UnKnown Error
Toon Krijthe
javascript html css 2014-1-12 12:49:55
I am creating a web based application which will be running on both the computer and the handheld devices.I am writing two css files one for the pc and another for the handheld device. On the onload event I am calling a external javascript I have written the code to dynamically load the css based upon the user agent.When I run my application on the google chrome developer option to audit the page it says to avoid css loading from javascript. Can please any one tell me is this approach correct in
javascript jquery asp.net 2014-1-12 12:35:44
I’m trying to get the row values of my listview control when it is clicked and I want to display it in the textboxes. I found an article demonstrating this kind of scenario at http://www.ezzylearning.com/tutorial.aspx?tid=7597714. I tried to use javascript to get the row values of my listview control and set it to my textboxes to display using the format of the javascript code given on that article. I need help fixing the runtime error on my javascript codes which pops-up an error window and sa
Felix Kling
javascript 2014-1-12 11:57:56
Hi is this possible? say you have the following:var settings = {name : ‘bilbo’,age : 63 }Can you dynamically add another property at runtime so it becomes?var settings = {name : ‘bilbo’,age : 63,eyecolor : ‘blue’ }
Dave Newton
javascript css css3 2014-1-12 11:52:15
I am using CSS3 Transitions, and I am wondering if once the animation is started with:-webkit-transform: translate3d(-100%, 0, 0);Can I somehow increase the speed which was pre-set using:-webkit-transition: all 10s linear;I want the speed to be 2s using jQuery.
javascript 2014-1-12 11:44:40
I have a simple factory below that I would like to simplify and not be required to modify each time I add a new object that I would like to return. In Javascript, how would I be able to create an object at runtime? Thanksswitch (leagueId) {case ‘NCAAF’ :return new NCAAFScoreGrid();case ‘MLB’ :return new MLBScoreGrid();… }
javascript html css 2014-1-12 11:22:23
I want to know whether i can create <div> at runtime using JavaScript or any other method: when clicking a button on one <div> another <div> should appear, and both <div>s should lay above the html page below (i.e floating <div>s).
rsa public-key signature javascript 2014-1-12 11:04:50
I’m currently working on a secure open source messaging system (https://github.com/DSMNET/DSMNET). Currently I’m using the cryptico.js (https://github.com/wwwtyro/cryptico) library to encrypt all the messages sent. Now to authenticate user’s my server will send a random string and the client will encrypt the string and sign it. The server will check if the signature matches the publickey stored for the user. User’s will generate their public and private key with their password.I would like to
rsa public-key signature javascript 2014-1-12 11:04:19
I am currently working on a secure messaging website and I had been using RSA 2048 for encryption, decryption and signing of messages but I found it to be EXTREMELY LAGGY so i’ve moved to 1024.I did a timing test and these are my results (this was a test of generating a private key from the same string in cryptico.js): 2048 | 6403ms (6 seconds) 1024 | 515ms (0.5 seconds) 896 | 89ms (0.08 seconds) I would like to know if if 896 or 1024 are un-secure for use with messaging and what the best key s
javascript php 2014-1-12 10:52:08
I’ve tried making a javascript a few months ago but didn’t really find anywhere to get a review.Love to here some feedback + notes of improvement.https://github.com/joyser/suggestion
Earth Engine
javascript 2014-1-12 10:25:44
I have written a simple VM in JavaScript and it interprets source code written in JSON.The JSON object must have a “exports” property, which is a dictionary that matches a string into a integer value. This value is an index to “entries” property, which is an array of entries.For each entry it contains a “binds” and a “execs” property. They are all arrays of object that contains “callee” and “params”. “callee” is a single object that contains “type” and “name”(string) or “index”(integer). “type”
actionscript-3 flash youtube youtube-api 2014-1-11 0:34:19
I’m working with the as3 Youtube official API and I need to load the API Player in a swf file. I’ve done it on several projects and everything was fine but since a few hours, all my projects are now broken.Here’s the piece of code that is crashing : Security.allowDomain(“www.youtube.com”); loader = new Loader(); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, playerLoaded); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, playerError) ; loader.load(new URLRequest(“http://w
youtube-api innerhtml swfobject 2014-1-8 23:57:34
I’ve worked on a loader for Youtube video using swfobject. Plugin used : jQuery 1.6.4 + SWFobject 2.2Everything works great execpts on IE8 ! it crash at script.innerHTML…<div id”youtube”><div id=”player”></div></div>??????????????????????????????????????????????SCRIPTfunction loadYoutube(videoID) { var script = document.createElement(“script”); script.type = “text/javascript”; document.getElementById(“youtube”).appendChild(script); script.innerHTML = ‘var params = { all
