
debugging c#-4.0 managed minidump minidumpwritedump
With the dump debugging support in .NET 4.0 we are looking into automatically (after asking the user of course 🙂 creating minidumps of C# program crashes to upload them to our issue tracking system (so that the minidumps can assist in resolving the cause of the crash).Everything is working fine when using the WithFullMemory minidump type. We can see both stack and heap variables. Unfortunately the (zipped) dumps are quite large even for small C# programs.If we use the “Normal” minidump type we

c++ visual-studio minidumpwritedump
I’ve been using MiniDumpWriteDump to generate dump files on a crash. I’ve been trying to do a full memory dump. This seems to work, and generates a large file as expected.However when I load this huge file into Visual Studio (2005) I don’t seem to be able to see the values of any variables on the heap. In fact it gives me no more information than a normal dump …My call to MiniDumpWriteDump is as follows;MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION mdi;mdi.ThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); mdi.ExceptionPointe

Andaleeb Roomy
crash-dumps unhandled-exception minidumpwritedump
My objective is to generate crash dumps whenever application crashes.I have a DLL written with C++. It is used from a C# .NET application (among others). From within the DLL, I set my own custom unhandled exception filter with SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, and write a dump with MiniDumpWriteDump in the handler.When I run the .NET application from within VS2008, it works fine, and when there is a memory access violation, the dump is written, and the application quits.But when I run it outside VS a

Martin Ba
winapi visual-c++ crash-dumps minidump minidumpwritedump
TL;DR Does it make sense to write multiple dumps for the same crash event, and if yes, what do you need to look out for.We’re using MiniDumpWriteDump to write a crash dump when there is a unhandled-exception / abort / younameit in our application.The code so far actually writes two dumps:One with MiniDumpWithDataSegs to get a small one that can be sent by even crappy email w/o problem once zipped. A full one MiniDumpWithFullMemory to have the full info available should we need it.To make this wo

c++ winapi watchdog minidumpwritedump
I’m trying to add the functionality of capturing mini-dumps when my program crashes. From what I’ve read, this is best achieved by use of another application (the watchdog) that is used to host the real application, and performs the dump. From looking at posts such as this, I’ve come up with the following (both App and WatchDog are implemented in C++ using Win32):When the watchdog starts, it creates 2 events, an ExitedOk event, and an Exception event, both of which are set to be inheritable and

Pavel Strakhov
c++ crash-dumps minidumpwritedump
I’m using MiniDumpWriteDump to make crash dumps when a segmentation fault occurs. It works great. Now I want to create a crush dump when my C++ exception class constructor is called. I want to see the stack trace that caused the exception throw. But there is no actual stack in generated files. When an exception occurs in the main thread, its stack contains only a few windows internal functions. When an exception occurs in another thread, there is good stack for the main thread, but no stack for