UnKnown Error
c# dll merge 2014-1-22 2:50:50
I have a Windows C# program that uses a C++ dll for data i/o. My goal is to deploy the application as a single EXE. What are the steps to create such an executable?
Kohler Fryer
android button view merge extends 2014-1-18 20:42:38
Is it possible to add a button to a class that extends View? “”public class josh extends View “” If not how can I merge a button onto the view when it is referenced in my main activity? uhg please help….
wpf merge datatemplate 2014-1-18 16:39:06
I want to change DataTemplate’s content at runtime, the content is designed by enduser, and saved in a file as xaml format.the DataTemplate is defined like this:<DataTemplate x:Key=”DataTemplate1″><Grid><Canvas x:Name=”canvas1″ /></Grid> </DataTemplate>and the content designed by enduser like this:<Canvas x:Name=”canvas1″><Label …>… </Canvas>I want to meger the content designed by enduser to the datatemplate using code:DataTemplate templateObj
java pdf merge itext 2014-1-15 4:19:13
I want to merge 2 pdf documents using iText in java, one of the pdfs is created at runtime while the other is an existing pdf that I read in and using the PdfStamper function stamp an image onto it. I want to then merge these two pdfs and display them using a servlet.I want to know if this is possible and how to do it. I have no problem creating or stamping them separately but I just can’t seem to figure out how to merge them.Thanks
Michael Haren
sql-server sql-server-2012 merge 2014-1-12 12:54:00
Suppose you have something like this:Source table (variable):Values (LeftId INT NOT NULL,RightId INT NOT NULL,CustomValue varchar(100) NULL )Target table: Mapping (LeftId INT NOT NULL,RightId INT NOT NULL,CustomValue varchar(100) NULL )I want to merge Values into Target with the following rules:Match on source.LeftId = target.LeftId AND source.RightId = target.RightIdwhen matched in target, update CustomValue when not matched in target, insertDelete any unmatched values in the target that do mat
disk ext4 merge split io 2014-1-11 18:44:03
One the programs I’ve written requires merging many files into one, every 3 seconds. The merged file can be bigger than 1GB.I’m using cat command to do this. Cat seems to work pretty fast even when merging large files, but I don’t know how it works internally.I’m worried whether iteration of cat command will badly slow down the hard disk, at program runtime.
r merge plyr 2014-1-10 18:22:31
I have two different tables like the following (First table have section information, second table has crash information. First table has all section information, some of the sections doesn’t have any crash occurrence for which there’s no crash information on those sections in the second table. The merge table is required to count total crashes. If there’s no crash, the section will require to plug in zero values.):a <- structure(list(CSECT = c(“001-01”, “001-01”, “001-01”, “001-04”, “001-01”
android merge include 2014-1-1 10:42:18
I have activity with layouts for portrait and for landscape. Each of them includes different balloon.xmlFor portrait all works fine. For landscape – after test I found that system is including my portrait include 🙁 and all layout is alogned outside visible screen.Some sample code: I have two main.xml files – in ‘layout’ and in ‘layout-land’ folders.main.xml /different content for landscape and portrait/<RelativeLayout…….<include layout= “@layout/balloon” /> </RelativeLayout>a
android merge client collabnet 2013-12-27 18:25:27
I had installed “Collabnet Merge Client” in eclipse by the following link Subclipse 1.8.x Update Site – http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.8.x. By right clicking the project Team->Merge eclipse default Merge wizard is opening but “Collabnet Merge Client” wizard is not open. How to open “Collabnet Merge Client” wizard. Advance thanks for any help.
git merge repository 2013-12-24 4:54:56
I have a master branch and a dev branch for current development(local working copy). I need to merge changes from master onto my dev branch. Prior to merge I ran git stash and discovered the following error:fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .gitTo investigate this error I ran the following commands: git status git branch git remote -v. All produced the same error fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .gitI also tried resetting the origin of
data-binding windows-phone-7 geometry 2014-1-17 20:00:16
I’ve got a databound series of predefined shapes (Path with Data=”” set) which each trigger the same event when clicked. I’d like to programmatically access the mini form of the Path.Data property at runtime to be able to persist it.In this case I could just name the elements and on click check which one, however I’d prefer a more generic solution. There seem to be some WPF workarounds but I haven’t seen any for WP7.Does anyone know if this is possible? and if so, how to do it?Thanks.
