javascript jquery internet-explorer internet-explorer-9 tag-it
I have a problem with the jquery tag-it plugin found at: http://aehlke.github.io/tag-it/I want to fetch my data using AJAX, and only pass along the id while preserving the label in the tagfield to show. This works perfectly in every major browser (chrome,FF,safari) Except IE9 (havent tried higher versions, since i need to support IE9).Here is my code: $(“#myTags”).tagit({placeholderText: window.inviteTxt,fieldName: “tag[]”,//minLength: 2,autocomplete: {delay: 0,minLength: 2,source: function( req
tim peterson
javascript jquery jquery-plugins document-ready tag-it
I’m trying to figure out why I get the following error which happens when I don’t wrap the jquery tagit function in a document.ready function.Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method ‘tagit’ This is not required for most jQuery plugins so I’d like to modify the tagit.js file such that this doesn’t happen. I can’t find a difference between this and other jQuery plugins that don’t require document.readyso I’m wondering if someone might take a look at it? https://github.com/aehlke/t
jquery tag-it
I’m using aehlke’s jquery tag-it and I’m trying to get the tag name.I’m trying this code:$(“#tags”).tagit({onTagClicked: function(event, ui) {// do something specialconsole.log(ui.tag.tagLabel);}});I’m not sure wht I’m getting undefined but I would love to get the tag label (the tage name).SOLVED:I guess this would do it:$(“#tags”).tagit({onTagClicked: function(event, ui) {// do something specialconsole.log(ui.context.innerHTML);}});