problem about automator-Collection of common programming errors

  • Kara
    osx automator
    Is it possible with Automator to create a new folder, but when doing so to have the user enter the location and name the older should be?So, I take an image, scale and rename it, and save it to a new folder defined during the runtime?

  • studiohack
    osx osx-snow-leopard finder context-menu automator
    how can I create a Finder automaton item that appears in ‘Services’ for creating a new text file inside a file folder? I use TextMate, so better if the solution is editor-agnostic (rather than using TextEdit).

  • superhappyfuntime
    mac crash automator
    When I open Automator, I get:7/1/12 10:54:26 AM[1] (com.jft.PdaNetMac[57449]) Exited with exit code: 1in console. I would like to know how to fix this.

  • drevicko
    applescript automator
    I have a bunch of files I want to upload to web page. Unfortunately the web form for uploading only allows me to specify one at a time (it spawns and ‘open file’ dialog). Is there an easy way to do this with some combination of automator/applescirpt?

  • Ermiar
    applescript video automator google-chrome youtube
    So, I need to show some kids a sequence of YouTube videos (with Automator, because there’s no one available to man the computer for 30 minutes), but it’s at a school where the YouTube domain is blocked, so I had to use a workaround where I use a website ( that will embed a YouTube link for me into a page, and I can view the embedded video from there. However, it does not automatically start the embedded video. So, I have my Automator configured to open a video in Chrome,

  • Rodrigo
    audio automator microphone
    Is there any way to trigger an Automator action with a sound? I’d like to be able to record a sound and trigger an action every time my computer’s microphone receives the sound.

  • MnO
    osx lion automator battery crash
    I wrote a workflow to check battery duration, on osx 10.8.3 works perfectly and on 10.7.5 crash after a random time. In console I get this ([0x0-0x4c94c9][5116]) Exited abnormally: Broken pipe: 13Workflow:run script shell /bin/bash echo show web page with safari pause 30 seconds run script shell /bin/bash echo show web page with safari pause 30 seconds run script shell /bin/bash date >&

  • Mort
    terminal applescript automator
    I have the requirement to manually run the OSX maintenance scripts in OSX (Lion / Mountain Lion). I would like to create a completely stand alone application that would achieve the following goals:run the terminal command : sudo periodic daily weekly monthly Be executable via Finder Be standalone (a single file is all that is needed to execute the process so that a non technically inclined user may simple double click to run said command) Be portable (copy a single file to a USB flash drive or o

  • Simon M
    objective-c osx cocoa automator
    I’m making an app that needs to present the user with a way to choose an output directory. At present, I’ve got an AMPathPopUpButton in my view, which looks great. But, no matter what I try, I can’t get the path from it.What I’ve tried so far:Binding the AMPathPopUpButton’s path value to an object controller using the controller key “selection” and the model key path savePath, which shows the message “Xcode cannot resolve the entered keypath, even though the key is added to the object controller