
c# wpf datatemplate timepicker
In my Wpf app, I’ve two TimePickers. I’ve used binding for them but their time is not updating. I also want to set selected date for these TimePickers.I tried to bind it as below. But, it won’t work. Actual problem here is TimePickers are inside DataTemplate.Here is xaml:<DataTemplate x:Key=”EditableDataTemplate”><StackPanel Orientation=”Horizontal” Width=”596″><xctk:TimePicker Name=”StartPicker” Value=”{Binding StartValue, Mode=TwoWay, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=

java android eclipse timepicker
I’m trying to implement a TimePicker into my source code from the following tutorial:http://www.lukehorvat.com/blog/android-time-picker-example/However when implementing it in my app – I’m getting force close issues. Any suggestions? JAVA:import android.app.Activity; import android.app.AlertDialog; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.widget.Button; import android.w

java android eclipse sqlite timepicker
I’ve created a simple record keeping application using various resources around the internet. I’m able to successfully store text data – however when I attempt to incorporate a TimePicker I end up crashing my entire app. I was instructed how to add this functionality in a previous post – but when I attempt to add fields for the timepicker data the entire app closes (and of course does not save the data) How do I store TimePicker Data in my simple record keeping app?I was instructed (by the user

java android eclipse sqlite timepicker
I have an application which stores the CurrentHour and CurrentMinute from a TimePicker in a sqlite database then displays it in another activity ViewCountry java I would like to combine these two fields in and display them together 9:30 – for example in the <TextView android:id=”@+id/codeText”style=”@style/StyleText”/>of view_country xmladd_country xml =================<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?><ScrollView xmlns:android=”http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android”and

java android eclipse timepicker android-sdk-tools
I’m really not sure what I’m doing wrong at this point… im trying to vew data stored by the time picker – but every time I run the application I get force close errors.P.S.It appears the issue is stemming from Line 74 in View Country.java timeTv.setCurrentHour(result.getInt(timeIndex));DATA OUT – JAVA:import android.app.Activity; import android.app.AlertDialog; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.Cursor; import android.os.AsyncTask; im

jquery jquery-ui timepicker
Currently I am working on a project with bootstrap supr theme. By default it is loading following js files : bootstrap.js colorpicker.js, date.js, elfinder.min.js, fullcalendar, iosorientation, jpages.min, jquery-ui, jquery-cookie, jquery-datatable, jquery-duallistbox, jquery-elastic, jquery-ibutton, jquery-imputlimiter, jqury, jquery-knob, jquery-lazyload, jquery-min, jquery-ui.button, jquery-ui.button, responsivetable, timepicker-addon etc.Whenever in a page, when I am using timepicker in a pa

java android dialog timepicker
hey I am trying to make a TimepickerDialog. But the app crashes soon as I press the Set Time button. Here is the code.MainActivity:package com.wifitimer; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import android.app.Activity; import android.app.TimePickerDialog; import android.os.Bundle; import android.widget.TimePicker;public class MainActivity extends Activity { DateFormat formatDateTime=DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(); Calendar dateTime=Calendar.getInstance();@Override public vo

Joel Lewis
jquery validation datepicker timepicker
I have two jQuery scripts that are not working on my page, a validate script, and a timepicker. They are not working at all, however datepicker is working. I get the following error for the time picker:Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method ‘timepicker’However that is the only error I am getting. This is the code I am using:<script src=”/js/jquery-1.10.1.js”></script><script src=”/js/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.js”></script><script src=’/sorttable.js’>

jquery datetimepicker timepicker
Trent Richardson’s Datetimepicker is not showing the time picker (only jQuery’s date picker). Tested it 2 months ago and it is working properly. Just upgraded the JS last month.This is the current js imports:jquery-1.8.2.min.js jquery-ui-1.8.24.custom.min.js jquery.ui.slideraccess.js (version 0.2.1) jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js (version 1.0.0)already tried .removeClass(‘hasDatepicker’); since it is appending to the class after initialization of datetimepicker the line $(‘#dateId’).datetimepicke

