problem about fsm-Collection of common programming errors

  • bummzack
    programming flash ai fsm
    I have seen several references of A.I. and FSM, but sadly I still can’t understand the point of an FSM in AS2.0. Is it a must to create a class for each state?I have a game-project which also it has an A.I., the A.I. has 3 states: distanceCheck, ChaseTarget, and Hit the target.It’s an FPS game and played via mouse.I have created the A.I. successfully, but I want to convert it to FSM method…My first state is CheckDistanceState() and in that function I look for the nearest target and trigger the

  • Rodrigo
    scripting erlang dsl fsm
    I am planning a turn based game (a sort of board game), and the backend will probably be done in Erlang. The game logic part seems to be a fit for a hierarchical state machine, but I’m not sure about how to implement that in Erlang.Maybe I can spawn a separate process with each child fsm, not sure if this would work.Another option would be to embed a scripting language or create a DSL for this purpose.What do you think?Thanks.

  • yotommy
    scala akka fsm
    I am trying to test an Akka FSM using the information provided here. However I cannot figure out how to create a TestFSMRef when my subclass of Actor with FSM requires parameters for instantiation.For standard, non-FSM tests, I create the TestActorRef via:val testActor = TestActorRef(MyActorFSM.props(“nl”, p1, p2))where the .props method is implemented as per the documented Recommended Practice. I have tried instantiating a testActor and then passing that to the TestFSMRef constructor:val fsm =

  • David
    c++ fsm design-by-contract
    I am working on a finite state machine library, with these public methods:template <typename STATE_T> void add_state(); // allocate STATE_T on heap – STATE_T must derive from statetemplate <typename FROM_STATE_T, typename TO_STATE_T> void link_state(std::function<bool()> cond, unsigned int priority);// search for base state pointer that can be dynamically caste d to STATE_T* type, set this state as the beginning state template <typename STATE_T> void begin_st

  • Shai
    c segmentation-fault switch-statement fault fsm
    I am relatively new to C programming and I am trying to make a delimiter checker, but for some reason every time I run my code and it gets my input to check for delimiters, it has a segmentation fault (core dumped) error.Below is the code of the main program:int main (void) {char* mystring;printf (“Please enter a string\n”);gets(mystring);if (fsm(mystring)){printf (“All matched”);} }It seems like it never enters the subprogram fsm though, because I put in a printf right at the beginning of the s

  • codablank1
    functional-programming ocaml state fsm
    I have written some state machine in C++ and Java but never in a functional language like OcamlProblem is I don’t know if I can just adapt code from the object languages versions, since in Ocaml records and variants are more powerful than class; So, I need an event-driven finite state machine (hierarchical like in UML), easily configurableCould someone experienced in the field post a simple sample of that ? Just to avoid the most common trapsthanks :)EDIT 16/03 : Is it possible to do it without