
python setuptools egg software-packaging
Ours is a python shop. We have different python packages developed inhouse and will be deployed onto customers’ environments(machines).This is how our development and release cycle happens.Once developers complete “testing” of a package, a distribution(egg file) of the package is prepared and pushed to a central archiving place. WHen we want to deploy our software to Customers, the same distributions(egg files) will be downloaded and installed in their environment.Assuming the “testing” happens

python c osx setuptools py2app
I’m not sure my question / title is phrased quite right. I’m working on OSX 10.6 and python 2.7.1. I’ve used setuptools and py2app to create a .app, which I can run from the finder or from the terminal using open. One of my goals for the program is to launch quickly. When I go into the build folder and run the python program directly using python, my window pops up right away. In less than 1 second. It’s pretty consistent. But when I go into the dist folder and run the .app (either from t

python python-3.x setuptools
Will the setuptools for windows python 2.7 http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools#files be compatible with a python 3.2.x runtime. The installer fails to detect the python settings during an install. Should I wait for a new release?

python numpy setuptools python-2.7
This might be a follow up question of this one.I am using setuptools to install a package of mine. As a dependency I have listed numpy. I am using Python2.7 and when I dopython setup.py installwith this setup.py file:from setuptools import setupsetup(name = “test_pack”, install_requires = [“numpy”])I end up with this error message:ImportError: No module named numpy.distutilsWhat do I need to do in order to include numpy as a dependency and install it without having python-dev installed?The compl

python twisted setuptools distutils distribute
The Twisted Plugin System is the preferred way to write extensible twisted applications. However, due to the way the plugin system is structured (plugins go into a twisted/plugins directory which should not be a Python package), writing a proper setup.py for installing those plugins appears to be non-trivial.I’ve seen some attempts that add ‘twisted.plugins’ to the ‘packages’ key of the distutils setup command, but since it is not really a package, bad things happen (for example, an __init__.py

Sridhar Ratnakumar
python python-3.x setuptools pywin32 distribute
I am trying to install distribute using ActivePython 3.1.2 on Windows.Running python distribute_setup.py as described on the cheese shop give me:No setuptools distribution foundrunning installTraceback (most recent call last):File “setup.py”, line 177, in scripts = scripts,File “C:\Dev\Python_x86\3.1\lib\distutils\core.py”, line 149, in setupdist.run_commands()File “C:\Dev\Python_x86\3.1\lib\distutils\dist.py”, line 919, in run_commandsself.run_command(cmd)File “C:\Dev\Python_x86\3.1\lib\distuti

Lion Krischer
python numpy setuptools distutils setup.py
Inside the setup.py script I need to create some temporary files for the installation. The natural place to put them would be the “build/” directory.Is there a way to retrieve its path that works if installing via pypi, from source, easy_install, pip, …?Thanks a lot!

python installation dependencies package setuptools
I am trying to list ScientificPython as a dependency in my setup.py. However, during the installation process, python seems to not find the package. What is wrong in my approach?Here is my setup:import setuptools setuptools.setup(name = ‘MyPack’, version = ‘0.1’, description= ‘Description.’,author = ‘Me’,packages = setuptools.find_packages(),install_requires = [‘ScientificPython’],dependency_links = [“https://sourcesup.cru.fr/frs/?group_id=180&release_id=1351#stable-releases-2-8-title-conten