Evil Closet Monkey
java gui layout griffon
I am trying to figure out how I can insert items to BoxLayout at runtime… or achieve a similar effect using a different widget/panel/layout.The design for the application window is to have several panels stacked vertically (BoxLayout.Y_AXIS). The user can then insert or delete panels, as well as interact with any widgets that are inside the panel. My hope would be to bind this to an observable list, where classes representing each panel type are inserted and the UI is updated accordingly.Tha
mvc jasper-reports griffon
I tried to run this code but it give me error like this:2013-03-26 22:45:55,546 [pool-2-thread-1] ERROR griffon.util.GriffonExceptionHandler – Uncaught Exception org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerInvocationException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/lowagie/text/SplitCharacterat org.codehaus.griffon.runtime.util.AbstractUIThreadHandler$1.run(AbstractUIThreadHandler.java:41) Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/lowagie/text/SplitCharacterat net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperExportMa
groovy intellij-idea griffon
I’ve created new Groffin module using IntelliJ. I was prompted for create-app command. Creating a module was fine, and as you know, by default, when you ran an app, it shows applet with default content “Content goes here”.Next, I’ve added a second login MVC group in Application.groovy:application {title = ‘Soms’startupGroups = [‘login’]// Should Griffon exit when no Griffon created frames are showing?autoShutdown = true// If you want some non-standard application class, apply it here//frameClass
java groovy griffon
I am trying to run a test app in griffon. I can create the app, but when I go to run it I get the following error(s):2013-01-25 11:12:02,352 [main] INFO griffon.swing.SwingApplication – Initializing all startup groups: [test1] 2013-01-25 11:12:05,702 [AWT-EventQueue-0] ERROR org.codehaus.griffon.runtime.builder.UberBuilder – An error occurred while building test1.Test1View@63935d75 java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to create component for ‘application’ reason: java.awt.HeadlessExceptionat org
Andrew Thompson
applet jnlp java-web-start jar-signing griffon
With a new Griffon (v0.9.4) app, having nothing more done to it than to install plugins that will be needed for the project later, I am unable to griffon run-applet or run-webstart on the project. The error I get is JAR resources in JNLP file are not signed by same certificateHere is the Launch File:<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <!DOCTYPE jnlp SYSTEM “http://java.sun.com/dtd/JNLP-1.5.dtd”> <jnlpversion=”0.1″codebase=”file:/C:/Users/[REDACTED]/Client/staging/”href=”applet.
swing groovy griffon
Maybe I’ve missed something in understanding Griffon’s converter & reverseConverter. What is wrong and how should I fix this?Thanks to @tim_yates for the edit, but I find out that I also got the same error not only in Griffon but also in plain Groovy like this:import groovy.beans.Bindable import groovy.swing.SwingBuilderclass Model {@Bindable String name@Bindable Integer score }Model m = new Model()new SwingBuilder().edt {frame(title: ‘Untitled’, pack: true, show: true) {flowLayout()label(“
groovy griffon httpbuilder
The HTTPBuilder plugin for Griffon is great and it simplifies my server calls quite well. The only problem, however, is that I don’t want to have to keep repeating the same setup code all over the place.What I want to do is wrap a set of server calls and other code with the same connection setup so that I only have it in one place.As an example, this is what I have:def persistCurrentSession() {withRest(uri: serverBaseURL) {headers = requestHeaderspost(path: “${sessionBaseURL}${currentSession.id}
Alexandre Blanquart
maven griffon
Using griffon 0.9.4, I installed maven-publisher plugin but I see no pom.xml generated. Furthermore, when launching griffon maven-install, I get the following error:No such property: config for class: MavenInstallat java_util_concurrent_Callable$call.call(Unknown Source)at org.codehaus.griffon.cli.GriffonScriptRunner.executeWithGantInstance(GriffonScriptRunner.java:659)at org.codehaus.griffon.cli.GriffonScriptRunner.callPluginOrGriffonScript(GriffonScriptRunner.java:518)at org.codehaus.griffon.c
groovy griffon
I just searching in google recently and want to try this code below to work in Griffon 1.2.0 but when i run it it give me error like this:2013-03-23 12:13:01,877 [main] DEBUG griffon.plugins.i18n.I18nEnhancer – Enhancing org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.HandleMetaClass@b7ea5c[groovy.lang.ExpandoMetaClass@b7ea5c[class griffon.swing.SwingApplication]] with griffon.plugins.i18n.MessageSourceHolder@7b7bee 2013-03-23 12:13:01,909 [main] ERROR griffon.util.GriffonExceptionHandler – Uncaught Exception groov
Burt Beckwith
groovy griffon
I’m using Ubuntu and i have installed Griffon by taking the steps from this site. Even though there is no error in my installation. When i try to run the Griffon app using the command : griffon run-appI’m getting the error as:java.io.IOException: Cannot run program “null/bin/java” (in directory “/home/anto/anto/staging”): java.io.IOException: error=2, No such file or directoryat java_util_concurrent_Callable$call.call(Unknown Source)at org.codehaus.griffon.cli.GriffonScriptRunner.executeWithGant