
android viewgroup illegalargumentexception viewroot
I have a ListView with some focusable components inside (mostly EditTexts). Yeah, I know this isn’t exactly recommended, but in general, almost everything is working fine and the focus goes where it has to go (with a few tweaks I had to code). Anyway, my problem is that there’s a weird race condition when scrolling the list with your finger and then suddenly using the trackball when the IME keyboard is being displayed. Something must go out of bounds and get recycled at which point the offsetRec

android android-layout viewgroup
I find myself needing to create a View completely in Java without knowing what concrete type the parent is.example:public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent){if(null == convertView){convertView = new TextView(parent.getContext());}((TextView) convertView).setText(getItem(position).getName()); }Now suppose I wanted to change this so that the convertView was wrap_content in both directions. Since this is an Adapter, I’d like to avoid coupling the Adapter with the concre

Jasjit Singh Marwah
android view android-listview android-imageview viewgroup
I have a ListView with a custom layout for the rows (list items) and the list is being populated with an adapter as usual. In this custom layout, I’ve added an ImageView and TextView (so there’s an icon to match the text). I’m unable to get the ImageView based on the position in the ListView (Need to do this so I can set the icon to match the text obviously)and the only real information I get from the error log is the line the error is on but I’ll post it anyways. Any help is greatly appreciated

android android-layout view viewgroup layout-inflater
Object: (Running API 8) Programmatically, I am trying to inflate the following onto a single layout, main.xmlbg_content1.xml bg_content2.xml @+id/img_logo @+id/str_usernameNote:@+id/img_logo is an id of an ImageView located in bg_content3.xml @+id/str_username is an id of a TextView located in bg_content4.xml Please don’t ask me why I have to inflate multiple layouts and objects onto the other layout. I am trying to optimize my layouts for maintainability purposes.main.xml<LinearLayout androi

Agarwal Shankar
android viewgroup
When the view is removed, errors occurred, I can not find the cause of the errors:**java:**package com.test;import android.app.Activity;import android.os.Bundle;import android.util.Log;import android.view.View;import android.view.ViewGroup;import android.view.animation.AlphaAnimation;import android.view.animation.Animation;import android.view.animation.Animation.AnimationListener;import android.widget.ImageView;public class AnimationActivity extends Activity {ImageView imageView = null;ViewGroup

android listview view viewgroup
I have a Custom SimpleCursor listView and Chronometer. I try to do When Chronometer(timer ) is 00:10 Draw color a row but its throw NullPointerException.Thank U for Helps Here is Code:public class ListViewcursorActivity extends ListActivity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ Chronometer timer; ListView lvItems; SimpleCursorAdapter colours; private testDBAdapter thisTestDBAdapter; LinearLayout[] Row; View[] v; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {thisTestDB