UnKnown Error
java android proguard 2014-1-21 6:02:47
I’m trying for the first time to use ProGuard on my Android project. I have a couple of questions: For jar-files in the /libs folder, how should they be referenced in the proguard-project.txt?-injars /libs/commons-lang3-3.1.jaror-libraryjars /libs/commons-lang3-3.1.jar? Do I have to write something down in the proguard-project.txt for libraries that are library projects in my workspace? I get a lot or warnings like this: [2013-08-12 14:27:13 – xy.de] Warning: library class android.graphics.dr
android 2014-1-21 5:32:33
Hi and thanks for your help,I have some Views in my Activity that I inflate and populate at runtime.The View itself is a RelativeLayout to which I add at runtime several TextViews.When the View is selected I change the color of the background (and that is easy).Now I need to change the color of all the TextViews inside the View.Please how do I do that?Consider that I do not have a reference to the TextViews themselves, since they are created at runtime, nor do I know how many are in there.Thank
android email attachment 2014-1-21 5:18:37
I want to send the bitmap as an attachment in the mail. The image is not stored in SDCARD or anywhere in the device. The bitmap object gets created at runtime and that should be sent as an attachment.
android android-event 2014-1-21 4:46:52
I am macking a custom navigation bar to Android 4.0.3.r1 and want to send key events like “Home” and “Back”. My application is not a system therefore:IWindowManager mWindowManager = IWindowManager.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE)); mWindowManager.injectKeyEvent( ev, false );It doesn’t work, because I can not get android.permission.INJECT_EVENTS from not system application. How can I do this?
android 2014-1-21 4:44:18
So inside strings.xml I have a string called change_bg and I’d like to change it’s value according to click events.I know that in order to get the value you use changeBG=getString(R.string.change_bg);But I don’t know how to SET the value of R.string.change_bgPlease let me know how.Thanks in advance! Dvir
java android eclipse windows-8 jdk 2014-1-21 4:37:44
I just downloaded the Android Developer Tools Bundle. I started following the setup instructions and gotten as far as extracting the files to new location (“Development”) as it says. I tried running the Eclipse app as instructed, yet a window popped up saying;A Java Runtime Environment (JRT) or Java Development Kit (JDK) must be available in order to run Eclipse. No Java virtual machine was found after searching the following location:C:………\Development\adt-bundle-windows\eclipse\jre\bin\ja
android runtime dalvik 2014-1-21 3:22:47
how would I go about and set runtime parameters on Android to be used with dalvik? For example, I would set the runtime parameter I need with -Dsvnkit.http.sslProtocols=TLSv1 on a system using the “regular” JVM like Windows. How would I do the same for my Android app?
Anup Rojekar
android 2014-1-21 2:45:19
I want to draw a button in an android application at a specific point say (x,y), the point will be generated at runtime. So how can I achieve it.
Fakhar Imam
android actionscript-3 air flash-cs5.5 2014-1-21 2:39:05
i am new to action script, however i created simple app and genrated .apk with flash CS5.5, when i installed it on Android Device it didn’t work with error something like (Air Required), Problem solved when Air Runtime Installed in Android Device, but I want my apk directly run on Android Device without installing AIR runtime on it, i hv heared that you can embed AIR into apk (so it directly work on android device without installing AIR runtime), but i coudn’t found its option in flash cs5.5 pu
c++ c jni cross-platform native-code 2014-1-20 21:45:35
What language, C or C++, ist best suited for writing a native library once and use it in different languages with language bindings, for example using JNI or Ruby’s C extensions?
