
osx air folder bundle relative
I have created a Mac application using Air Captive Runtime. My folder structure is as follows:parent/ parent/data/ parent/MyApp.appI want to open xml files inside the “data” folder from MyApp.app but Air is not allowing me to do this. Since the actual swf file is burried inside the mac bundle, opening files inside the data folder is not as straight forward and using “../../” with applicationDirectory is not working since air is ignoring calls with “..”I have looked for examples to solve this but

android layout admob relative adview
First off- I have an admob adView set up but I need to create it dynamically due to a bug in the latest release of course.I want the ad on the bottom of the screen, and I have a linearLayout which is set to the bottom BUT there are is a restrictions which have to be otherwise the ad wont load: 1) I need to LinearLayout to be a certain height (NOT wrap content)This all works fine with a test ad, but the problem is…I was going to put this layout in a RelativeLayout so that I can align it to the

linux vim path relative absolute
I actually have the following situation and thats what working actually:Imagine you have to work as root on a file but you want ur own .vimrc without calling “-u”. So I started the following “plugin”:let g:realuser=system(‘w | grep $(ps w | grep ‘ . getpid() . ‘ | head -n1 | awk “{ print \$2 }”) | awk “{ print \$1 }”‘) if $USER == ‘root’let g:vimrc=system(‘printf /home/%s/.vimrc ‘. g:realuser)if filereadable(g:vimrc)exec “:source ” . g:vimrcfinishendif endifI call it “realuser.vim” and “source”

c# image path relative fromfile
I have a program I have written in C#, which loads an image with Image.FromFile, and it loads the image successfully every time. However, when you drag and drop another file on the executable, like you are giving the program the command line argument of the file, and the file is not in the same folder as the executable, the program crashes because it says the path to the file does not exist, even though it does. I think that by dropping a file on the executable, it’s changing the path it’s loadi

android layout gallery relative
I am using below code to add gallery to rel. layout after doing work in background thread but my app crashes,……doinbackground()….protected void onPostExecute(Void unused) {obj.relayout.addView(obj.gl,obj.lp); //obj is main class objectobj.galryAdp(Arraylist);progressBar.dismiss();Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), “dude”, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();}please suggest any solution. Thanks.

javascript jquery popup positioning relative
With help from various websites, I’ve created a very simple pop-up box using javascript that contains my contact information. I’m happy with how it works, except that the popup window that appears is positioned absolutely, and I want to have it appear relative to the browser window (ie I want the pop up to appear in the centre of the browser window, regardless of where you are on the page when you click the info icon).I’m comfortable with HTML, but not with javascript. I know that relative posit

php wordpress path relative
Just testing this on a site and am having trouble with the path I think, (got it wokring on another site fine)My function is here: domain.com/shop/library/smarty/plugins/function.recentposts.phpMy WordPress install: domain.com/wp/wp-load.phpThe path in function file: ././././wp/wp-load.phpLooks ok to meIm just getting call to undefined function error on screen. The only difference in each test site is the path and the fact that on this site I did the install in /wp/ but set the site to appear as

John Frost
perl module relative
im trying to add the module File-Copy-Recursive to my script as i have done with another module already, but when i try to use it i get an error i can not explain:use lib “./cpan”; use Recursive qw(dircopy); dircopy($path1, $path2);the error i get is: Undefined subroutine &main::dircopy called at …I don’t understand it, the module clearly has the function dircopy in it.

path replace anchor relative
Im using this code to replace relative paths in anchors:$(‘a’).each(function(){$(this).attr(‘href’,$(this).attr(‘href’).replace(/.*\.\.\//,”/dev/jmsracing/”)); });Its working correctly, but i’m getting an error on page load: “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method ‘replace’ of undefined”Im unable to figure out exactly why im getting the error. Any thoughts?

Zbarcea Christian
java resources path relative
I’m trying to load a .wav file into the memory, but It keep telling me that the file doesn’t exists.String filename;public MyClass(String _filename){filename = _filename; }public void run(){InputStream in = View.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(“/sounds/”+filename);File inputFile = new File(in.toString());if(!inputFile.exists()){System.err.println(“Wave file not found: ” + in.toString());return;} }Console:Wave file not found: java.io.FileInputStream@dd5b524Wave file notfound: java.io.F