Maxime P
youtube youtube-api swfobject 2014-1-8 18:30:03
I am developing a page with one youtube player using swfobject. To this one, I am playing several video using the youtube player javascript api. I want to display those videos on my tv using the samsung browser or the google tv.The problem is that the flash player is using a lot of memory and is crashing randomly. I would like to know if there was a way to free memory while loading videos.Here is my testing page: http://jsfiddle.net/5Wkze/3/embedded/result/Thanks in advance for your help.Maxi
Brock Adams
javascript youtube-api greasemonkey userscripts 2014-1-7 7:01:30
I want to write a Greasemonkey script to detect when a YouTube video on a website starts playing to stop my winamp playing music. Everything works fine, my script detects the video, enables the API and also the onYouTubePlayerReady event gets called. But I have no idea how to register the onStateChange callback, this is my code:unsafeWindow.onYouTubePlayerReady = function (playerId) {alert(‘Visible’);document.getElementById(playerId).addEventListener(‘onStateChange’, ‘stateChanged’); alert(‘N
android android-fragments youtube-api 2014-1-4 20:35:28
in the code below I want to start a YouTubePlayerFragment object from the google’s youtube API for Android. however it will only start when i first run the app. i have no control of the lifecycle of the fragment called YouTubePlayerFragment of Google’s API, it extends Fragment, and is basically a fragment with a youtube player inside of it.i have no ability to control this youtube player. the only way to get the youtubeplayer object and get control of the lifecycle of the player is to call the
Benjamin Dell
youtube-api 2014-1-2 8:02:53
We’ve just started receiving weird errors from the YouTube API, as follows:{u’error’: {u’code’: 500, u’message’: u’Unknown error occurred on the server.’, u’errors’: [{u’domain’: u’global’, u’message’: u’Unknown error occurred on the server.’, u’reason’: u’internalError’}]}}We’re calling the https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/analytics/v1/reports endpoint. Does anyone know what this could be? As it’s returning a 500 error code it would suggest that there is an actual bug / crash at the YouTube
ios youtube-api keyword playlist playlists 2014-1-2 1:08:41
The GData API shows a different behaviour today then it did yesterday.I am fetching a couple of playlists in my iOS app like this: [[self youTubeService] fetchFeedWithURL:[[playlistLink content] sourceURL]delegate:selfdidFinishSelector:@selector(playlistTicket:finishedWithFeed:error:)];In my callback – (void)playlistTicket:(GDataServiceTicket *)ticket finishedWithFeed:(GDataFeedYouTubePlaylist *)feed error:(NSError *)error {if(!error){_receivedPlaylistFeeds += 1;NSMutableDictionary* sectionDict
youtube-api 2013-12-31 8:33:17
Videos with the yellow mark continue to crash at that yellow mark. Here’s an example.http://youtu.be/1U5uheub2moThat will crash my computer each time at 10 seconds when it reaches that yellow 10 second mark.I tried playing other videos that didn’t happen to have the crash marker, and they play all the way through.I found a different one with the same yellow marker at 10 seconds and the different video crashed.
jquery recursion click coffeescript youtube-api 2013-12-28 21:40:38
Quite stumped on this one. I am using the Youtube JS API to determine when a song has ended. When it is ended, I want to call a method that plays the next song. Here is my event listener method (Coffeescript):window.statechange = (newstate) ->debug = trueif debug then console.log ‘Player State Change: ‘ + newStateswitch newStatewhen 0 #song endedif debug then console.log ‘Song Ended’ when 1 #song is playingif debug then console.log ‘Song Playing’#change the title of the pagedocument.title = $
youtube youtube-api 2013-12-27 23:26:36
I wrote a Java program to upload my videos onto youtube, it runs every five minutes to check whether there’s a video been uploaded within an hour, if no then start upload a new video.It’s been working fine but since last week, It keeps crashing on me at following line, tells me about authentication failure.call service.setUserCredentials( myusername, mypassword)Last week, I turned my program off for a day and on the second day its back to work again…But today its crashing with the same error a
Sean Anderson
flash error-handling google-chrome-extension youtube-javascript-api 2013-12-18 19:01:08
I’ve been working on a Google Chrome extension for a while now. I’ve noticed that Flash has been crashing quite commonly lately and I would like to have my extension gracefully recover from such an event.I found a post talking about testing a Flash element directly, but I am using YouTube’s iFrame API. When I try to call SetVariable on the iFrame, not surprisingly, it always fails.Any ideas on other ways I could detect my player having crashed so that I may respond accordingly?
