the parameters. org.springframework.batch.core.repository.JobI

I have a spring batch job which has multiple steps.Step 1 : Loads 10 records from the database. (Tasklet does that job)Step 2: Chunk Oriented processing in configured here using ItemReader,ItemProcessor,ItemWriter implementations with commit -interval =1 Now as I understand , for every record this would happenBegin Transaction ( Read – Process – Write ) Commit TxMy problem is imagine it processed six records and now with the 7th Record it got an exception in the ItemProcessor Implementation, It

rollback spring-batch
Say my commit interval is 1000. And during writing I get a error at 990th record which is skippable as per skip policy. So a rollback will occur and the writer will start again writing the same records from record 1. However, this time, It is commiting on each record. It does not honour commit interval. This is making the job dead slow. Why the behavior is like that ?? Am I missing something in my configuration ?? Thanks.

Core Xii
java spring-batch
I am facing problem while running spring batch job. I am confident about the batch job configuration as, the same was setup was working fine from last four days. I am attaching the snippet of stack trace generated while running the job.Snippet 1:2014-08-20 00:00:01,895 ERROR [STDERR] org.springframework.batch.item.ItemStreamException: Unable to create file: [F:\jboss-4.2.3\config\feeds\jsdnmp\dailybillingfeeds\DailyBillFeed_jsdnmp_19-8-2014.csv]2014-08-20 00:00:01,896 ERROR [STDERR] at org.spr

Matthew Farwell
java spring spring-batch
I have a Spring Batch process which takes a set of rows in the database and creates a number of flat files from those rows, 10 rows per file. To do this, I’ve created a Spring Batch process, similar to this:<batch:job id=”springTest” job-repository=”jobRepository” restartable=”true”><batch:step id=”test”><batch:tasklet><batch:chunk reader=”itemReader” writer=”multipleItemWriter” commit-interval=”2″ /></batch:tasklet></batch:step> </batch:job><bean id=

spring spring-batch spring-jms
I am getting below error when i try to deploy the application we are getting below error. If the Queue details configured are proper in in the properties file, the i dont get the below error, if the any of the configuration are not defined properly then on the Weblogic startup its tries to connect to manager and throws this error. Please suggest how to avoid this error on start up even if we are not able to connect to Queue manager on server startup.MQJE010: Unknown host: nagXXXXsvc.tst.XXXX.com

jdbc db2 spring-batch
I’m using a Spring Batch, DB2 with JDBC v9.5 FP0 driver sometimes in any step where the process read from database I get the next errororg.springframework.batch.core.step.AbstractStep execute Encountered an error executing the stepjava.lang.StackOverflowErrorat java.util.HashMap.getEntry(Unknown Source)at java.util.HashMap.get(Unknown Source)at com.ibm.websphere.rsadapter.DB2DataStoreHelper.findMappingClass(DB2DataStoreHelper.java:529)at com.ibm.websphere.rsadapter.DB2DataStoreHelper.findMapping

Nathan Hughes
java spring spring-batch dbunit spring-el
Really, it says “whilst”. I got this error in a test I wrote to exercise a Spring Batch ItemReader, the reader’s query needs a parameter supplied by a spring-managed bean, and getting the field off the bean causes the error. The test looks like:@ActiveProfiles({“h2″}) @Transactional @TransactionConfiguration(transactionManager=”initechTransactionManager”) @TestExecutionListeners({ DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener.class, DirtiesContextTestExecutionListener.class, TransactionDbUnitTestExe

hibernate spring-batch spring-batch-admin
Hello I got hibernate error in Spring batch applicationERROR: org.springframework.batch.core.job.AbstractJob – Encountered fatal error executing job org.springframework.dao.OptimisticLockingFailureException: Attempt to update job execution id=33 with wrong version (0), where current version is 1at org.springframework.batch.core.repository.dao.JdbcJobExecutionDao.updateJobExecution(JdbcJobExecutionDao.java:210)at org.springframework.batch.core.repository.support.SimpleJobRepository.update(SimpleJ

spring spring-batch
How to restart Jobs after a JVM crash?I was running a lot of Jobs implemented in Spring Batch framework, when my JVM crashed or the system failed. How can I restart these Jobs after failure?