
perl rest curl http-post catalyst
I’m using Catalyst to build a RESTful web service, so I create a Catalyst controller in the usual wayscript/myapp_create.pl controller MyApp::ControllerI then fire up the catalyst test serverscript/zoo_server.pl -rdSo far so good – I can now go to http://localhost:3000/user and see the message “Matched MyApp::Controller::User in User.”I then replace the first BEGIN line in lib/MyApp/Controller/User.pm with the following lineBEGIN { extends ‘Catalyst::Controller::REST’ }Before doing anything else

Marian Lux
ati fglrx hybrid-graphics catalyst
On Ubuntu 12.04 my Sony Vaio VPCSE with Intel® HD Graphics 3000 and AMD RadeonT HD 6630M worked fine with the Catalyst Control Center version 12.6. Also the switching between integrated and discrete graphic card was working.In both cases, I followed this tutorial.But it is not working on Ubuntu 12.10. I tested the tutorial with the Catalyst Control Center from the Ubuntu Software Center, the version 12.8 and version 12.9. Always the same problem: After installation process I am able to boot in t

Ian Holmes
perl rest catalyst
I am hacking together a RESTful server in Catalyst. Although this is nominally a strict RESTful service, I don’t really care about the caller’s accepted response types, I always want it to be XML rendered by Template Toolkit; so I have my own view class (based on Catalyst::View::TT) with a ‘process’ method that just sets the content-type and calls the superclass:sub process {my ( $self, $c ) = @_;$c->response->content_type(‘text/xml; charset=utf-8’);$self->SUPER::process($c); }This view

perl catalyst
I am building an application on Catalyst framework and I am a complete novice at it. Yesterday I installed SQLite and since then I am getting error messages like:mohit@mohit-Studio-1555:~$ catalyst.pl Undefined subroutine &Catalyst::Exception::Base::with called at /usr/share/perl5/Catalyst/Exception.pm line 50. Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/perl5/Catalyst/Utils.pm line 4. BEGIN failed–compilation aborted at /usr/share/perl5/Catalyst/Utils.pm line 4. Compilation failed in requi

Ali Basirat
perl catalyst
Running the Catalyst internal server, located at scripts/MyApp_server.pm, I receive the following error. Is there any one who can help me in this regard? I have not changed any of the files created by catalyst.pl. I just have run the catalyst.pl MyApp and then run scripts/MyApp_server.pl -r for testing whether Catalyst works or not. This is the only things I have done! I have reinstalled Catalyst and its dependent modules several times by using either yum and cpan. But it doesn’t work again.Tha

perl file require catalyst
So I have a .lib file with some of my own subroutines in it that I would like to make available to the entire Catalyst app. Right now I require the file in lib/myapp.pm and I have no issues. However, whenever I try to call that subroutine in a controller, I get this error:”Undefined subroutine &myapp::Controller::Root::my_sub called at /home/user/myapp/lib/myapp/Controller/Root.pm line 35, <DATA> line 1003.”If I require the file I want to require in the controller, that gives me no is

perl catalyst
This is an example in Chapter 8 of The Definitive Guide to Catalyst and the example from the book nor the source code for the example from the Apress site actually work. I too new to Catalyst to even guess what this is saying as I’ve tried everything I can think of and nothing works. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.[info] SneakyCat powered by Catalyst 5.80029 You can connect to your server at http://linux-0lwf:3000 [debug] “GET” request for “/” from “” [debug] Path is “/” [debug]

Jane Wilkie
apache catalyst mod-perl
I have a suse box that holds three Catalyst apps. Ultimately I need to run all three (which in itself is not a problem, each has a different port) through Apache with mod_perl and SSL. I have successfully gotten to the point of firing up one Catalyst app and then having a successful transition to the Catalyst server. In case anyone needs a GREAT step by step on how to do this, you can see it here. http://www.catalystframework.org/calendar/2005/7I’m not an Apache expert, but the problem is that I

perl web-applications dry catalyst subroutine
Hi i don’t want to repeate the same code in the controllers, so i created a sub in the main MyApp package:sub do_stuff {my $input = shift;do something }But then i want to use it in controller MyApp::Controller::Foosub test : Chained(‘base’) Args(0) {my ($self, $c) = @_;my $test = do_stuff($c->request->params->{s});do something more }i get following error:Caught exception in MyApp::Controller::Foo->test “Undefined subroutine&MyApp::Controller::Foo::do_stuff called at/home/student/wor

perl catalyst
Using the Catalyst::Controller::FormBuilder module to handle forms in a Catalyst application.The documentation says you can set the form_path like this:form_path => File::Spec->catfile( $c->config->{home}, ‘root’, ‘forms’ ),But the call to config() in my application is at the top level of the base module. Therefore, $c is undefined. So I can’t call $c->config->{home}. What is the proper way to configure form_path please?

ati graphics radeon fglrx catalyst
I am planning on doing a fresh install of 12.04 LTS and want to know what is the correct way to install ATI Catalyst Video Driver? There are multiple valid answers for this question spanning over several versions of Ubuntu. For your convenience an index of each below:13.04 12.10 12.04 11.10/11.04 etc

perl internet-explorer networking internet-explorer-9 catalyst
Okay, this is a hard one. I have a Catalyst server I can access just fine from Firefox 4, Chromium 12, and IE 8 and 9 on other computers. When I try to access it from IE9 on my own machine (the same machine the server is on), I get strange timeouts and delays. The Catalyst server’s output doesn’t show these delays and the IE9 traffic view doesn’t even show that the request was ever sent! While the server is hanging up it’s using 100% of a processor core but then it drops back to idle without o