
html5 ios7 iphone-5 web-sql html5-appcache
We have a html5 application. When its started on iOS 7 on iPhone 5, from the home screen (as a fullscreen application). The phone restarts.We’re using webSql, and the appCache. The application never reaches a point where it does Ajax calls.Has anyone experienced anything similar, know of any workarounds?

javascript jquery ajax web-sql
Ok i’m having a play trying to get some code working and not having much luck with my current set-up, but not sure how to change it around either…The error i’m getting is: Uncaught InvalidStateError: An attempt was made to use an object that is not, or is no longer, usable.So i’m guessing the data connection is not available by the time it gets to adding the data?Any help, pointers more than welcome!var WebSqlStore = function(successCallback, errorCallback) {var eventsURL=’http://www.url.com/a

Peter Aron Zentai
javascript android transactions web-sql
The code on my android device Samsung Galaxy Ace does not work as intended. Here is the abbreviated code i use, and which works great in Google Chromedb.transaction(function(tx) {tx.executeSql(“CREATE TABLE”, [], function(tx, result){tx.executeSql(“INSERT INTO FIRST TABLE”, [], function(tx, result){$.getJSON(‘./data.php, function (data){for (var i = 0; i < data; i++) {$.getJSON(‘./data.php?+’?page=’+i, function (data) {//note another transactiondb.transaction(function(tx) {$.each(data, functi

Rob W
javascript web-sql google-chrome-app
I am trying to use openDatabase with a Google Chrome app but the following error is displayed:Uncaught ReferenceError: openDatabase is not defined I also added permissions (unlimitedStorage) in manifest.json.

html5 cordova web-sql
I have an app where i am storing serialized images into websql. I first get the image list from xml, create an array of paths that lead to individual files that return jsonp ( individual files so that i can have a progress indicator). After i get the response i pass the serialized image to my db functions that then do the insert, update the image path array on success, and then kick off the next ajax request. This works fine on my local machine. in iOS (emulator and device) what happens is that

javascript html5 local-storage indexeddb web-sql
i want to store more than 5mb in the client browser. The Browser can be Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari (iOS) or Windows Phone 8 Browser. My first thought was about localStorage as it is already implemented in the mentioned browsers.As a bonus feature it should be possible to save more than 5mb on special browsers. Therefore i first check the browser engine and then select the best saving method. I only need to store key – value pairs.if i try the code below i wrote it never or extrem

html5 safari webkit web-sql
I’m making a database application for Safari purely. So I’m following this guide made by Apple: Link.I have made this “class” prototype so far. It works, but it keeps making duplicates of the database (they just keep stacking up in the Safari Inspector tool) (without me changing the version from 1.0):function Database() {this.DB = null;this.shortName = ‘gamedb’;this.version = ‘1.0’;this.displayName = ‘Database’;this.maxSize = 5 * 1024 * 1024;init: (function() {})this.initDB = function() {try {if

jquery phonegap web-sql
I am using websql database to store my records successfully and while reading it back it returns undefined at first time on second time it returns actual value.myDB.transaction(function(transaction) {transaction.executeSql(‘SELECT * FROM tempTelemedicine’, [], function(transaction, output) {if (output != null && output.rows != null) {for (var i = 0; i < output.rows.length; i++) {var record = output.rows.item(i);this.date = record.date;this.firstName = record.firstName;this.lastName =

javascript web-sql jaydata
We’re considering taking the plunge and porting our existing applications WebSql backend/data-layer over to JayData. It’s all client side. We’d like to do the move in two stages allowing our application to continue to read from the database using existing methods, meanwhile our parsing would move over to allow JayData to control all the Reading/Writing data structures.Early testing went very well. JayData is a good ORM and easy to work with. However, we have come up against an error time and

javascript callback web-sql
Primecheck function is supposed to return true or false whether passed number is prime or not. If the number is prime, function adds it to PRIMES table. This is a Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm, but it’s not finished yet.function primecheck (number) {var isprime = true;if (number%10 == 1 || number%10 == 3 || number%10 == 7 || number%10 == 9) {db.transaction(function (tx) {tx.executeSql(‘SELECT * from Primes’, [], function (tx, result) {for (var i = 1; i < result.rows.length; i++) {if (number

javascript html5 local-storage web-sql indexeddb
A quick overview of what I have, and the problems that are associated with it. I have a HTML5 app that I am going to run as a native app using PhoneGap. It is a small data collection application for the local field research station. The problem with this field station is that they are prone to loosing a signal to transmit data; thus I want to store the data on the device for later use (or to send it to a server). Data that needs to get saved is the following:*User Name (string) *Transect Color (

javascript html5 web-sql
tx.executeSql(‘SELECT * FROM bookmarks WHERE bookmarkID = ?’, [newSync[i].id],function(tx, results) {console.log(‘results.rows.item(0).bookmarkID’, results.rows.item(0).bookmarkID);tx.executeSql(‘UPDATE bookmarksSync SET thumbnail=?, ts_created=?, visits=?,visits_morning=?, visits_afternoon=?, visits_evening=?, visits_night=?, position=?,idgroup=? WHERE bookmarkID=?’, [results.rows.item(0).thumbnail, results.rows.item(0).ts_created, results.rows.item(0).visits, results.rows.item(0).visits_mornin

