
asok Buzz
rest profiling jprofiler
I’ve a RESTful server and it crashes pretty often. So, I’m profiling it to check what processes are consuming most of CPU. After quite a time of profiling, I find org.restlet.engine.http.connector.BaseHelper.isWorkingServiceFull has maximum CPU usage on Runnable thread.Is there any way to enhance the performance? When I change Thread Status to ‘All State’ form ‘Runnable’ java.net.ServerSocket.accept(50%) and java.lang.Thread.sleep(49%) has the maximum CPU usage. What does the sleeping thread and

java performance jprofiler yourkit
Which profiler is better for general purpose profiling and heap analysis? 90% of our apps are standalone command line programs with substantial database and numeric processing. The other 10% are webapps/servlet container apps (with very little JSP and NO SCRIPLETS!). Target user would be Sr Software Engineer with 5-10 years of industry experience. We need support only for Sun JDK 5 and.As of writing this question (2008-10-02), JProfiler was at 5.1.4 and YourKit was 7.5. Looks like YourKit 8.0 wi

I use jprofiler 7.2.2, app server (JBoss) is running java 1.6.0_30. The same user is used to start JBoss and JProfiler.I execute jpenable, choose offline mode, provide my setting file and then process fails with two different errors:Using the single session in the config file. ERROR: Attaching is not supported: Unable to open socket file: target process not responding or HotSpot VM not loaded com.sun.tools.attach.AttachNotSupportedException: Unable to open socket file: target process not respon

Hoàng Long
java linux jvm profiling jprofiler
I just downloaded and installed a trial JProfiler version from jprofiler_linux_7_0_1.sh. The strange fact is that there’s no prompt for inputting license information in the installing process. But everything seems to be fine, until I try to run the profiler:# sh ./bin/jprofiler -c(The -c is to run jprofiler in console. I have read somewhere on Internet, but not sure that’s true. Anyway, the result is still the same.)Here’s the results I get:Exception in thread “main” java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkErr

java jprofiler
I want to configure web application to JProfiler 7.1.2. Below are details which I carried out while configuring the session. Web Server: Tomcat 5.0 Operating System: Windows XPWe have selected session type as “Web Start”. In Web Start settings section, How to select URL of JNLP file? (we could not find out JNLP file). Also we have selected Java VM as a “Oracle JRE 1.6.0_22”. We have configured Class Path. After clicking OK after some time it shows application error as “Unable to launch applica

java profiling jprofiler
I am using JProfiler jprofiler6_2_4 64 bit. Had used the Zip file for the Jprofiler. Have a Weblogic 10.2 Server, that is running on HotSpot JVm 1.6.0_24 32 Bit JVM on win 7 64 bit.Have added the jprofilerti.dll included in the windows(the 32 bit one) in the JVM startup. The Server and application starts up fine. However as soon as i start any activity from the application the JVM crashes.I have been getting “JProfiler> ERROR unknown frame type in StackMapTable attribute” while my application st