
Omar Tariq
python opencv numpy contour
I’m trying to use OpenCV to extract tags from Nike images. This is a tutorial code taken from:http://opencv-code.com/tutorials/ocr-ing-nikes-new-rsvp-program/I’ve modified few lines of code though and there is no error in that part (not sure if it’s working because I haven’t been able to successfully completely run it.)When I run command ‘python a.py’. This error is displayed:-Traceback (most recent call last):File “a.py”, line 42, in <module>otcnt = [c for c in cnt if cv2.contourArea(c) &

javascript scripting google-maps-api contour asp.net
Is it possible to generate contour map layer at runtime and overlap or project on google maps.I am using google map api v3 and want to generate contour map layer using data from sql server and project on google map.Thank you in advance.

c++ opencv contour dft
What I am doing is after pre-processing the image (by thresholding) find contours of the Image. And I want to get the Discrete Fourier Descriptor of each contours (using dft() function) My code follows,vector<Mat> contourLines1; vector<Mat> contourLines2;getContourLine(exC1, contourLines1, binThreshold, numOfErosions); getContourLine(exC2, contourLines2, binThreshold, numOfErosions);// calculate fourier descriptor Mat fd1 = makeFD(contourLines1.front()); Mat fd2 = makeFD(contourLines

c++ image opencv contour
I am creating real time software, so often cvFindContours is called on a completely black mask. If this case, cvFindContours throws an exception, and the program crashes.How would I make it so that if cvFindContours is unable to find contours, instead of the program crashing, the program just moves onto the next line of code (just simple continues)?ThanksPS: I thought about keeping one pixel automatically always white to prevent cvFindContours from not being able to find an contour, but this wou

qgis grass convert dem contour
I want to create a DEM from depth contours (shapefile) in QGIS. I’ve been trying to work out how to do this based on this previous question, notably from this link from that page, however I’m stuck, and was hoping someone could help.My progress/process so far:open new map in QGIS, import the contour shapefile set GRASS extent, set new GRASS mapfile, etc try to ‘import’ the shapefile into grass by converting it into a grass file, based on a hunch from the wording in this page (search in page: ‘u

Lisa SH
qgis dem error contour nviz
I am trying to follow this workflow: [How to generate a DEM from a countour Shapefile?] and it’s running fine, and when I hit view output or view results I end up with a flat raster with shading associated with the heights of my contours on screen.However, I want to see the 3D terrain with hillshading etc, and potentially export a 3d mesh, and from research, think that the nvis module in GRASS can do this for me, but when I try to run this I get the error “module nvis not found”? And QGIS crashe

qgis contour heatmap density
I was recently given a .csv containing the locations of all recorded bicycle accidents in Boston over the past few years. As an avid cyclist, I’d like to create a simple contour map that draws attention to the intersections with the greatest accident densities to share with friends and city officials. Using the Heatmap QGIS plugin and GDAL’s contour tool, I succeeded in creating an aesthetically pleasing map, but my concern is that the numerical values of these contours are somewhat meaningless

arcgis raster simplify contour polyliine
Does anybody know a way to simplify a number of contour polylines derived from a raster dataset? I need to generate a map that shows contour polylines at relatively small scale. With the contour interval at a 1 meter interval, contours converge too closely, making the output lines difficult to distinguish at that scale. The spatial resolution of the original raster is 2 meters. I’m looking for something like the ‘simplify line’ tool. I know this tool exists in the ‘Generalization’ Toolset, but

validation umbraco contour
I have Umbraco version Umbraco v6.1.3 (Assembly version: 1.0.4954.19342)and Contour version 3I run MVC on the websiteIt is a clean umbraco install, and clean contour installI have made a simple form, consisting of 2 inputs (2 textstrings). One of the inputs is mandatoryI can insert the form onto my razor file, and the form appears.PROBLEMclient side validation failsUncaught TypeError: Cannot call method ‘setDefaults’ of undefined contourform.js:4 (anonymous function)contourform.js:4 (anonymous f

Nathan W
raster gdal dem contour
We have just received a large set of DEMs at work and I would like to generate contours from them. The DEMs have a resolution of 1m and a size of 1kmx1km.Output from gdalinfo:Driver: AAIGrid/Arc/Info ASCII Grid Files: 380000_6888000_1k_1m_DEM_ESRI.asc Size is 1000, 1000 Coordinate System is `’ Origin = (380000.000000000000000,6888000.000000000000000) Pixel Size = (1.000000000000000,-1.000000000000000) Corner Coordinates: Upper Left ( 380000.000, 6888000.000) Lower Left ( 380000.000, 6887000

Riddhiman Dasgupta
visual-studio opencv computer-vision contour mser
I’m running OpenCV 2.4.2, on Visual Studio 2012. I want to use MSER to detect text in images. I started off with the sample MSER sample program provided in the OpenCV directory,#include “opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp” #include “opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp” #include “opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp” #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h>using namespace cv; using namespace std;static const Vec3b bcolors[] = {Vec3b(0,0,255),Vec3b(0,128,255),Vec3b(0,255,255),Vec3b(0,255,0),Vec3b(255,128,