
windows tidesdk
I’m trying to package a TideSDK application to run from a DVD with no installation. I’m using TideSDK 1.3.3 Beta and TideSDK Developer 1.4.2 on Windows 7 x64. When I “Package with Runtime”, I get the following, as expected:packages/win32/bundle/myApp.exe – a self-contained installer for the applicationpackages/win32/bundle/myApp/ – a directory containing the applicationWhen I move the directory myApp to an external hard drive, plug it into a different computer, and run myApp/myApp.exe, it works

javascript native tidesdk
Has this happened to anyone? How to solve?Couldn’t load file:/home/familia/.tidesdk/TideSDK/runtime/1.3.1-beta/libtide.so, error: libjpeg.so.62: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

windows linux osx phonegap tidesdk
I’m looking for a desktop publishing platform for Mac, Windows, and Linux that is closely tied to PhoneGap in terms of the concept. I know that there’s Titanium for Desktop (TideSDK?) but as far as I’ve used it before, it requires the end-users to download a big 70mb-ish runtime file once. What I liked about PhoneGap is that it doesn’t require any of that (it works out of the box). I’m looking for something similar, only, instead of being meant for the mobile development, it ‘s targeted at deskt

Luis Arriojas
I installed TideSDK and TideSDK Developer correctly in Ubuntu and Windows 7. I can run Developer, import Hello World project, can run the app and do a Package with Runtime. Followed the “Get Started With TideSDK” tutotial.The app generated can run without problems in my own system (Ubuntu or Windows 7, depends where it was compiled), but when I try to run it in a computer that doesn’t have TideSDK, it doesn’t run. Why?Do I need to install TideSDK in each computer where the app will run?

Victor Zimmer
I just downloaded TideSDK and it looks great. Saw that TideKit is upcoming :)When I tried to start up their “Hello World” example it told me it had to install more packages. When downloading it hit what seems like to me a 404 error and it also got “no release found by that id” as response.I did wait a few hours before retrying, but it doesn’t seem to help..So I was wondering if wether or not it’s just me? Alternatively if anyone’s seen these errors before and what they did to resolve…Error: Pa

How can I download a file and store it locally? I’ve searched the doc and google and couldn’t find an example of it.I tried this:this.copyRemote = function(path,path2){reader = Ti.Network.createHTTPClient();writer = Ti.Filesystem.getFile(path2);reader.open(‘GET’,path);reader.receive(writer); }But Tidesdk crashes while trying to download the file, the last messages on console are:[12:42:39:647] [Ti.Network.HTTPClient] [Debug] Changing readyState from 0 to 1 for url:https://buttonpublish.com/api/i

Ashit Vora
I’m trying to use TideSDK to create a Accounting software for a client. The software will mainly do CRUD operations.I’m wondering which Database is shipped with TideSDK. Is it localStorage / SQLite? Is there a way to bundle any other Database?The reason I’m asking is, the software will store around 10 tables and each with approx 10K rows min (depends on user’s plan).What’s the best way to take regular backup so we don’t loose any data in case Database crashes?

Thava Mani
titanium tidesdk
i have installed tideSDK 1.3.1-beta on my machine File path is “user/.tidesdk”.. then tried to install tideSDK developer 1.4.2 i got following error message.Couldn’t load file:/home/mareeswari/TideSDK-Developer-1.4.2-linux-x86/runtime/1.3.1-beta/libtide.so, error: /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15′ not found (required by /home/mareeswari/TideSDK-Developer-1.4.2-linux-x86/runtime/1.3.1-beta/libtide.so)

php debugging tidesdk
I’ve started working in TideSDK. So far I like it, with the exception of one thing:If I get certain types of errors, it crashes and the console closes before I get a chance to read the output.I’m using the latest version of the TideSDK (1.3.1 beta) and TideSDK Developer (1.4.2). However, whenever I get certain types of errors, my app is just like “I give up” and closes immediately, before I get a chance to check with the console to determine what the error was. There also seems to be no log, and

tidesdk linuxmint mate
I work with openFileChooserDialog() in TideSDK:Ti.UI.openFileChooserDialog(callbackFunc, options); callbackFunc = function(filenames){ fileSelected = filenames[0];console.log(‘—‘);console.log(fileSelected);console.log(‘—‘); }; var options = { multiple: false, title: “Select files to open…”, types: [‘txt’], typesDescription: “Documents”, path: Ti.Filesystem.getUserDirectory() };Everything is ok when i Choose file on my disk, but… I use Linux Mint 13 x64 Mate and I have “recent ope

Jay Bhatt
php tidesdk
I have a simple tidesdk program with php module which contains a simple form and a php file which handles this form. Everything works fine. But when I submit the form the program crashes and throws an exception which is listed below. I am running the program through tidesdk developer. Here’s the form.<form action=”login.php”><table style=”margin: 0 auto; width: 250px;”><tr><td style=”padding-top: 20px;”><div class=”input-group margin-bottom-sm”> <span class=”inpu

python-2.7 tidesdk
I am trying to hide source code for the application so I used py2exe to create executable file of the python code. Then I tried to use Ti.Process to get the data from this exe. I can see the data returned without a problem but process.isRunning() is always true. I need to wait until process.isRunning() is false so I can return proper data to caller function else the return value is undefined. var myScript = Ti.Process.createProcess({args:[Ti.API.application.resourcesPath + ‘/mbtiles_cmd’,Ti.API

I want to use TideSDK developer with php script and follow getting start tutorial.When i launch a basic hello script with php module, application start but the debug screen show me this message :[Ti.Host] [Error] Could not load module (/home/casoars/.tidesdk/modules/linux/php/1.3.1-beta/libtidephp.so): “Error loading module (/home/casoars/.tidesdk/modules/linux/php/1.3.1-beta/libtidephp.so) : libgmp.so.3I have exactly the same message for libphp5.so module.And others php modules can’t be created

Insane Coder
javascript html css tidesdk
I have developed a Windows application using TideSDK with HTML , CSS and Javascript.To give it a widget look I disappered its title bar.So I can’t drag it.The TideSDK documentation says “after disappearing title bars, you can drag window using its contents with javascript”.How can I drag the window with javascript selecting its components(tiles in my case)?Any tutorial or code as I found nothing on google with my search.My App looks like below:

Saiful Islam Cse
php sqlite tidesdk
I’m a new user of Tide SDK , I am able to Use SQLITE on JS / Ti , But I’m Trying to Use Database from php , But i can’t do that , i search every where to get solution but i don’t have any soluton. I Tryed Following Code:<?phpglobal $Ti;$desktop = “C:\Users\SAIFUL\Desktop\business\businessApp\Resources”;$db = new SQLite3($desktop . “\customdatabase.db”);if($db){echo “Sucess !<br>”;}else{echo “Failed !<br>”;}sqlite_exec($db, “INSERT INTO Users (id, name) VALUES (‘5′,’saiful’)”);?&g

php ssh tidesdk
Are there any possibilities to connect to server via ssh using php in tidesdk. I’m trying to use$session = ssh2_connect($server, 22);But an error occurredFatal error – Call to undefined function ssh2_connect()