
java android reflection cglib bcel
I am looking for a way to dynamically define classes and instantiate them in Android, at runtime. From my understanding, this is already done in Android, I just need some help figuring it out.I can a similiar result in Javascript and PHP. I know it can be done in Java using something like ASM, BCEL or CGlib. However, I do not know enough about any of these to understand if they will work on Android. Or, of they will work, what are the implications?If, hypothetically, all three will work in A

Michael Myers
java ant findbugs task bcel
I installed findbugs into my ant lib directory and added the following code into my main ANT script:<target name=”findbugs” depends=”init”><findbugs home=”C:\\findbugs\\” output=”html outputFile=”C:\\findbugs\\out.html” jvmargs=”-Xms512M”><sourcePath path=”${messageaggregator.src}” /><class location=”${messageaggregator.src}”/></findbugs> </target>The following xml is called within the init target:<taskdef name=”findbugs” classname=”edu.umd.cs.findbugs.antt

java ant build-process bcel
I’m working on a simple build script that should get some constants from a java class file and use them as the version numbers in my file names. I use Eclipse and its own Ant, but put bcel-5.2.jar in my libs folder and into the classpath for the Ant call.<target name=”generate_version” depends=”compile”><loadproperties srcfile=”${dir.dest}/MyVersion.class”><classpath><fileset dir=”${dir.libs}”><include name=”**/bcel*.jar”/></fileset></classpath><filte

java bytecode bcel
Where is information such as if a local variable is “final” stored in Java bytecode? I know that for fields (global variables) and methods these are found in the access flag bits, but cannot seem to find the equivalent in the local variable table.I am interested in this question as I am using BCEL to check if a local variable is final, and have found the equivalent for fields, methods and classes in the class AccessFlags.Thanks in advance.

java bytecode bcel
I’ve the following scenario..I am writing some tool that run user-entered query against the database and return the result..The simplest way is to return the result as: List<String[]> but I need to take this a step further.I need to create (at runtime) some POJO (or DTO) with some name and create fields and setters and getters for it and populate it with the data returned and then return it to the user among with the .class file generated…So the idea here is How to Create simple class(by