java android c++ android-ndk jni 2014-1-20 14:53:22
I am using android JNI to use some c++ code. but how should I cope with the problem of The android jni does not recognize the include file in c++ version’s some include file:#include <string> #include <iostream> #include <fstream>so some code of reading file can not usefor example :istream ,getline(), string, how should I find alternate solution?and some transfer function ,std::stoull( std::wstring& ), atof, and so on , which are trivial to my module, Did anyone have si
java c++ visual-c++ jni lnk2019 2014-1-20 14:49:46
I’m working on a basic application to create a Java VM and launch a Java program from C++ with JNI. However, I have some compiling errors:Error 6 error LNK2028: unresolved token (0A00000D) “extern “C” long __stdcall JNI_CreateJavaVM(struct JavaVM_ * *,void * *,void *)” (?JNI_CreateJavaVM@@$$J212YGJPAPAUJavaVM_@@PAPAXPAX@Z) referenced in function “public: bool __clrcall JarLauncher::launchJar(void)” (?launchJar@JarLauncher@@$$FQ$AAM_NXZ) Error 5 error LNK2028: unresolved token (0A00000C
Haris Hasan
android c++ jni android-ndk 2014-1-19 12:18:05
I am facing an issue and would like to know why this is happening.I have a project which consists of a Java file and some JNI & C++ code files. I am building JNI and C++ code through cygwin which is part of android ndk-tools. Below is my Android.mk fileLOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := cube LOCAL_CFLAGS := -DANDROID_NDK LOCAL_SRC_FILES := Testing.cpp LOCAL_LDLIBS := -lGLESv1_CM include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := jni_opengl LOC
java mathematica jni jlink 2014-1-19 7:04:24
I am trying to get a Java method to work via J/Link from Mathematica. The problem is that the method calls a JNI (.dll file). Outside of Mathematica from the command line, all works great. But calling the method within Mathematica, the JVM returns the following:Java::excptn: A Java exception occurred: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: ncsa.hdf.hdf5lib.H5.H5Fcreate(Ljava/lang/String;III)Iat ncsa.hdf.hdf5lib.H5.H5Fcreate(Native Method)at ncsa.hdf.object.h5.H5File.createFile(H5File.java:920)at H5File
air pinvoke jni amf interprocess 2014-1-19 5:41:03
I’d like to build a special AIR launcher program in C along the lines of java.exe.I’ve looked at running AIR programs with a process viewer and was able to locate the AIR runtime DLL that is being used. AIR programs are different than Java in that they are installed as platform-specific executables that bind the AIR runtime as an in-process shared library once they’re launched (their icon is double-clicked by the user).Well, I want to make an AIR launcher that is instead like the java.exe.The ja
java c++ generics jni 2014-1-18 23:55:26
How can I instanciate a generic type in c++?If I want to create a List<X> where X is object. How can I do that?
java c++ dll jni jna 2014-1-18 12:58:26
I’m calling dlls out of Java using JNA. This works most of the time, but sometimes a Memory Access Exception is thrown.I found out that the jvm.exe runs with the msvcr100.dll and the dlls are running on the msvcr90.dll. Can this lead to problems?Java Interface Code:public interface FooLibInterface extends StdCallLibrary {FltLibInterface INSTANCE = (FooLibInterface) Native.loadLibrary(“C:\\dlls\\FooLibWrapper.dll”, FooLibInterface.class);NativeLong wrapedFooInterface(long id, PointerByReference i
Roman Nurik
c++ android stl jni android-ndk 2014-1-18 2:40:36
More specifically, does NDK have a complete STL implementation. We’re looking at this for devices running 1.6 and upwards.
android android-ndk jni shared-libraries 2014-1-17 16:05:07
I am developing an open-source emulator project, and it has multiple, customizable native plug-ins. These plug-ins are built as native shared object libraries (.so files), and have various interfaces between native and Java through JNI. Rather than distribute the APK with every single plug-in ever created, and in order to allow folks to build their own custom plug-ins, I need a method of importing these .so files any time after the app has been installed.I’ve found that I can copy files to the
android android-ndk cygwin cocos2d-x 2014-1-20 16:25:53
I am getting the following warning when compiling my cocos2d-x project with cygwin.`/cygdrive/e/project/MyGame/proj.android ` /cygdrive/e/android-ndk-r8e/build/core/add-application.mk:128: Android NDK: WARNING:APP_PLATFORM android-9 is larger than android:minSdkVersion 8 in ./AndroidManifest.xmlI am using NDK version r8e. My minimum SDK version is 8 in my AndroidManifest.xml but i do not specify APP_PLATFORM as android-9 anywhere. How can i change this to 8.Can anyone tell me how to solve this w
java android c++ android-ndk jni 2014-1-20 14:53:22
I am using android JNI to use some c++ code. but how should I cope with the problem of The android jni does not recognize the include file in c++ version’s some include file:#include <string> #include <iostream> #include <fstream>so some code of reading file can not usefor example :istream ,getline(), string, how should I find alternate solution?and some transfer function ,std::stoull( std::wstring& ), atof, and so on , which are trivial to my module, Did anyone have si
Seva Alekseyev
android android-ndk 2014-1-20 14:12:40
Is there a pre#defined symbol in Android NDK/GCC that would let me distinguish between armeabi and armeabi-v7a builds?For now, I make do with following lines in Android.mkifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH_ABI),armeabi-v7a) LOCAL_CPPFLAGS := $(LOCAL_CPPFLAGS) -D ARMv7 endif but that’s kinda crude.