google-chrome-extension youtube youtube-api youtube-javascript-api 2013-11-15 1:55:25
I’m newbie at chrome extension. I’m making chrome extension that play youtube chromeless player.It worked on chrome web browser. But, it isn’t working on chrome extension.I tested local .swf file. That is worked on chrome extension.I think, chrome extension can’t call onYouTubePlayerReady().So I called window.onYouTubePlayerReady() after swfobject.embedSWF(). But, it isn’t worked at ytplayer.loadVideoById(“xa8TBfPw3u0”, 0); with error message.The error message was Uncaught TypeError: Object #<
javascript jquery api scope youtube-javascript-api 2013-11-13 16:54:10
I’ve got following code, that is suppose to pause Slidedeck’s autoscroll whenever there is a mouseover event. For mouseout event, the autoscroll should resume working unless the youtobe video in the Slidedeck is currently playing or buffering. I got it working fine if there wasn’t the condition for the Youtube video. I believe there’s a problem with the scope for the object player, but can’t work it out, how to fix this problem.The error I get in console on mouseout is:Uncaught TypeError: Object
youtube-api google-plus youtube-javascript-api 2013-11-8 18:30:15
I saw this thread Embed Youtube subscribe counter? and I am wondering where does this button come from ?I asked it on that thread but I don’t think anyone noticed thatI tried some code for myself but this gives a js error Uncaught Error: Bad hint <iframe data-gapiattached=”true” frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”src=”http://www.youtube.com/subscribe_embed?bsv&usegapi=1&channel=HERE CHANNELNAME”style=”overflow: hidden; height: 24px; width: 170px; border: 0;”> </iframe>It l
jquery youtube-api embedding youtube-javascript-api 2013-11-7 21:10:42
I have embedded a YouTube video in a website, but I want to start playing it by clicking on a custom button outside the player.After some research on the web I’ve tried with this piece of js:$(document).ready(function() {$.getScript(‘http://www.youtube.com/player_api’);$(‘#playvideo’).click( function() {thevid=document.getElementById(‘thevideo’); thevid.style.display=’block’; this.style.display=’none’; $(‘#video’).playVideo();}); });where #playvideo is the button and #video is the YouTube iframe
Sean Anderson
youtube youtube-api youtube-javascript-api 2013-11-7 16:29:35
I’m currently loading the YouTube API like so:$(function () {// This code will trigger onYouTubePlayerAPIReady$(‘<script>’, {src: ‘https://s.ytimg.com/yts/jsbin/www-widgetapi-vflwt8QCF.js’,async: true}).insertBefore($(‘script:first’)); });I was looking at the YouTube demo page, https://developers.google.com/youtube/youtube_player_demo, and I noticed in their source that they were using a different URL to load their widget API:<script src=”https://s.ytimg.com/yts/jsbin/www-widgetapi-vfl
javascript youtube youtube-javascript-api 2013-11-6 13:23:21
Have a youtube player being setup, but the player dies with the following error (and traceback) if I click on the div where the video’s embed’s div is getting setup. Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘assets’ of null [www-embed-player-vfl1tzrOK.js:133] g.cancel Sh g.u tc.dispose (anonymous function) L.h setupVideo [videosetup.js:260]And here’s the line that setupVideo is wonking on:document.getElementById(“video_div”).innerHTML = ‘<div style=”position:absolute;left:’ + video_x +
javascript internet-explorer cross-browser youtube-api youtube-javascript-api 2013-10-20 6:01:00
On demo I am trying to develop a chromeless Youtube player. Control links on that link works fine on Firefox and Chrome but doesn’t work on Internet Explorer. How can i fix this problem? I think problem is related with id’s but maybe i am confused because nothing that i have tried is not solve my problem.var ytplayer_playlist = [ ];var ytplayer_playitem = 0;swfobject.addLoadEvent( ytplayer_render_player );swfobject.addLoadEvent( ytplayer_render_playlist );function ytplayer_render_player( ){swfob
dinesh babu
youtube-javascript-api 2013-10-19 17:09:09
The below fiddle when opened in chrome,fox and iE its working fine’http://jsfiddle.net/wmdPN/’When i copy the code from the fiddle and use it in my machine,its not working i m getting error as o.loadVideoById is not a function. why is that so ? what am i doing wrong?The code i used is as follows( the same as fiddle)<html> <body> <script src=”http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/swfobject/2.2/swfobject.js”> </script><a name=”ytplayer”></a> <div
javascript youtube-api youtube-javascript-api 2013-10-18 20:25:10
There is a Youtube chromeless Javascript player in demo. Unless user clicks playlist pictures below player, title and time don’t shown. To show title and time user has to click some playlist image or has to wait cahanging to the next video. I want title and time to be written without clicking anything after first video autoload. There might be a problem javascript function order. Nothing comes to my mind apart from this.All codes are below to help next people in future<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-