UnKnown Error

javascript browser-detection 2014-2-16 21:38:36
Feature detection is generally preferred over browser sniffing. What should I do in a case where certain browsers “support” the features I’m using but have javascript runtimes that are too slow?I’m using the d3 library for some complicated visualizations. The visualization is very smooth in chrome / firefox, acceptable in IE9, and slow yet working in IE8. I’d like to display a banner to IE8 users telling them to upgrade and a notice banner to IE9 users that it would be faster in chrome or FF. Is

Robert Harvey
javascript jquery javascript-events firefox-addon javascript-debugger 2014-2-16 20:35:16
I’m trying to debug a webpage that makes heavy use of JavaScript events, and so I need to monitor all JavaScript events that are fired.Most of the events are bound using jQuery. Hence, it would be particularly useful if there was a way to specifically monitor only those events.

javascript angularjs 2014-2-16 20:24:46
Quote from one of the comments regarding ngCloak directive (AngularJS documentation):It is only really needed on your “index.html” page, because thebrowser may try to render things before Angular has had a chance toparse/compile it. At runtime, when Angular pulls in content due tong-view, ng-include, etc., it will be processed by Angular before thebrowser renders.I created a example in jsFiddle to verify this and on my surprise the expression is not evaluated before it is rendered in the browser

javascript google-chrome optimization compiler v8 2014-2-16 19:48:29
I’m optimizing an sha-256 > hmac > pbkdf2 crypto algorithm in javascript for chromehttp://jsfiddle.net/dtudury/uy3hc/if I change one line (after the comment // BREADCRUMB ) ei = (di + t1) >>> 0; to ei = (di + t1); my test still passes, but the test runtime jumps from <1s to 7sI believe the >>> 0 tells chrome that it should store the value as an (actual) int… but there’s some degree of “cargo cult” to it.My question is: “is this documented anywhere?” I’d love to verify how

javascript file-upload thumbnails filepath plupload 2014-2-16 19:01:23
I am using plupload to let users upload images. But I also want to generate thumbnails for preview before they finally decide to keep it. I understand currently “Image preview” feature is not present in plupload. So to work around this I decided to submit a new form containing just one file for each image added, & let the server process it & return a thumbnail.Now my question is how do I get the handle on the file object from the plupload so that I can create an “input” file field dynami

javascript internet-explorer internet-explorer-8 2014-2-16 18:24:22
I’m getting ‘unspecified error’ when reading document.namespaces in IE. I can’t seem to reproduce the problem in a standalone page, my snippet is:function addNamespace(key, value) {try {$(“html”).attr(key, value);if (document.namespaces && // This throws the error!document.namespaces[key]) {document.namespaces.add(key, value);}} catch (e) {alert(“Error: ” + e);} };Never mind right now why I’m trying to add a namespace at runtime (it has to do with Facebook Like not working properly …

Tyler Mitchell
javascript c#-4.0 dll dllimport winjs 2014-2-16 17:39:53
I am new to Windows 8 app development and professional C# dev. I have run into a problem where a client wants me to interface with a printer (DYMO 450 Turbo) and the SDK only comes with a dll that has been compiled using .net 4.0 . The samples show referencing the dll from the app which I can not do because the app is written in Javascript using WinJS. The metro apps use NETCore where the dll uses NETFramework. My best solution so far is to write the code to interface with the printer as a serve

javascript performance dom custom-data-attribute 2014-2-16 17:37:21
I have a list of books and I want to store data against each book e.g. Price, Quantity, id, catergory id, size, weight etc.I was looking at storing all this in the dom by extending the li elements representing each book in the list using data- attributes. This data could then be utilised directly with javascript.However I have read that accessing data- attributes is slow in a performance sense. In addition I can have multiple instances of the same book so am a little concerened about bloat in th

javascript menu unity3d subclass 2014-2-16 16:08:10
I am trying to set up a generic class that deals with menus within Unity3D. The following code I intend to attach to an empty game objectimport System.Collections.Generic;#pragma strictpublic enum MenuType { loadSceneOnMouseDown, enableGameObject, changeValue };public class MenuClass extends System.Object{public var menuObject : GameObject;public var menuType : MenuType;}public var menuItems = List.<MenuClass>();This results in the following within the editor: I want

javascript scope 2014-2-16 14:14:41
There are multiple js files and now I have to combine them into a large file.However, since these files are familiar in function, they have many variables with the same name. So I’m wondering if there is any mechanism like namespace or scoping that can incorperate multiple variables with the same name in a file.EditAnd additional question:How can I access the variabls in “ad-hoc” functions via Chrome Console?Normally I can do this in Chrome Console:[js] var car = “Model T”;[Chrome Console] >&

