eval in chrome package app-Collection of common programming errors
You could try…
function evalMe(code){
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.innerText = code;
This should create the same effect, unless they have disabled it as well, but from my knowledge this is fine. Of course if the script errors
you will not hear about it unless you do some wrapping of the string
to eval
function myHandler(err){
// handle errors.
function evalMe(code){
var script = document.createElement('script');
var wrapper = '(function(){ try{ @@ }catch(err){ myHandler(err); } })()';
// Make sure the string has an ending semicolon
code = code[code.length-1] === ';' ? code : code + ';';
script.innerText = wrapper.replace('@@', code);
Alternately you could use the official mechanism
However this would require you to have a background page and employ message passing between your app
page and the background page.
UPDATE: Working Method
You can create an eval
like method using an iframe and a base64
encoded dataURI
that handles message passing between the extension page and the . You can grab a working copy of the code on github. To use simply clone or download the repo, and install the ‘client’ dir
as an unpackaged extension in the chrome extension manager. The code driving the plugin resides in app.js
Use the iframeEval to test, the error notification is a little buggy but hey, the eval
@appsillers In order to get your plugin working without any additional code, you could overwrite the eval
method on you extensions window
with the iframeEval
method in the code.