
actionscript-3 flex4 tlf flashplayer-10
I have one text field which needs to support RTL languages but this is not achievable with ordinary TextField so I used TLF. I created a test project just to make a test with this small text field which uses TLF, and guess what it became 346KB. I browsed the compiled swf in flash develop and I can see a lot of classes from TLF framework which I havent imported in the text project. How to remove them from addin to the main swf file?Here is my codemsg = “<TextFlow xmlns=’http://ns.adobe.com/tex

flash actionscript compatibility flashplayer-10 flashplayer-9
For example, if an application uses class, method, or property which is supported only by Flash Player10. (I also want to know what class, method, or property is supported only by Flash Player10.)When you run the application on Flash Player9, what will happen? Flash Player will be crashed? Or Flash Player will show you a message screen to upgrade your Flash Player? Or the application will normally run and will ignore the part which uses the unsupported class, method, or property? Or the applicat

delphi webbrowser-control delphi-5 twebbrowser flashplayer-10
Here is my code:typeTForm1 = class(TForm)WebBrowser1: TWebBrowser;Button1: TButton;Button2: TButton;procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);end;implementation uses ActiveX;procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); // method 1 varHtmlFile: string; beginHtmlFile := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + ‘test.html’;WebBrowser1.Navigate(HtmlFile); end;procedure LoadHtml(wb: TWebBrowser; HTMLStr: string); varaStream: TMemoryStream; beginwb.Navigate(‘abou

Luke Girvin
flash actionscript-3 flash-player flashplayer-10 flashplayer-9
What is the best way to debug a CRASHING flash app ? (no exception, my application just crash) I am actualy facing a big problem: my app (full-flash website) was working fine with the flashplayer 9 but crash with the flashplayer 10…Here is the BAD method who crash my app with FP10. After removing the call to this method everything was working properly with FP10.public static function drawWedgeCrown(g : Graphics,a : Number,r : Number,r2 : Number, n : Number, c : Number, t : Number) : void {var