
Lars Truijens
delphi delphi-7 twebbrowser
I have created an app with a twebBrowser in it. Problem is when i click on some link, in say gmail, it opens in a new window of my default browser( which is IE). how do i make it work like firefox or chrome etc. which opens the clicked links in their windows. The url’s should open in the TWebBrowser’s window. Must i create a new Form at runtime with TWebBrowser in it at runtime for that? Code not needed as such, ideas will doThanks in Advance.P.S. My org blocks Gmail, Facebook etc. , However th

Has anyone tried creating and destroying a TWebBrowser at runtime and using FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION to switch the browser mode before re-creating the TWebBrowser to enable switching the mode without restarting the application?I’m wondering if the setting is only read when starting the app, or when the web browser control is created.

Billiardo Aragorn
delphi runtime twebbrowser
I have a TWebBrowser object which is created in runtime and used in background, that is, not visible. The problem is that events like OnDocumentComplete dont work or are not triggered in Delphi2009. Any advice?procedure TfrmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); beginFWebBrowser:= TWebBrowser.Create(Self);FWebBrowser.RegisterAsBrowser:= True;FWebBrowser.OnDocumentComplete:= WhenDocIsCompleted; end;procedure TfrmMain.WhenDocIsCompleted(ASender: TObject; const pDisp: IDispatch;var URL: OleVariant); beg

delphi webbrowser-control delphi-5 twebbrowser flashplayer-10
Here is my code:typeTForm1 = class(TForm)WebBrowser1: TWebBrowser;Button1: TButton;Button2: TButton;procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);end;implementation uses ActiveX;procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); // method 1 varHtmlFile: string; beginHtmlFile := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + ‘test.html’;WebBrowser1.Navigate(HtmlFile); end;procedure LoadHtml(wb: TWebBrowser; HTMLStr: string); varaStream: TMemoryStream; beginwb.Navigate(‘abou

delphi crash delphi-xe2 twebbrowser
The TWebBrowser component in Delphi XE2 seems to be seriously buggy. Is there some sort of code I have to run in order to instantiate it in some special way?Create new Delphi project Drop a TWebBrowser component onto the form. In Form1.FormCreate() call WebBrowser1.GoHome (to google).If I compile this 32-bit and go to some specific webpages I get error messages. google (ncbi nucleotide blast) and click the first link.In addition to these javascript errors if I click a link which usually opens in

Roland Bengtsson
delphi refresh delphi-2007 twebbrowser
I have a TWebBrowser component that show a Google maps page. The problem is that when user press F5 the page refresh and page reloads. This cause javascript variables to reinitialize and get out of sync with Delphi and a scripting error dialog appear, ‘undefined’ is null or not an object.I want to stop refresh from the user.I tried this event for OnBeforeNavigate2:procedure TNewOrganizationForm.mapAddressBeforeNavigate2(ASender: TObject;const pDisp: IDispatch; var URL, Flags, TargetFrameName, P