
Andres Mauricio Castillo
jquery scroll scrollto
I’m traying to animate a logo after scrolling animation or when i click any menu link but it’s not working.I got this code for animate scrolling:jQuery(function() {jQuery(‘a’).bind(‘click’,function(event){var $anchor = jQuery(this);jQuery(‘html, body’).stop().animate({scrollTop: jQuery($anchor.attr(‘href’)).offset().top}, 2000,’easeInOutExpo’);event.preventDefault();});});then, to animate the logo, if the windows position change, i made this:jQuery(document).ready(function(){jQuery(window).bind(

jquery html jquery-plugins scrollto side-scroller
I’m building a side scrolling website. I’m using Mousewheel.js from CSS-Tricks to enable sidescrolling and scrollTo from Ariel Flesler to jump to specific points in the site (which I haven’t really mastered yet but I think that’s besides the point). When I try to utilize them together I get this in the console: Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method ‘mousewheel’ Mousewheel utilizes this script:$(function(){$(“#container”).wrapInner(“<table cellspacing=’30’><tr>”);$(

Josh Caswell
objective-c cocoa-touch ios uitableview scrollto
For a part of my app, I require the table view to scroll to the first row again. I used the following code.NSIndexPath *indexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:0 inSection:0]; [self.tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:indexPath atScrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated:NO];I tested the app on both the ‘iPad 4.2 Simulator’ and ‘iPad 4.3 Simulator’ and they worked fine. However the app crashed when I switched to ‘iPad 3.2 Simulator’ with the following error* Terminating app due to uncau

jquery scrollto keydown mousewheel
I am trying to use the mouse wheel plugin (Link) with the ScrollTo plugin but I can’t seem to fathom it. I almost have it working. The scenario is: I have a vertically scrolling page which you scroll using a click or a arrow down / up to take you to the next div in the vertical scroll. I would like to attache this function to the mousewheel also. Here’s the code.function scrollToPosition(element) {if (element !== undefined) {$(‘html, body’).scrollTo(element, 500, {margin: true,easing: ‘easeInOut

jquery accordion scrollto
was wondering if anyone could help.I’m using an accordion to display a list of sub-categories on a classifieds website, there are 3 main categories – we’ll call them X, Y, Z.My problem is that the sub-category lists can be quite long – and aren’t consistent between X, Y, Z. Currently, when clicking on header X – the accordion extends way beyond the fold so obviously the user will scroll down the page. When the user clicks Y – currently with a lot smaller sub-category list, the accordion will clo

jquery click addclass scrollto
I have an unordered list of links that act as filters for content below. Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4On click of any link, the class “active” is added to the link clicked. This works perfectly as it is.Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 (active) Link 4But once I scroll down the page, that link goes out of view, so I want the “active” link to stick to the top by adding another class “fixednav”.Link 3 (active) + (on scroll I want this active link to stick to the top)**I basically need to combine these two with t

javascript jquery scrollto browser-history jquery-address
Please visit the demo: around for awhile, now hit the back button. In webkit browsers, you are animated back to the previous “state” while in Firefox you jump back. Why is this? How can I get Firefox to behave more like webkit?I’m using jQuery, jQuery Address Plugin and jQuery ScrollTo Plugin.

jquery scrollto soundcloud
So I’m having a problem with my songs not scrolling into view when the selected song is not in view.I’m using Soundcloud’s API custom player, so<div class=”sc-player”><a href=”http://soundcloud.com/user/song”>Song Name</a> </div>turns into this on page load: http://nowthatsgenius.com/clients/ageniusalbum/ (too much to add, but there’s my example).So when a song ends and the next song begins, the LI class ‘active’ is removed from the prev song and appended to the new song’

Brock Adams
jquery div navigation scrollto
Hello – First and foremost I’m fairly new to jquery so your extended expertise is greatly appreciated.DEMO: http://www.transcendspace.com/beta/I’d like to generate a nav for my divs: 1|2|3|4|5 etc. that would highlight the number depending on which div is active. Ideally the highlight would work in combination with my left/right arrows.CODE: `$(document).ready(function() {$(window).resize(function () {resizePanel();}); });function resizePanel() {width = $(window).width();height = $(window).heigh

jquery twitter-bootstrap scrollto
Here’s a live version of the page in question: http://agoodman.com.au/index1.htmlI’m using Bootstrap to build a one-pager website, and scrollTo is being used to scroll up/down the different sections. There is a top navbar, with the code:<ul class=”nav”><li class=”active”><a href=”#intro” onclick=”$.scrollTo( ‘#intro’, 600 );”>Top</a></li><li><a href=”#service” onclick=”$.scrollTo( ‘#service’, 600 );”>What we do</a></li><li><a href=”#

javascript jquery scrollto easing
I try to use ScrollTo plug-in with some easing effect.And I don’t want to include easing plug-in file, because I will use only once and only one easing effect.This ‘easeOutBack’ I want to use :easeOutBack: function (x, t, b, c, d, s) {if (s == undefined) s = 1.70158;return c*((t=t/d-1)*t*((s+1)*t + s) + 1) + b; }And my scrollTo’s function code like..$(window).scrollTo(element,800,{offset:-80,onAfter:function(){alert(‘done’); }});So I try to insert a easing effect like…$(window).scrollTo(elemen

jquery navigation scrollto
I have implemented localscroll/scrollto in one of my projects. Since yesterday there was only 1 navigation which were scrolling through whole site.But now i need to add two separate arrows (previous/next) to scroll to next or previous section of page content.What I have at the jquery level is:$(‘#menu’).localScroll(800); //this is for upper menu (simple ul/li/a)// this whole code below is for those two arrows: prev/next function scrollToPosition(element) {if (element !== undefined) {$(“body”).s

jquery scrollto next
<div class=”wrap”><div class=”layer”><div class=”post”></div><div class=”post”></div><div class=”post”></div><div class=”post”></div><div class=”post”></div><div class=”post”></div><div class=”post”></div><div class=”post”></div><div class=”post”></div><div class=”post”></div><div class=”post”></div><div class=”post”></div><div class=”post

jquery css div scrollto
I’m using scrollto, and I’m wanting to have a class added when it scrolls to the next div. Using removeClass/addClass would work? I don’t know where I would place it so when scrollto, scrolls to the current .column div it adds the “selected” class as well. Coles notes version: I’m looking to the current div highlighted when scrolled to.This is the scrollto code I’m using: function scrollToPosition(element) {if (element !== undefined) {$(“.wrap”).scrollTo(element, 800, {margin: true});} }$(functi

Sandeepan Nath
jquery jquery-plugins scrollto
I am using jquery 1.3.2 in my project. I selected the 1.3.x option from the scrollto download page -> http://plugins.jquery.com/node/635/release?api_version[]=1266 and tried with both the available options there – ScrollTo 1.4.2 and ScrollTo 1.4.1.but I am getting this error in both cases.Here is the code part – <script type=”text/javascript”> $(document).ready(function() {if($(‘tr#manager-‘+agencyId).length)>0)$(‘tr#manager-‘+agencyId).scrollTo(); }); </script> <script type=”t

jquery website scroll scrollto
trying to figure out why chrome is throwing out error “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘left’ of undefined”although #explorenav works great but #experiencenav doesnt seem to be working. am i missing something? $(‘.nav li#explorenav a’).click(function(){$(‘body’).animate({scrollLeft: $(“#explore”).offset().left-15}, 1000, function(){$(this).parent().addClass(‘active’);});return false; }); $(‘.nav li#experiencenav a’).click(function(){$(‘body’).animate({scrollLeft: $(“#experience”).offset