jquery html5 svg raphael 2014-2-15 9:41:27
I’m wanting to animate the cursive text below, from left to right.An example of want i’m trying to acheive can be found on the slaveryfootprint.org site. Select an electronic item in the link below, and watch the cables animate; http://slaveryfootprint.org/survey/#gadgetsI’m unfamiliar with SVG and SVG libraries like Raphaël js, so i’m not sure where to start. I’ve googled around, but not found a tutorial.EDIT: Find the first tag below, saved from illustrator, depicting the d first character:&

jquery silverlight flash html5 plupload 2014-2-15 6:04:39
I am using plupload (v and set it up a few weeks ago and everything worked. I have not touched it since then.Now it does not work. The file gets to 100% then I get this great descriptive errorIO error. Error #2038var renderImportForm = $(selectors.uploader).livequery(function (){var uploader = $(this).plupload({// General settingsruntimes: ‘html5,silverlight,flash’,url: urls.importCalendarsURL,max_file_size: ‘5mb’,max_file_count: 10, // user can add no more then 10 files at a timeunique

Konstantin Solomatov
java html5 applet javafx 2014-2-14 23:29:21
Java is one of the best managed runtime technologies we have. It has very high performance VM which allows to achieve performance close to C. The amount of high quality open source libraries is incomparable to any other platform. However, despite it was the first dynamic client side technology to appear in browsers (Applets), it isn’t used widely now. What are disadvantages of Java which make people use JavaScript + HTML5 or Flash/Flex instead of Java for RIA? Why should I use them despite they

Jerry Nixon – MSFT

javascript qt html5 canvas 2014-2-14 9:19:08
With the beginning of widespread HTML5 support and Canvas support, it seems that someone could create a desktop-esque windowing system library for RIAs. Something similar to Qt or WxWidgets. All the required parts seem to be there (runtime language: javascript, pixel drawing: canvas, even vector drawing with SVGs).This seems to me anyway that it could be a huge leap for the ease of development of RIAs. Forget about classic HTML and styling, and simply create widgets like you would in a deskto

javascript html html5 div 2014-2-13 18:40:26
Okay, i’m very new to Javascript and i’m trying to create a slideshow with Scriptaculous.However, i can’t see any way to define an area size for my Javascript element. Am i missing out on something?I’ve been browsing through various sites and i’m getting zilch on any results.If you don’t understand what i’m shooting at, i’m trying to place a Javascript slideshow into my HTML page, supplied with the effects from Scriptaculous (Effect.Fade and Effect.Appear).How am i supposed to place my javascrip

Sven Keinath
html5 sqlite cordova 2014-2-13 13:53:59
I’m building a app with PhoneGap. At the moment I’m using a dump file to create a Database at runtime but I would like to use the ready-to-use .db file. I know this page but I don’t want to use native code. I think the file api cant access the assets folder but I wondered if I could get the database via AJAX and then copy it to the app directory (e.g. for android: data/data/[app id]/databases) via the file api?

javascript css html5 cross-browser 2014-2-13 3:14:43
When CSS and JS got popular, the big frustration was that every browser implemented it differently and only a limited set of “cool stuff” worked across browsers, or worked differently.Now we’re making HTML5 popular, so it seems like we’re about to embark on the CSS/JS incompatibility journey all over again, but now in a 3D, animated, and video-playing style.My question is this – are the big browsers varying HTML5 implementations in such a way that we’re headed down the same path again? Is there

android html5 sqlite3 android-webview 2014-2-12 6:08:36
I’m breaking my head to figure out if there is any way to pre-populate the data in Sqlite DB and access it in HTML5 page without having to populate it on runtime in the HTML page?Any help?Update: To be more clear, Is it possible to create database, tables, insert rows using Sqlitebrowser, copy the database into assets folder.. and access it in the HTML page?

madhu kumar
javascript .net html5 windows-8 winjs 2014-2-12 0:18:40
I am working on windows 8 Winjs application. This is the code where I am declaring variables in javascript. Why the 2nd line is showing error “0x800a138f – JavaScript runtime error: Unable to get property ‘getContext’ of undefined or null reference.” Is the way of declaring canvas.getcontext is wrong? The same code works fine in desktop chrome but it’s not working in Simulator.var canvas = document.getElementById(‘canvas’),context = canvas.getContext(‘2d’),controls = document.getElementById(‘con

google-chrome-app 2014-2-7 17:51:16
My dream is to build a completely client side application where the app is powered by MySQL, PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Then, a customized version of Chrome would manage all of the user experience.Chrome Packaged Apps looks like the closest thing to this… is it possible to get PHP and MySQL distributed with a Chrome Packaged App?

