
linux cilk
I had some problems with a cilk++ program that works well on windows system but not on linux system:on windows system, while increasing the number of threads the execution time decrease but on linux system, while increasing the number of threads the execution time increase.I used linux ubuntu 2.6.35-22-generic x86_64 GNU/LinuxI can’t understand the source of the problem.So can someone help me please ?

c osx gcc static-linking cilk
I’m trying to statically link the cilk library to my program, in order to be able to run the executable on environments that don’t have the cilk libraries installed (since it is not so common).Here is the best I could come up with:cilkc -Ofast -Wextra -pedantic -fwhole-program -flto -msse4.2 -m64 -lm -mtune=generic -funroll-loops -finline-functions -ffast-math -lpthread -lz -DUSE_GCC -Wc,-std=c99 -Wc,-pipe -DUSE_FILE32API /usr/local/lib/libcilk.a /usr/local/lib/cilk/libcilkrt0.a src/all.c src/Ci

c quicksort cilk
I have created a median-of-3 standard Quick-sort implementation which sorts a large array of random integers. I would like to go up to at least a 100 million elements but preferably a billion. To increase speed, I am attempting to parallelize the algorithm in Cilk++. The algorithm uses double recursion, and I spawn Cilk tasks to perform each recursive sort.My algorithm works for arrays up to size 10 000 000. Without the Cilk keywords, my sequential algorithm handles 100 million elements easily b

Jon Harrop
performance parallel-processing cilk
What challenges in shared memory parallel programming (particularly multicore) cannot be solved or cannot be solved efficiently using a Cilk-style solution (i.e. nested data parallelism with per-core work stealing task deques)?

spawn cilk intel-parallel-studio
I work with intel parallel studio 2011 and I included:#include <cilk/cilk.h>which seemed to be included just fine.Then I tried using the command:cilk_spawn (and also _Cilk_spawn)and got the following error:Error: identifier “_Cilk_spawn” is undefined.Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

boost cilk cilk-plus
I am facing an issue while compiling the Cilk++ code with Boost Library.The Boost Library has been installed outside /usr/include.I used a -I option to specify the boost directory while compiling with cilk++. I am getting the following error./home/user/boost_1_51_0/boost/multi_array.hpp: In member function’boost::multi_array<T, NumDims, Allocator>& cilk boost::multi_array<T,NumDims, Allocator>::resize(constboost::detail::multi_array::extent_gen<NumDims>&) [with T = floa