
ffmpeg cross-compiling libav
when i configure libav in ubuntu, there’s an warning like thisWARNING: i586-mingw32msvc-pkg-config not found, library detection may fail.here’s my configure code../configure –target-os=mingw32 –cross-prefix=i586-mingw32msvc- –arch=x86 –prefix=/usr/local/win32 –enable-memalign-hack –disable-gpl –disable-avisynth –disable-postproc –enable-runtime-cpudetect –disable-encoders –disable-muxers –disable-network –disable-devices –enable-shared

xcode4 ffmpeg linker-error libav non-lazy-ptr
I’m trying to build a simple application that uses ffmpeg’s libav* libraries in xcode 4 and getting the following error:ld: illegal text reloc to non_lazy_ptr from /ffmpeg/temp/ffmpeg-0.8/builduni/lib/libavcodec.a(ac3.o) in _ff_ac3_bit_alloc_calc_psd for architecture i386I’ve already tried to run ranlib -c libavcodec.a to fix this problem, but nothing happend. One more thing: my libav* libraries are fat binaries (i386 + x86_64).Any ideas what can it be?

h.264 raspberry-pi rtsp libav
I’m using avconv on a Raspberry Pi to try to fetch a still image from an IP camera with an RTSP stream of H.264 video:$ avconv -v verbose -i $url -fflags discardcorrupt -t 00:00:01 -r 0.1 -an -vsync 1 -qscale 1 -f image2 images%09d.jpgI’m having some problems, presumably because the CPU on the Pi is not able to keep up with decoding the video, so sometimes the resulting JPEG is corrupted, for example:Probably 80% of the time I can get a valid image from the above command, but 20% of the time I g

Daniel H
ffmpeg video-conversion ubuntu-12.04 video-encoding libav
I am using the version of avconv in Ubuntu 12.04 to archive videos. I would preferably use some kind of lossless video compression (e.g., huffyuv or FFV1), but using the original video stream (copy codec) would also be acceptable. Unfortunately, with any of these options the output file (mkv containing only the video in whatever format) is much larger than the input file (vob containing video, audio, and subtitles). I could understand if the lossless compression just did a horrible job on my par

Leo Izen
video vlc ffmpeg shared-library libav
I built (from source) a newer version of libavcodec.so, libavformat.so, etc. than provided by the Ubuntu repositories. (My newer versions are installed in /usr/local/lib). Using ldd /usr/bin/vlc to list the shared library dependencies of VLC returns a small list:linux-vdso.so.1 => (0x00007fff219fe000) libvlc.so.5 => /usr/lib/libvlc.so.5 (0x00007fb0622ca000) libvlccore.so.5 => /usr/lib/libvlccore.so.5 (0x00007fb061fe8000) libpthread.so.0 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 (0x00

ffmpeg libav
I have a program that uses libav. It works well when compiled in Debug mode (Windows, VisualStudio 2010). However, when the program is compiled in Release mode, it crashes in av_register_all. The exception I get is Privileged Instruction.Anyone has an idea if there is anything special that needs to be done in Release mode to get libav to work?Best regards Ran

Christian P.
c h.264 libav mpeg2-ts
I have written some C code that takes an mp4 file with h264-encoded video and AAC-encoded audio and writes it to segmented .ts files.The code can be seen here: http://pastebin.com/JVdgjM9GThe problem is that the code chokes on audio packets. Because I am converting from h264, I have to use the “h264_mp4toannexb” which I finally got working for video frames. However, as soon as the program reaches the first audio packet (stream 1 below) it crashes.Sample output:Output #0, mpegts, to ‘testvideo’:S

linux video raspberry-pi libav
I’m using avconv to broadcast a video on justin.tv from my Raspberry Pi.I get it (weakly) working a very few times. Most of the times justin.tv is not being updated and says “disconnected”.The command is:avconv -f video4linux2 -s 640×360 -r 10 -b 350k -i /dev/video0 \ -f flv rtmp://live.justin.tv/app/live_520myKeyAfter transmitting a few frames my console keeps printing:frame= 3 fps=0 q=2.0 Lsize=79kB time=8043.93 bitrate=0.1kbits/s dup=0 drop=1 frame= 3 fps=0 q=2.0 Lsize=79kB time=8043.9

git pulse-audio libav
Application provided invalid, non monotonically increasing dts to muxer in stream 1: 8657 >= 8657 av_interleaved_write_frame(): Invalid argument [pulse @ 0x2a03400] pa_simple_read failed: Bad state Assertion ‘pa_atomic_load(&(s)->_ref) >= 1’ failed at pulse/stream.c:335, function pa_stream_get_state(). Aborting.Last time this happened that last line wasn’t there, and the file was corrupted but openable.I git cloned the source from the avconv git repo, that’s probably why it’s not wo

linux ubuntu ffmpeg libav
I’m capturing my webcam using ffmpeg/avconv, but I keep running into this problem:The v4l2 frame is 828212 bytes, but 829440 bytes are expectedAnd then it crashes. It should just skip that frame, not crash the entire application. Does anyone know how to make it continue?

c osx libav libavformat
I am working on a project where I have to create a simple C program that makes use of libavformat to convert a file from one format to another.I am working on OS X (10.8.3) and have installed libav through the following steps.First, install dependancies using Homebrew:brew install yasm zlib faac lame speex libogg libvorbis theora libvpx x264 XviD openjpeg opencore-amr freetypeNext, download libav from here: http://libav.org/download.html (using the libav 9 “plain 9” release)Finally, configure wi

Tyler Scott
linux make libav libx264
Primary issueSteps to attempt to repeat this error.Download latest git (git://git.videolan.org/x264.git). Run ./configure – You can use any options, the error is present with all. Run sudo make – It will compile all of the code but when it comes time to link the code it runs into the error /usr/local/lib/libavcodec.a(libx264.o): In function ‘X264_init’:/…/libx264.c:418: undefined reference to ‘x264_encoder_open_128’This will then fall out and exit make. I have removed all apt packages relating

linker ffmpeg g++ libav
Here’s my problem:I built ffmpeg from source (version 1.2), the libav* libraries are in /usr/local/lib and they’re static I’m compiling a ns3 (www.nsnam.org) module, so my only control over the linker is through the env variable LINKFLAGS In the source the headers are in a “extern C” block, so it’s not the usual g++ name mangling I set LINKFLAGS=”-I/usr/local/include/libavformat -I/usr/local/include/libavcodec -I/usr/local/include/libavutil -L/usr/local/lib -lavformat -lavcodec -lavutil”, and th