header-footer margins fancyhdr geometry 2014-1-15 12:18:45
Can anyone suggest a strategy for changing the textwidth for the end matter, but preserving the look of fancyhdr, whose offset is calculated using the old geometry. Can’t seem to get \newgeometry to behave predictably with these constraints (my attempt disincluded in example). (Forgive the VWE…want to demonstrate custom format, including margin stuff.)%!TEX TS-program = xelatex %!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode\documentclass[11pt]{article}% PACKAGES\usepackage{geometry} \geometry{letterpaper} \
c# geometry programming arcgis-runtime arcgis-runtime-sdk-wpf 2014-1-13 5:49:41
I’m attempting to determine a geometry type based on a collection of coordinates and have come across a situation where I’d like to differentiate between what is a “polygon” and what is an “ellipse”. This question is specific to ESRI’s ArcGIS Runtime for WPF 10.1.1 SDK, but I imagine this is generic enough to have bearing in any GIS. I’ll use ESRI’s API for the examples in this sample.Given the following code sample to generate an ellipse’s point collection:double slice = 2 * Math.PI / 360; doub
mapinfo spatial-database geometry 2014-1-13 3:54:22
What are the basic that one should know about geometry datatype? How is it computed ? Why do we need geometry data type? Edit: I wanted to know why there is a different datatype called geometry. Is geometry some basic data type plus location information or more! How to understand the data in this column?From MSDN:The planar spatial data type, geometry, is implemented as a common language runtime (CLR) data type in SQL Server. This type represents data in a Euclidean (flat) coordinate system.
arcgis convert geometry 2014-1-13 2:48:08
How do I convert from an ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint to an ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Graphic point object?In other words, I’m wanting to convert from an IGeometry to a runtime geometry, I guess.
xna c# 3d 3d-meshes geometry 2014-1-13 1:56:58
*Look below for the updated source code*I have started to to make some different types of objects and create them by code in XNA. Right now I have finished the code for creating a Icosahedron. And works grate as it should. I have managed to get it textured by some tips from this page.Like the guy in this thread I get a seam. Not sure how to solve it properly.Here is my code for what sets up the resulting Vertices and Indices (since update this “IndexVertives” is not really what is used anymore.
David Gouveia
math geometry line-of-sight 2014-1-13 1:50:48
ForewordThis is a followup to this question and the main problem I’m trying to solve. My current solution is an hack which involves inflating the polygon, and doing most calculations on the inflated polygon instead. My goal is to remove this step completely, and correctly solve the problem with calculations only.ProblemGiven a concave polygon and treating all of its edges as if they werewalls in a level, determine whether two points A and B are in line ofsight of each other, while accounting for
Kendall Frey
math popularity-contest geometry 2014-1-12 6:38:24
You are trying to fit a sphere into a 5-sided box, but sometimes it does not fit completely. Write a function to calculate how much of the sphere is outside (above the rim of) the box.There are 3 possible situations:The sphere fits completely in the box. The answer will be 0. The sphere sits on the rim of the box. The answer will be more than half of the total volume. The sphere sits on the bottom of the box.You can see each situation here:You must write a program or function to compute this val
Christina Brooks
algorithm geometry 2d 2014-1-7 6:39:52
I’m struggling to find a good, working implementation of the Sutherland-Hodgman algorithm for clipping one polygon by the edges of another polygon. The input polygons are always quads that consist of four points. The best C implementation I could find is this one which seems perfect and incredibly fast, but unfortunately, it crashes on certain inputs and I’m not smart enough to determine what exactly in the algorithm goes wrong (it works with some input values and breaks with others). This is an
Anderson Carniel
c geometry computational-geometry 2013-12-24 9:33:14
Currently I can detect whether the point belongs to a line segment with the following code:uint8_t point_lies_onSegment(const POINT2D *point, const POINT2D *linea, const POINT2D *lineb) { double slope, intercept;double px, py;double left, top, right, bottom; // Bounding Box For Line Segmentdouble dx, dy;px = point->x; py = point->y;dx = lineb->x – linea->x; dy = lineb->y – linea->y;slope = dy / dx;// y = mx + c// intercept c = y – mxintercept = linea->y – slope * linea->x
javascript html5-canvas three.js webgl maya 2014-1-17 1:16:24
This site is loading a maya model using three.js. This model has Below texture picturesHere is the JSvar SCREEN_WIDTH = window.innerWidth;var SCREEN_HEIGHT = window.innerHeight;var container;var camera, scene;var canvasRenderer, webglRenderer;var mesh, zmesh, geometry, materials;var windowHalfX = window.innerWidth / 2;var windowHalfY = window.innerHeight / 2;var meshes = [];function init() {container = document.createElement(‘div’);document.body.appendChild(container);camera = new THREE.Perspect
Oli R.
