Using Angular Controllers created with angular.module().controller()-Collection of common programming errors

I am still very new to Angular.js and am working through setting up my first application. I would like to be able to do the following:

angular.module('App.controllers', [])
  .controller('home', function () {
    $ = true;

angular.module('App', ['App.controllers'])
  .config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
    $routeProvider.when('/', {templateUrl: 'partials/home.html', controller: home});

Using this setup the following error is generated:

Uncaught ReferenceError: home is not defined from App

My question is: How can I register controllers using angular.module.controller() (or $controllerProvider.register() directly) and use the registered controller elsewhere in my app.

My motivation: I would like to avoid using either global constructor functions as my controllers (as most of the examples on use) or complex namespacing. If I can register and use controllers as single variable names (that are not then put in the global scope) that would be ideal.

  1. Try using a string identifier.

    routeProvider.when('/', {templateUrl: 'partials/home.html', controller: 'home'});

    When you use a literal, it is looking for a variable called home, but that doesn’t exist in this case.

  2. If you are getting controller is not defined error you have to write your controller name within the quotes.

    or define your controller like this

    function controllerName()
       //your code here

    refer this: post on this issue