
jasper-reports jasperserver crosstab
I have a crosstab report that outputs 75 pages. When I do an export to Excel, after 2-3 mins, it crashes and says “An id is required to lookup a FlowDefinition”.The output of the query contains less than 100,000 rows and the query itself takes 25 secs to execute. (from Naivcat) After this, jasper server takes some more time to fill the report. But exporting does not work.FYI – I have changed the Crosstab limit to 1000000 from the default 100000.#limit the crosstab bucket/measure count to prevent

OMG Ponies
sql postgresql crosstab
Tried to fix this Crosstab query for some days now, but keep on getting errors. I have a data set as follows:KontaktID | Investigationnme | Reply —————————————– 1001 | 1 | 0,5<br> 1001 | 2 | 0,22<br> 1001 | 3 | 0,25<br> 1001 | 5 | 0,242<br> 1001 | 10 | 0,56<br> 1001 | 17 | 0,232<b

I am getting the following error when i tried to call .jasper file in servlet.The .jasper is having crosstab, which run perfectly in design IDE in ireport 4.5net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Error loading object from InputStreamat net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRLoader.loadObject(JRLoader.java:196)at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperFillManager.fillReport(JasperFillManager.java:361)at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperRunManager.runReportToPdfStream(JasperRunManager.java:163)at Repor

Alex K
java jasper-reports crosstab dynamic-jasper
I try to create dynamic crosstab. When I try, I have an error java.lang.ClassCastException Jasper Report Crosstab than I solved it. But my report is empty. I don’t get it why. I check my result set is empty or not. But it does not empty.Here is my code:public class DynamicJasperTemplate{ …..//variables define here public void buildReport() throws Exception{….//I create query here and get row column and measure field nameJRDataSource ds = getDataSource(query,a,b,c);//I get data from db as