jquery jquery-ui datepicker timepicker
I’m trying to implement the jQuery UI Date Picker with the Time Picker addon (http://trentrichardson.com/examples/timepicker/)For some reason, I’m getting NaN instead of numbers and the little slider isn’t showing up. I downloaded Redmound theme from the UI, so that might have something to do with it? But I’ve also copied the code from the demo website.Any ideas?Here’s the site I’m trying to get it working on:http://citysouthphysio.website.2010.360southclients.com/book-appointment.htmlThe code i

android timepicker
I’ve followed this tutorial http://developer.android.com/resources/tutorials/views/hello-timepicker.html to create a time picker, I then created a second one and I’m attempting to compare the difference between the two. I have the following method and for some reason getCurrentHour() and getCurrentMinute() are not working even though they have been imported as public methods. Here is my method: private void calcShiftLength() { int difHour = mTimeDisplayEnd.getCurrentHour() -mTimeDisplay.getCurre

jquery datepicker timepicker
I am trying to install datepicker UI on my application along with its cool addon Timepicker http://trentrichardson.com/examples/timepicker/#basic_examplesI keep getting this error in the consoleUncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function jquery.ui.widget.js:71 $.widget jquery.ui.widget.js:71 (anonymous function) jquery.ui.slider.js:22 (anonymous function) jquery.ui.slider.js:672I am trying to use example #3 which is a datepicker plus a slider (time format)$(‘#basic_example_3’).datetimepicker

jquery timepicker
Does any body know what these errors coming from my error console mean while I am using trent richardson’s timepicker? What do I need to do?$.timepicker is undefinedthis line in the jsfile: $t.datepicker($.timepicker._newInst($t, o)._defaults);$.datepicker is undefinedthis line in the jsfile: $.datepicker._base_selectDate = $.datepicker._selectDate;trent richardson’s jsfile: http://trentrichardson.com/examples/timepicker/js/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.jsmy jsfile has been linked : <meta http-e

Nathan Nguy?n
jquery timepicker
I’m using Timepicker plugin: http://trentrichardson.com/examples/timepicker/ . I want to update Time Restraints after date was changed. This’s my code:var date = “10/02/2013”; // October, 02 2013 var time = “22:05”; $(“#Date”).datepicker({minDate: ‘today’,maxDate: date,showOn: “button”,buttonImage: ‘@Url.Content(“~/Images/Library/Calendar.png”)’,buttonImageOnly: true,onSelect: function (dateText) {if (Date.parse(dateText) == Date.parse(date)) {$(‘#Time’).timepicker({hourMax: time.split(‘:’)[0],

jquery jquery-ui datepicker datetimepicker timepicker
I’m trying to implement Trent’s timepicker, but I’m not being able to do it. I’m testing it in Chrome, Firefox, and IE9.I already imported Jquery and Jquery UI. The only common error I could find was that Jquery UI wasn’t the full version(without slides), but that’s not my case. Anyway, the errors are the following Cannot set property ‘formatTime’ of undefined (line …) $.datepicker.formatTime = function(format, time, options) { (this is the line)Cannot call method ‘_newInst’ of undefined $t.da

java android compiler-errors timepicker
I am a very frustrated newbee! I really don’t know where to start. I have an app based on the one in the dummies book. Got it working. Then tried to convert it to use the WIMMOne dialogs for time and date. After a bunch of false starts I loaded one of their samples and got it working. I then isolated the code in that and pasted in my sample. I cannot get past errors. (It doesn’t help that eclipse constantly adds some of its own. Sometimes I load the source and all statements, including i

java android eclipse timepicker
I’m getting 3 errors with the following source – can anyone explain what I’m doing wrong? The errors – minEdit cannot be resolved or is not a field The method setText(String) is undefined for TimePicker The method setText(String) is undefined for TimePickerP.S.The second two are occuring at the following line:timeEt.setText(extras.getString(“time”));minEt.setText(extras.getString(“min”));<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?> <ScrollView xmlns:android=”http://schemas.android.com/apk/res