javascript sqlite synchronization web-sql
I’m working on a bit of JavaScript that interacts with a client-side SQLite database, via the newish window.openDatabase(…), database.transaction(…) and related APIs. As most of you know when you execute a query in this way it is an asynchronous call, which is typically good. You can make the call and handle the results as appropriate with callbacks.In my current situation I’m working on an algo for a client that does some hierarchy walking in the locally stored database. The part of the alg

javascript web-sql
I am trying to get the value from an inner function. Why is domain always returning undefined? I think this is because the webSQL executes asynchronously. I need to get the value of domain at this point in the program before I can proceed. I think this is a closure problem but perhaps my approach is is just wrong? var domain = selectDomain();function selectDomain() {var sql,i;sql = “SELECT * FROM Domain”;database.open();database.query(sql, [], function(tx, result) {for (i = 0; i < result

javascript phonegap web-sql
I’m beggining with javascript. I think this question only about javascript but it envolves PhoneGap and WebSQL. My problem and what I want to do are in the code comments.var MyDatabase = function() {if (!(this instanceof MyDatabase)) return new MyDatabase(); }MyDatabase.prototype = {db: window.openDatabase(“my_database”, “1.0”, “My Database”, 5000000),getAllPosts: function(callback) {var query = “SELECT * FROM posts”,that = this,result;function onSuccess (transaction, resultSet) {console.log(‘ge

I am using following code to get the count of records in emp table, code is as follows :var myDb = initDB(); myDb.transaction(function(trans) { var query = “SELECT COUNT(*) AS c from emp”; trans.executeSql(query, [], function(trans, res) { var count = res.rows[0].c; console.log(“— After Count —“+count); }, errorHandler); });The query is giving error : Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘c’ of undefined. How to solve this issue? Appreciate any help.

javascript android web-sql
I have a web app that runs on earlier versions of Android but seems to have problems when run on Android 4.0.3 (HTC 1x) Namely the openDatabase javascript function is “undefined”, is this api supported?

javascript undefined web-sql web-database
It keeps returning undefined… 🙁 Check my code:var db = openDatabase(“Despesas”, “1.0”, “Despesas DB”, 2000000);db.transaction(createTbl, errorCB, successCB);function errorCB(err){alert(‘Error : ‘ + err.code);}function successCB(){console.log(‘DB CREATED!’);db.transaction(queryDB, errorCB);}function createTbl(tx){tx.executeSql(‘DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ENTRIES’);tx.executeSql(‘CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ENTRIES (id integer primary key autoincrement, entry TEXT NOT NULL)’);}function callPopulate(){

javascript database csv export web-sql
I’m exporting my table to csv, but it appears undefined…It actually see the data, and give me an table, but it gets undefined…Do you I have to make any coverting to do this? Js code:var db = openDatabase(“LOGS”, “1.0”, “SliceFinance Database”, 1024);db.transaction(createTbl, errorCB, successCB);function errorCB(err){alert(‘Error ‘+ err.code);}function successCB(){alert(‘ok’);exportTbl();}function createTbl(tx){//tx.executeSql(‘DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ENTRIES’);tx.executeSql(‘CREATE TABLE IF NOT

html5 web-sql
I’m trying to make an online registration form using HTML5 that connects to a web SQL database i have two fields “username” and “password” which on clicking “submit” need to be added as a row into a table say loginDetails. and then displayed under the element “status”can some one please help me solve this problem????the script code is as follows$(function(){ initDatabase();});function initDatabase() {try {if (!window.openDatabase) {alert(‘Local Databases are not supported by your browser. Pleas

javascript jquery sql html5 web-sql
I have a problem displaying the results after executing a query in a SQLite database which is created on the run.Here is my codeCREATING DATABASEvar mydb=false;// initialise the database initDB = function() {try { if (!window.openDatabase) { alert(‘not supported’); } else { var shortName = ‘APP_DB’; var version = ‘0.1’; var displayName = ‘It Happened Today DB’; var maxSize = 262144; // in bytes, 256kb mydb = openDatabase(shortName, version, displayName, maxSize); }} catch(e) { // Error handling

javascript database html5 web-sql
Spent hours but couldn’t find what is the problem with the code. The code simply creates a table if not exits and adds the text that typed in a textbox. On every load it loads these and writes to a list.<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=”en”> <head><script src=”http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.4/jquery.js” type=”text/javascript”></script><script type=”text/javascript”>var mydb = null;function initDatabase() {try {if (!window.openDatabase) {alert(‘Datab

Michael Petrotta
javascript html5 phonegap web-sql
I’m trying to use html5’s web-database using phonegap for an iOS app for the first time. But I’m stuck at this error which says “result of expression mybd.transaction is not a function”If I check using alerts, initDB is getting executed but when it comes to createTables function, the above error rises and I’m helpless from thereon.I’ve used this implementation -> http://wiki.phonegap.com/w/page/16494756/Adding%20SQL%20Database%20support%20to%20your%20iPhone%20App<script type=”text/javascript”