
Walter Lockhart
asp.net http iis-7 http-status-code-503
I am running an ASP.NET 3.5 web application on IIS 7 on Windows Server 2008.I received the following error earlier this afternoon:HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.I looked in the Event logs and discovered that:A process serving application pool ‘Classic .NET AppPool’ suffered a fatal communication error with the Windows Process Activation Service. The process id was ‘3328’. The data field contains the error number.Here is the full details of that event:Log Name: System Source:

iis-7 fastcgi http-status-code-503
I am encountering a 503 – Service Unavailable error. I checked the event log and found this:The Module name FastCgiModule pathC:\WINDOWS\System32\inetsrv\iisfcgi.dllreturned an error from registration. The data is the error.Note: Every time I try to visit my website, I found that the DefaultAppPool will auto-stop. And also found this in event log:Application pool ‘DefaultAppPool’ isbeing automatically disabled due to aseries of failures in the process(es)serving that application pool.

asp.net-mvc iis windows-server-2003 http-status-code-503
we have a asp.net MVC application deployed to a server, and but when there is too many request to the server, the client will just get a “503 service unavailable” error. But if I deployed the application to another server ( lower hardware configuration ), everything worked fine, even more requests it can handle well. My question is what possible configuration can cause the previous server to just throw out a 503 error ? (which means the requests didn’t reach our application).

symfony2 doctrine2 eventlistener http-status-code-503
I’m trying to build a preUpdate, I was doing it with a postUpdate but I didn’t contemplate the fact that I was changing whenever an edit of that entity was being made, no matter the field… so I read I should use preUpdate instead…This is my preUpdate Listener:namespace Prizes\PrizesBundle\EventListener;use Doctrine\ORM\Event\LifecycleEventArgs; use Prizes\PrizesBundle\Entity\Prize; use Prizes\CatalogBundle\Entity\CatalogHasPrize as CHP;/*** Description of DeactivatePrizesInCatalog** @author

Jason Slocomb
c# asp.net process worker http-status-code-503
My knowledge of how processes are handled by the ASP.Net worker process is woefully inadequate. I’m hoping some of the experts out there can fill me in.If I crash the worker process with a System.OutOfMemoryException, what would the user experience be for other users who were being served by the same process? Would they get a blank screen? 503 error? I’m going to attempt to test this scenario with some other folks in our lab, but I thought I would float this out there. I will update with our res

Jon Cram
http http-status-codes http-status-code-503
HTTP status code 503 is described in rfc2616 as being relevant when the server is “currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server”.There are cases when an application may be down for maintenance. There are cases where an application may be over capacity.In a server application I’m developing, I’d like to be able to differentiate between these two cases in the HTTP response such that client applications can be aware of a more precise reason for

php magento http-status-code-503
First of all I don’t have any coding experience on Magento.I had set up a magento powered site , importing around a lakh(1,00,000) records from other mysql database.The import was successful….. but later on as per client request I have to delete those records , so I truncated the tables as given here: http://www.magentocommerce.com/wiki/import- export_and_data_manipulation/removing_products_through_the_database.But now I’m facing an issue I’m creating a grouped product, but when I click on Ass