
delphi search-and-replace dfm
I need to do a SearchReplace in all my forms (all the dfm) for changing all the occurences of ‘:’ to ‘;’ in all the TQuery.Strings (of type TStrings).How can I accomplish this? I’d like to do it at desing time: I would like that my dfm contain “;”, not do a runtime substitution.

delphi scaffolding dfm
I’m new to delphi and I’m looking up on ways to learn more about delphi underlying technology plus make something useful here in my job in the process, also if anyone has any tip or see anyway i can improve my idea please fell free to speak your mind…i want to do make some kind of Scaffolding for dfms, the ideia is the following: i want to generate based on a firebird database table – with well defined domains – the bulk of the Form .I think the idea is too simple or i’m not seeing the big p

delphi runtime dfm
We have an application that have many components on the forms (panels, tabs, edits, comboboxes, etc…). But depending on the user profile, most of them could be filled automatically and/or not be visible. So, users could do their work faster.The question: Is there any easier way to create, position, change ownership etc, at runtime? I would like to create 2 .dfm files for a given unit and then have something to tell the application what .dfm to use. Like: “Hey! User is advanced, use the Unit1Ad