angular.js redirect crashing browser-Collection of common programming errors
I’m trying to do a simple TODO sample with angular.js (using routes). I could open the form to create a New Task, but when I click on “Back” button (after create a new one), it always crashes my browser.
I’ve tried config the ‘/’ route and use .otherwise too, but I’m still getting the same result.
What I’m doing wrong?
New Task
{{ }}
var app = angular.module("appTodoList",['ngRoute']); app.config(function ($routeProvider) { $routeProvider .when('/list', { controller:'TodoCtrl', templateUrl: 'listTasks.htm' }) .when('/new', { controller:'TodoCtrl', templateUrl: 'newTask.htm' }); }); app.controller('TodoCtrl', function($scope) { $scope.tasks = []; $scope.addTask = function () { $scope.tasks.push({name: $}); }; });
PS: I’m using Firefox 26
Firefox crashes because there is an infinite loop in your code. When you nagivate to
it will load/listTasks
again in theng-view
and so on.Instead of
containing the route, place the route in another page likeindex.htm
$routeProvider.when('/list', { controller:'TodoCtrl', templateUrl: 'listTasks.htm' }) .when('/new', { controller:'TodoCtrl', templateUrl: 'newTask.htm' }) .when('/', { redirectTo: '/list' });
By the way, the tasks aren’t being saved because a new controller is created per view instance but that’s an unrelated problem
See sample