
iphone session invalidate quit
I would like to tell the server to invalidate an ongoing session when the user quits the iPhone application.In the app delegate, I send a request to the server in the (void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application method. I am not waiting for a server answer, I just want to send the request and quit.However I cant see any packet leaving the application. The same code in another place works fine.Session has a limited duration anyway and the server will invalidate it after a while, bu

Tugrul Emre Atalay
windows phone quit
I have 7 applications in Windows Phone Marketplace but I have a problem. My dashboard shows me crash reports about my QuitException (I have found it from stackoverflow) for using exiting from my applications. Which one is the legal exit from applications? Could you help me, please?

python crash tkinter exit quit
Im making a GUI and want to add an exit button to close the window. The only problem is, when i add a button with the following code: root = Tk()Exit = Button(root, text = “Quit”, command = root.quit()).grid(row = 6, column = 1)the GUI window crashes. Im running windows 7 and Python 3.2.

xcode build crash osx-lion quit
I’m running Lion (10.7.4) and running Xcode 4.3.2 and when I build any application it crashes on the build. Below is the report. Any suggestions?Application Specific Information:ProductBuildVersion: 4E2002UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION (NSInternalInconsistencyException): Couldn’t load plug-in ‘com.apple.dt.dbg.DebuggerLLDB’ while firing fault for extension ‘Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.Debugger.LLDB’UserInfo: {NSUnderlyingError = “Error Domain=DVTPlugInErrorDomain Code=2 \”Loading a plug-in failed.\” UserInfo=0

osx error python quit signal
I kill Python processes with SIGQUIT by pressing Ctrl/ sometimes (usually my own that are misbehaving). Can I prevent the “Python quit unexpectedly” message? I know I can just hit escape, so it’s not so bad.

osx mountain-lion google-chrome crash quit
My OSX 10.8 works fine until today. Multiple applications quit unexpectedly, including Chrome, Evernote, Pages. It can’t be fix even if I reopen or reinstall these apps.I’ve conducted software update yesterday, not sure if it’s one of the reasons. If I remember correctly, it’s HP software or raw image processing, something like that, not a major system upgrade.Anybody run into this problem? How did you solve it? Thanks!

Chris W. Rea
osx crash address-book quit
When opening Address Book, it quits before it opens. The window says:Address Book quit unexpectedly. Click `Reopen` to open the application again. Click `Report` to see more detailed information and send a report to Apple.What’s the best solution? How can I diagnose this problem?

ios debugging crash quit
My app crashes when I quit it(not press home button and go to background), I guess the problem is that some objects released in viewDidUnload, are released again in dealloc, but I’m not sure. As my code has more than 10000 lines, is there any tool or method so I can quickly pinpoint the bug? Or is it caused by something else rather than one object being released twice?Thanks!Here is a screenshot of left pane:Also, I tried to log messages in viewDidUnload and dealloc, but did not see any error me


android bluetooth quit
I am new to android and java program.I am try to write a program to remotely control switches via Android HP bluetooth. Everything are fine only my scan for bluetooth function/activity do get random force quit. I am not sure what happen/wrong with my code hence I hope someone can help/advice me accordingly. Below are the logcat file I extract out.08-08 17:23:40.035: D/getView(1876): WindowsCE 08-08 17:23:40.035: D/getView(1876): WindowsCE 08-08 17:23:42.949: E/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(107): event_

java android android-sdk-2.1 quit
I’ve just read that you can exit an android application by simply calling:finish();However this is not the case! When I do this I get the following errors:PackageInstallationReciever Remove /data/local/tmp/com._____.apk Fail! AndroidRuntime Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due to uncaught exception AndroidRuntime java.lang.NullPointerException AndroidRuntime at android….. dalvikvm Unable to open stack trace file ‘/data/anr/traces.txt’: Permission deniedSo what is the proper way to for

mac safari quit
So I brought my 3.2 Ghz Intel Core i3 imac with 4 GB Ram in for a hard drive recall. They ended up replacing the 1TB HD with a new one, as well as the logic board (no explaination given for the board replacement – no charge). Since then, Safari Unexpectedly Quits when starting up. There is no com.apple.safari.plist file on my machine, which is weird. I am running Lion 10.7.5. I also get an unknown error when logging into Apple Support Communities, and therefore can’t ask this question there. The