Haris Hasan
android c++ jni android-ndk 2014-1-19 12:18:05
I am facing an issue and would like to know why this is happening.I have a project which consists of a Java file and some JNI & C++ code files. I am building JNI and C++ code through cygwin which is part of android ndk-tools. Below is my Android.mk fileLOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := cube LOCAL_CFLAGS := -DANDROID_NDK LOCAL_SRC_FILES := Testing.cpp LOCAL_LDLIBS := -lGLESv1_CM include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := jni_opengl LOC
android linux gcc compilation android-ndk 2014-1-19 1:24:13
How do I remove strings from / obfuscate a compiled binary? The goal is to avoid having people read the names of the functions/methods inside.It is a dynamic library (.so) compiled from C++ code for Android with the NDK tools (includes GCC)I compile with -O3 and already use arm-eabi-strip -g mylib.so to remove debugging symbols, but when I do strings mylib.so all the names of the functions/methods are still readable.
android-ndk 2014-1-18 16:15:17
How can I see ndk-build configuration at build console prompt?I would like to see real/full compile line like below when ndk-buildgcc -o XXX -IYYY/ZZZ -IAAA/BBB -std=c++0xto confirm confused include-path, build option etc.
java android permissions android-ndk 2014-1-18 16:11:17
I have defined the following permission in my the manifest of RecSched application/project:<manifest xmlns:android=”http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android”package=”com.example.recschedapk”android:versionCode=”1″android:versionName=”1.0″ ><permission android:name=”com.example.recschedapk.permission.DEADLY_ACT”android:label=”DeadlyActivity”android:description=”@string/permdesc”android:permissionGroup=”android.permission-group.COST_MONEY”android:protectionLevel=”dangerous” />:: <
Violet Giraffe
android android-ndk neon libjpeg libjpeg-turbo 2014-1-18 14:44:59
I’m using a libjpeg-turbo port for Android. It’s not much different from the base jpeg-turbo in terms of source code: http://git.linaro.org/gitweb?p=people/tomgall/libjpeg-turbo/libjpeg-turbo.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/androidThere is a module (static library) consisting of 2 cpu features-dependent files: jsimd_arm_neon.S and jsimd_arm.c. I want to compile jpeg-turbo with NEON support, I must define __ARM_HAVE_NEON and compile this module with -march=armv7-a -mfpu=neon. I want the library to ru
Roman Nurik
c++ android stl jni android-ndk 2014-1-18 2:40:36
More specifically, does NDK have a complete STL implementation. We’re looking at this for devices running 1.6 and upwards.
