
wpf gallery ribbon
I am trying to use a RibbonGallery in my application, but I get this error at runtime, when the tab which contains the gallery is loaded: “RibbonGroupsPanel RegisterStarLayoutProvider and UnregisterStarLayoutProvider accepts only IProvideStarLayoutInfo instances. Parameter name: starLayoutInfoProvider”Any idea what isn’t right?Here’s the code:<ribbon:RibbonGallery MaxColumnCount=”1″><ribbon:RibbonGalleryCategory><ribbon:RibbonGalleryItem Content=”Green” Foreground=”Green” /><

wpf ribbon
How can I programatically set the text on a RibbonButton? Right now I have the code below, but the button does not display ‘Browse’. Any suggestions?RibbonButton btn = new RibbonButton(); btn.Name = “btnBrowse”; btn.Content = “Browse”; btn.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Left; btn.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(btn_Click);

Eternal Learner
c++ visual-studio-2008 mfc ribbon
Well, I am facing a strange problem. I have developed a sample MFC ribbon application on my machine – Windows 7 , with Visual Studio 2008. When I copy paste the .exe onto my laptop and run the app , I don’t see the ribbon menu (in fact the app has not menu now) .I have tried looking up the .dll that load in each case(on my work machine and laptop) using process monitor but I am unable to locate what I might be missing. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Edit 1 -Ok, So thanks for your respons

c# vsto ribbon visio
All,I have created Visio 2010 Addin project in C# 4.0. i creaded the custom ribbon using Ribbon.xml. I need to access custom tabs or buttons Id’s to changes the label/name of control at runtime.Help Appreciated.-Sach

delphi devexpress delphi-xe2 ribbon
Windows 7 SP1 (x86) + Delphi XE2 + DevExpress 2013.1.2 (VCL) + TdxBarManager + skin “Office2013White”.How to disable and hide “Full Screen Button” in design-mode and/or runtime-mode (screenshot of button):I tried to find it in resources (.pas), then tried to edit skin by dxSkinEditor (.skinres), but failed.Thanks in advance.

image delphi delphi-2009 ribbon transparent
I just played around with the new Delphi 2009 ribbon, added a few pages, groups and actionclients (large buttons) to it. I created some transparent 32x32px PNGs in Photoshop and put them into a TImageList (set to cd32bit). I added this list to the Actionmanager’s Images property, to show them on the buttons. At designtime the icons in the ribbon look just fine, but when compiling and starting the app they have a black background. Any idea what causes this and how I can fix this? I do not want to

c++ control runtime ribbon uiribbon
I’m using the Windows Ribbon Framework in an unmanaged C++ application in Visual Studio. Is it possible to add a button or other control at runtime? I can set up my ribbon using IUIFramework::LoadUI, but I can’t modify it afterwards.

wpf ribbon ribbon-control
I am trying to databind a ribbon control for dynamic menus. <ribbon:Ribbon><ribbon:RibbonTab Header=”Reports”ItemsSource=”{Binding ReportMenus}”ItemTemplate=”{StaticResource RibbonGroupDataTemplate}”></ribbon:RibbonTab><ribbon:RibbonTab Header=”Test”><ribbon:RibbonGroup Header=”TestGROUP”ItemsSource=”{Binding ReportMenus}”ItemTemplate=”{StaticResource RibbonButtonDataTemplate}”></ribbon:RibbonGroup></ribbon:RibbonTab> </ribbon:Ribbon>The top ribbon

Hans Passant
c++ visual-studio-2010 mfc windows-server-2008 ribbon
I have an application that uses the MFC Ribbon. It is developed in Visual Studio 2010. I am facing a strange issue. The app works fine in Windows 7 and windows 2008 R2. However it crashes in windows 2008 when it tries to load the ribbon from resource. The exact line is ribbonBar->LoadFromResource(IDR_RIBBON1); //IDR_RIBBON1 is the resource id.The stack trace is below gui.exe!ATL::CComPtrBase<IXMLDOMDocument>::~CComPtrBase<IXMLDOMDocument>() Line 162 + 0xa bytes C++ gui.exe!ATL::C

c# wpf crash windows-xp ribbon
I am using a WPF ribbon and I have just run into some strange behavior. I have a contextual tab which I duplicate some of the functionality from the Home tab so that my users don’t have to click back and forth. The problem I have seen is that if I reuse an image, my application crashes on start up if running on Windows XP. There is no issue on Windows 7. Any ideas?Code:<r:RibbonTab Header=”Home”><r:RibbonGroup Header=”Clipboard”><r:RibbonButton Label=”Paste” LargeImageSource=”Reso

Xenph Yan
crash ribbon
I have developed a Ribbon application on Vista using VS 2008. It works fine on Vista. I statically link MFC so that I can run it on XP too. But when I run it on XP, it puts up a dialog box saying “A required resource was unavailble”. Later if I press OK on this dialog, it puts up another one saying “Encountered an improper argument”. Many such(“Encountered an….”) dialogs follow(one after another) until I terminate it from the task manager.Interesting thing I noticed is that this scenario occur

Toon Casteele
c# outlook-addin ribbon invalidate
I have a pretty large outlook add-in with following ribbon.xml:<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <customUI xmlns=”http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui” onLoad=”Ribbon_Load”><ribbon><tabs><tab idMso=”TabMail”><group id=”groupViewHome” label=”View tasks”><toggleButton id=”buttonToggleHistoryHome” getLabel=”getLabelToggleHistory” imageMso=”ControlToggleButton” onAction=”toggleHistory_Click” size=”large” getPressed=”getEnabledToggleHistory”

Daniel Lemke
c++ mfc dialog ribbon
In my CDialogEx class, I am trying to insert a CMFCRibbonBar, but I get a NULL pointer exception (which is not caught by my try/catch blocks):BOOL CmfcRibbonTestDlg::OnInitDialog() {CDialogEx::OnInitDialog();// Set the icon for this dialog. The framework does this automatically// when the application’s main window is not a dialogSetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE); // Set big iconSetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE); // Set small icon// TODO: Add extra initialization heretry{m_wndRibbonBar.Create(this);m

Daniel Albuschat
c# wpf winapi ribbon
My situation is rather complex, but I’ve seen other people do this. Unfortunately, there is no mention of my specific problem. I am in the process of trying to integrate a WPF UserControl including a Ribbon into a Win32 host application. So far, everything has been working pretty neat (to my surprise, even). I am using HwndSource to create a raw Win32 child-window and embed this into a Win32 host top-level window. I have tried TabControls, Buttons, RadioButtons, WebBrowsers and everything inside

Jacky Chen
dynamics-crm-2011 ribbon article subgrid quick-search
The quick find function on the KB article entity is slightly enhanced compared to other entities as it present you with more search parameters, a new search ribbon (called Mscrm.ArticleSearchRibbon internally). E.g. search by title, subject, number, or search exact or like word.However, when a quick find is enabled on a KB Article subgrid, the search throws javascript errors ‘”KB_OFFLINE” is undefined’ when the search box gets focused and “getParameter(“viewtype”)’ when a search is performed. It

Mathias Lykkegaard Lorenzen
c# wpf ribbon
I’m receiving a strange error in Visual Studio when building my WPF application with .NET 4.5 in Visual Studio 11.My WPF XAML markup is as follows:<RibbonWindow x:Class=”Fablelane.DesktopApplication.CreateStory”xmlns=”http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation”xmlns:x=”http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml”Title=”Create new story” Height=”468″ Width=”526″><Grid><Grid.RowDefinitions><RowDefinition Height=”Auto” /><RowDefinition /></Grid.RowDe