
Jon Lachonis
I recently had a dreaded hard drive crash and had to reinstall my dev software. My problem is with sublime text 2. I had previously installed it using the guide here:http://clintberry.com/2012/sublime-text-2-php-symfony-development/And replicated the instructions, but wordpress auto complete is simply not working. Any ideas?

python gnuplot sublimetext2 importerror
I’m trying to use Gnuplot in a Python script I’m writing in Sublime Text. Whenever I build, I get the error messageTraceback (most recent call last): File “…” line 4, in <module>import Gnuplot ImportError: No module named GnuplotIf I do the exact same code lines directly in Terminal, I have no problem importing and using Gnuplot. The import error seems to be common, just with other modules. Usually the fix is related to PYTHONPATH. However, Gnuplot is on my computer located in /Library/F

Chris Crown
text syntax-highlighting whitespace sublimetext2
Is there a way to highlight special whitespace characters like nbsp in Sublime Text 2? Several times I copied text from word users to my code and it crashed because I couldn’t see these “illegal” whitespace characters…Thanks! Chris

plugins windows-7 sublimetext2 sftp
SublimeText2 crashed when using SFTP to save on Windows 7Note: Other function work well.I have also tried uninstall it and install it again twice, but not working.thank you!

Craig Ringer
architecture 32bit-64bit uninstall crash-reports sublimetext2
I tried to re-open sublime after force quitting it. I followed instructions to return sublime to an earlier state but I had no data folder, so in an attempt to uninstall, I deleted and permanently removed everything with sublime in it. Is there any way I can uninstall sublime besides via the instructions on the “revert” page? Or change my python versioning so that sublime starts working?I also looked up other “no suitable image found” errors, and it seems like the architecture might be a problem

linux crash sublimetext2 fedora glibc
Sublime suddenly began to fall always after start.*** glibc detected *** sublime: free(): invalid pointer: 0x42197460 ***full: https://gist.github.com/4321825I have already tried to delete config and rerun sublime and reinstall it but it hadn’t any effect.glibc version:Version : 2.15 Release : 58.fc17fedora 17, x32Sublime Text 2 Build 2217I also tried all version from here http://repo.cloudhike.com/sublime2_dev/fedora/17/i386/RPMS/ but it have had the same effect.

javascript character-encoding sublimetext2
I have checked that ? is valid for a JavaScript variable name. Also, when I try writing var ? = Math.PI in the Chrome console, all is fine.However, when I include the line var ? = Math.PI inside a .js file written with Sublime Text 2 on a Mac, Chrome complains:Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGALI have tried the encodings UTF-8, UTF-16 LE and UTF-16 BE, but none work. When I execute the line console.log(‘?’), written inside Sublime Text 2 with UTF-8, Chrome prints:Ï?How can I use the J

Angus Bremner
javascript jquery regex sublimetext2 live
I am doing an upgrade to the latest jQuery and I have a large number of js files that I need to update. Mostly the conversion of the live() event to on() (there are hundreds)In Sublime text, I am wondering how to use the find and replace with regex to achieve the following.Find (using regex to select the class name):$(‘.class-name’).live(‘click’Replace with:$(‘#content’).on(‘click’, ‘.class-name’Edit: My attempt looks something like this, although I know it’s not quite right…find:$(‘(.*?)’).li

Paul Hiemstra
r coding-style sublimetext sublimetext2
I am trying to extend SublimeLinter with a linter for R. SublimeLinter provides automatic linting in Sublime Text 2 for a lot of languages. The goal is that the linter runs in the background and highlights lines with coding errors or bad coding style. Currently, I am using the lint function in the svTools package and it’s working. The results, however, are not every satisfying. The linter catches to many ) in a line or to many } but it doesn’t detect the use of undefined variables, no coding sty

ruby syntax-highlighting sublimetext2 irb
I am using Sublime Text 2 as a text editor, with SublimeREPL to get a Ruby REPL. The problem is that irb likes to give output like:irb(main):008:0> hello NameError: undefined local variable or method `hello’ for main:Objectfrom (irb):8from /usr/bin/irb:12:in `<main>’which messes up syntax highlighting (because of the extra ‘ at the end). The only “solution” I could come up with was to cause another error so the ‘s match (or turn off syntax highlighting altogether, which would defeat the