Günter Zöchbauer
dart google-chrome-app 2014-1-14 8:27:08
Has anyone successfully used any fileSystem calls in package:chrome/app.dart? (This is the Chrome API package for Google Dart.)Here’s my code:import ‘package:chrome/app.dart’;void main() {fileSystem.chooseEntry(); }Here’s my pubspec.yaml file:name: ChooseEntry description: A sample chrome packaged application dependencies:browser: anychrome: anymeta: anyThe other files were generated automatically by the Dart Editor and remain untouched by me.The error I get from Dartium is:Breaking on exception

google-chrome google-chrome-extension google-chrome-app 2013-12-14 23:13:56
I have written a chrome app to work at a kiosk system which gets started by the –app-id command-line switch. Unfortunately it is crashing a very few times (like twice a day) and the crashes are non-repeatable. Now i am trying to ensure it will get restarted after crash. So i wrote a batch script which checks if chrome is running and will restart the app if it’s not.My problem is that if the app crashes it will become deactivated on chrome, so when the shortcut gets called, it only opens a brows

google-chrome-app 2013-11-11 19:31:07
2 issues here really, one that I’ve encountered before in another questions: Using dojo 1.8 in a packaged app (uncaught unload is not available in packaged apps)And another that has to do with fetching dojo template resources (html files) from inside the packaged app from a sandboxed frame.Let’s start with 1: As an update to the previous question link, the current status is that using the dojo parser in a sandboxed frame will throw an error and break dojo due to an exception thrown from an addEv

jquery google-chrome-app chrome-packaged-app 2013-11-11 14:10:34
Using jQuery 1.10.2 and jQuery Mobile 1.3.2 I am trying to create a chrome packaged app with the following simple html…<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body><div data-role=”page”><script async src=”events.js” type=”text/javascript”></script></div> </body> </html>There are two problems. The first is that jQuery will intercept the script tag loading events.js and makes the call xhr.open( s.type, s.url, s.async ); however s.async is false. Chrome packa

Bill Gradwohl
debugging google-chrome-app 2013-11-11 8:32:05
I’m converting a standard browser based app that’s working fine to a chrome-app. Once the page loads up, it has already hit an error – Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method ‘appendChild’ of null. This occurs after several hundred lines of JS have done their job but its the first time the code makes a reference to the document object, specifically document.getElementById(‘mainDiv’).appendChild(…).I can clearly see the div with the id=”mainDiv” in the debuggers elements tab. Yet, document.getE

javascript google-chrome-extension google-chrome-app 2013-11-9 16:00:05
I’m getting this error “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method ‘setBadgeText’ of undefined “This is my code below:This used to work in Chrome 27.0, but now with Chrome 29.0 it seems to have stopped functioning. I’m not sure if it’s this or the.. manifest.json file which loads this in the background.var DOCLIST_SCOPE = ‘https://docs.google.com/feeds’;var DOCLIST_FEED = DOCLIST_SCOPE + ‘/default/private/full/’;var docs = []; // In memory cache for the user’s entire doclist.var refreshRate = local

Mihai Parparita
javascript google-chrome google-chrome-extension eval google-chrome-app 2013-11-6 20:55:08
I would like to create a package app chrome extension to allow the user to write and execute javascript code (like a javascript console).I would like to use the eval() function to execute the JS code.The classic javascript eval function throws an error when it’s called from a chrome extension:Uncaught Error: Code generation from strings disallowed for this context To use eval in a chrome extension people need to use a sandbox, but when I write the sandbox in the manifest I get this error:There w

javascript sockets google-chrome google-chrome-extension google-chrome-app 2013-11-6 1:28:47
I’m trying to get UDP sockets working for a packaged app using Chrome Canary (currently version 25). I am pretty confused by the fact the UDP example here conflicts with the reference documentation here.The official example uses this line:chrome.socket.create(‘udp’, ‘’, 1337, { onEvent: handleDataEvent }, …In Canary using this line results in the error:Uncaught Error: Invocation of form socket.create(string, string,integer, object, function) doesn’t match definitionsocket.create(stri

Josh Lee
google-chrome-app mathjax content-security-policy 2013-11-4 18:31:19
I am trying to use MathJax in Chrome Packaged app. It is not loading at all giving the following error :Uncaught EvalError: Refused to evaluate a string as JavaScript because ‘unsafe-eval’ is not an allowed source of script in the following Content Security Policy directive: “default-src ‘self’ chrome-extension-resource:”.How can I make it work?EDITIT is showing this line to be the problem in the libraryvar CONSTRUCTOR = function () {return new Function (“return arguments.callee.Init.call(this,a