javascript canvas three.js mesh texture-mapping 2014-1-16 0:45:31
I created a cube using the canvas renderer with r59 of Three.js. The cube has different textures on different sides. This renders okay. I can also TWEEN this cube’s position and rotation, so it’s fine.Here’s what I want to do: A) The cube has an image texture on it’s front side. B) I move this cube out of the camera’s view. C) I change the image texture on the cube. D) I move the cube back to its original coordinates so it becomes visible again.So far, steps A, B and D are working. But when I tr
javascript three.js 2014-1-14 22:34:18
I’m using three.js for doing animations. I want to dynamically update a material of a cube mesh. Here is example:// create cube geometry var material1 = [new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color:0xBEE2FF}),…..]; var geometry = new THREE.CubeGeometry(50, 50, 50,0,0,0,material1 ); var cube = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial());// …var material2 = [new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({color:0xFFFFFF}), …]; cube.geometry.materials = material2;If I use CanvasRenderer, it works. But when I
Brian LoCicero
javascript 3d three.js webgl 2014-1-14 15:08:16
I’m trying to swap image texture at runtime on a loaded three.js .obj. Here’s the code straight from three.js examples with slight modification:var container, stats;var camera, scene, renderer;var mouseX = 0, mouseY = 0;var windowHalfX = window.innerWidth / 2;var windowHalfY = window.innerHeight / 2;init();animate();function init() {container = document.createElement( ‘div’ );document.body.appendChild( container );camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 45, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight,
Samrat Saha
3d runtime three.js wireframe 2014-1-14 12:32:25
Currently i am using Three.js(revision 61) to Load a 3D JSON model into the scene. To get the 3D JSON model i am converting 3d max model > .js file via ThreeJSExporter.ms So model is loading good but without proper material (don’t know why) but i just want to convert the model to wire-frame at runtime, like when i MouseDown the selected object the model converts to its wire frame view and on MouseUp reverse back to its original. Please Let me know i couldn’t able to find a solution yet.
Miloud Eloumri
image three.js textures material 2014-1-13 14:36:53
I am trying to change a cube image at run time by selecting an option from Select Form element. When running the code, the image changes after selecting, but the previous cube and image stays in the scene. How I clear / refresh / update the scene properly when changing the material / image / texture. <div id = “container”></div><form id = “changesForm”>Cube Image:<br><select id = “cubeImage”><option value = “random”>Random</option><option value = “ima
Rachel Gallen
json three.js 2014-1-13 6:19:06
Sorry my english : I loaded several objects. Json and I select them using the Ray and intersected doing that they change color. But I want to know which object loaded being selected at runtime. currently and using this code below and the output is: [object Object] $ var intersects = ray.intersectObjects( scene.children );if ( intersects.length > 0 ) {if ( INTERSECTED != intersects[ 0 ].object ) {var aux = intersects[ 0 ].object;if ( INTERSECTED ) INTERSECTED.material.emissive.setHex( INTERS
three.js 2014-1-13 1:46:27
I am using the version THREE.js57. I want to hide selected face at run time. Is this possible in three.jsThanks & Regards
javascript 3d webgl three.js 2014-1-12 2:50:51
I have some .js files exported from Blender and load them with THREE.JSONLoader();my callback:var callback = function( geometry ) { createMesh(geometry);my loading:loader.load( “Models/sculp.js”, callback );my create method:function createMesh(geometry){inArr[id] = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial( { color: 0xbbbbbb} ) );inArr[id].scale.set( 100, 100, 100 );scene.add( inArr[id] );id++; }Now I want to change my material on runtime by using my keyboard (changes color and o
three.js 2014-1-11 23:44:58
I am using Three.JS r58 and I would like to resize a CubeGeometry object on the screen.One approach I tried is, when resizing required, to remove the effected cubes and add a new one with updated dimentions. This process works but it slows down the visualisation dramatically. I would like to know if there is a way to resize a CubeGeometry dynamically using Three.js rather than removing/adding a new one. A sample in jsfiddle is appreciated.