xml regex sublimetext2 syntax-highlighting definition
I am trying to write a custom syntax definition for SublimeText 2. I made the regex and tested it (using SublimeText2’s regex find), and the regex works for what i want it to, however, once I put it into the .tmLanguage file I get the following error:Error in regex: undefined group option in regexHere is the regex:\b([Aa]|[Tt]he|[Aa]n)\b(?(?![ (),’.a-zA-Z]*\b([Aa]|[Tt]he|[Aa]n)\b)([ (),a-zA-Z]*[0-9]{2,3})|(,,,))And here is my XML .tmLanguage file<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <

build sdl sublimetext2
Trying to lead the build system on Sublime to my SDL directory but won’t compile { “cmd”: [“g++”, “${file}”, “-o”, “${file_path}/${file_base_name}”, “-L/usr/include/SDL”, “-lSDLmain”, “-lSDL”, “-lSDL_ttf”, “-lSDL_image”], “file_regex”: “^(..[^:]*):([0-9]+):?([0-9]+)?:? (.*)$”, “working_dir”: “${file_path}”, “selector”: “source.c, source.c++”,”variants”: [{“name”: “Run”,”cmd”: [“bash”, “-c”, “g++ ‘${file}’ -o ‘${file_path}/${file_base_name}’ && ‘${file_path}/${file_base_name}'”]} ] }Keep

sublimetext2 jasmine karma-runner iterm2
I’m using Karma test runner and Jasmine specs. When spec failed I have a log like:Chrome 28.0 (Mac) Groups and Filters FilterService Fetch filters should turn on loading state while fetching FAILED Expected undefined to be true. Error: Expected undefined to be true.at null.<anonymous> (/Users/vvasin/Projects/myproject/tests/unit/spec/settings/filtersSpec.js:220:44) Expected undefined to be false. Error: Expected undefined to be false.at null.<anonymous> (/Users/vvasin/Projects/myproj

Bass Jobsen
css twitter-bootstrap less sublimetext2 twitter-bootstrap-3
I am using twitter bootstrap v 3.0 RC1 and I installed node and npm to compile less to css when I save the less file.I include the bootstrap.css file into my html head, when I save the bootstrap.less, it compiles it into css like you would expect.I created another .less file, (theme.less) within the same bootstrap/less directory where bootstrap.less resides with all the imports, thinking it would include those styles too, but it keeps giving me the following error when I try to compile the theme

Will Moore
sublimetext2 sublimelinter
I’ve had SublimeLinter working fine with javascript files on my MacBook 10.6 for a while, but now I only see a single error when I save js files. E.g for a file that has a comment on the first line:’undefined’ is not a function (evaluating ‘function (name) { emitter.on(name, listener); }.bind(this)’) 1://I see the same error regardless of what I have in the js file or what project the file is in.I’ve tried Removing and Re-installing SublimeLinter, but I still get the same error.

node.js sublimetext2 gruntjs
When I run grunt from the command line, it works fine, but if I create a Sublime Text 2 build it “seems” to run fine except that anywhere process.env.SOME_VARIABLE is used it comes back as undefined.Basically, from ST2 the following:dest = process.env.CATALINA_HOME + “/webapps/MyApp/”returns”undefined/webapps/MyApp”All of my files get copied to a new “undefined” directory in the project path rather than the Tomcat directory where it’s supposed to be deployed to.Is there any way to get Sublime Te

python module sublimetext2
I’m using Sublime Text2 to write some script in Python, where I in the end want to plot some values with Gnuplot. After struggling with getting ST2 to find the Gnuplot module (solution: http://stackoverflow.com/a/9919953/315168), I get this error message upon build:gnuplot> set terminal aqua^line 0: unknown or ambiguous terminal type; type just ‘set terminal’ for a listI have the AquaTerm installed, but just as with the Gnuplot module, ST2 seems to not communicate with much of my system. Aqua

php sublimetext2 csstidy
I use sublimetext2 with installed tidycss package for web development. When I have a local server running with zwamp in the back tidy-css only throws a lot of php errors.Now from what I know, this problem is connected to zwamp , since when I quit zwamp and try again tidycss works as normal.Anyone who could help me identify this problem and solve it ?My guess is that it has something to do with how zwamp works, because if I use WAMPServer or XAMPP the problem does not occur.Since it is not a subl

java intellij-idea sublimetext2
I’m trying to use Sublime text and I have changed my compiling settings to also display the output form the java program. However, I can not run it in Sublime Text 2, while IntelliJ displays it fine, as does DrJava and Eclipse.My error is:———–OUTPUT———– This program will calculate the average for the given number of student’s marks How many students are in the class? Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NumberFormatException: nullat java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Unknown Source)at java