android android-ndk jni shared-libraries 2014-1-17 16:05:07
I am developing an open-source emulator project, and it has multiple, customizable native plug-ins. These plug-ins are built as native shared object libraries (.so files), and have various interfaces between native and Java through JNI. Rather than distribute the APK with every single plug-in ever created, and in order to allow folks to build their own custom plug-ins, I need a method of importing these .so files any time after the app has been installed.I’ve found that I can copy files to the
java linux gui native-methods 2014-1-10 16:37:07
I am trying to read and write to the parallel port, I implemented the writing and reading in C, now I want to import that code into a java GUI application. I managed to include the C .so file into the java project and when calling the functions directly in the Java solutions main() method they work just fine. I tried to call the native functions when a button is pressed, but it won’t work, the application crashes. I am running the application as root, root priviledge is needed to change and read
android jni android-ndk native-methods libs 2013-11-11 0:44:13
I just finished compiling mupdf from mupdf.com on my mac. Took some time to figure it out but now I have a libmupdf.so in my libs/armeabi folder. They provide an example of this class called MuPDFCore.java which is viewable here: http://mupdf.com/repos/mupdf/android/src/com/artifex/mupdf/MuPDFCore.javaI used this class in my project and it says the following in LogCat:Trying to load lib/data/data/com.myapp.android/lib/libmupdf.so0x4070e050Added shared lib/data/data/com.myapp.android/lib/libmupdf
node.js jsdom native-methods 2013-8-15 16:18:27
I would like to use JSDom to perform some server-wise DOM manipulation. However, despite explcitly enabling querySelector, it is undefined in the documents created: var jsdom = require(‘jsdom’);// Yep, we’ve got QuerySelector turned on jsdom.defaultDocumentFeatures = {QuerySelector: true };var dom = jsdom.defaultLevel;var document = jsdom.jsdom(“<html><body><h1>Hello StackOverflow</h1></body></html>”), window = document.createWindow();However:console.log(docum
Twinone Devs
android dependencies libs 2014-1-4 1:16:01
I have some jar libraries on which my app depends. When I copy and paste the jars in the project/libs folder, it builds, compiles and executes correctly.However, if I right click my project -> Build path -> Configure build path -> Libraries tab -> Add external JARs, and add exactly the same jars, it still gives me no error, it allows me to build and compile, but when the app is executed it crashes.Why?
c++ libs 2013-12-22 20:41:32
If I use the new keyword in my library (which is built differently than my main app), when I delete it in my main app with delete, is there a chance that I may get a crash/error?
android jni android-ndk native-methods libs 2013-11-11 0:44:13
I just finished compiling mupdf from mupdf.com on my mac. Took some time to figure it out but now I have a libmupdf.so in my libs/armeabi folder. They provide an example of this class called MuPDFCore.java which is viewable here: http://mupdf.com/repos/mupdf/android/src/com/artifex/mupdf/MuPDFCore.javaI used this class in my project and it says the following in LogCat:Trying to load lib/data/data/com.myapp.android/lib/libmupdf.so0x4070e050Added shared lib/data/data/com.myapp.android/lib/libmupdf
android noclassdeffounderror libs 2013-11-7 7:58:47
Heyho! I get a ClassDefFound error, when I want to call a function from an imported library. I know, this is a issue which thousands of people got before, but i tried everything but it doesn’t work! I’m using the android api level 17 with eclipse.What I have tried:I added the library to the libs folder (like every other library i’m using) additionally I added the library to the build path (normally not necessary) I selected the library in Order and Exportthreadid=11: thread exiting with uncaugh
linux cmake libs 2013-9-12 3:01:29
I have a problem with the usage of CMake on Linux 64 bit. I have a sample in C that must link to a library (xr_arp.a) which has a link dependency on another lib (libcrypto.a). The following makefile that I did to build my sample code is linking successfully:CFLAGS = -I../Common -I../xr -I../../../openssl/include LIBS = ../xr/xr_arp.a ../../../openssl/lib/libcrypto.a TARGET = sample OBJFILES = sample.o all: $(TARGET)$(TARGET): Makefile $(OBJFILES)$(CC) -o $@ $(OBJFILES) $(LIBS)clean:rm -rf *.o $(
Sergey Glotov
android eclipse class project libs 2013-8-22 19:29:02
I’m testing an android project (http://developer.android.com/training/animation/screen-slide.html) and I have an error in one class./** Copyright 2012 The Android Open Source Project** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”);* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.* You may obtain a copy of the License at** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software* distributed under the Li
Mihai Limba?an
qt dll libs 2013-8-5 2:34:38
I want to link a .lib in my Qt project and I get an error about an undefined reference to vhtIOConn::getDefault(vhtIOConn::DeviceType).I have already added the following specifications to the .pro file:###################################################################### # Automatically generated by qmake (2.01a) vie 28. ago 12:48:10 2009 ######################################################################TARGET = DEPENDPATH += . INCLUDEPATH += .LIBS += “C:\agregar\VirtualHandCore.lib” LIBS