UnKnown Error

javascript 2014-1-4 5:49:23
Please find below the code:var range = new Array(); var start = -15e9; var end = 15e9; for(var i=start; i<end; i++){range.push(i); }When I run this code in jsfiddle or in a browser, it gets crashed. Here the requirement is to store the range of -15×10^9 to 15×10^9.What is the best way (performance-wise) to store such a large range in javascript ?????

javascript facebook html5 facebook-like like 2014-1-4 4:20:09
I’m attempting to put a facebook like button on my website using facebook’s html5 like button. When liking the page it crashes and gives me this console error message:Blocked a frame with origin “https://www.facebook.com” from accessing a frame with origin “http://static.ak.facebook.com”. The frame requesting access has a protocol of “https”, the frame being accessed has a protocol of “http”. Protocols must match.Any idea how to fix this problem?

c# javascript .net infinite-loop hang 2014-1-4 4:05:29
I need to load a third party script file(which I do not have any control), but I want to avoid hanging the page in case the script has an infinite loop in it. I tried calling the javascript file and put it in an updatepanel only on a click of a button but the page still hangs. I even tried putting it in an iframe just to separate it from other controls and the same scenario happens.Is there really NO way to stop an infinite loop once it has started executing?

Anil Soman
javascript razor 2014-1-4 3:37:33
Is there any way to conditionally load JavaScript reference files in ASP.Net Razor View? There are 15 web pages in my project. They refer to common set of libraries say A, B, C, D. However, there is one page which require library E instead of B.How can I write the tags so that it will load library E only for that particular page? And also it will NOT LOAD B for the same page?If I load E and B both, then the page crashes.

Tim Pietzcker
c# javascript .net regex 2014-1-4 2:41:05
I am trying to use following Regular Expression to validate FQDN in Javascript. This works fine in C#. But Page throws 403 error when used in javascript. What am i doing wrong?if (!fqdn.match(/(?=^.{1,254}$)(^(?:(?!\d|-)[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{1,63}(?<!-)\.?)+(?:[a-zA-Z]{2,})$)/)) {alert(“Not a valid FQDN”); return false; }

javascript 2014-1-4 1:37:43
The size of a folder holding all my contents is 35mb while everything inside added up should be less than 2mb at max. This is slowing down my javascript and causing my browser to crash when I load up my webpage.My biggest are audio files that add up to 836kbs.Why is my root folder 17 times bigger?

javascript windows-8 windows-store-apps winjs 2014-1-4 1:25:50
So I’m creating many Windows (8) Store apps and I’m wondering what are my best choices to help my users but possible bugs (if they ever occour).I was thinking about a log4net like solution to a rollingFile. Or maybe on the appcrashed event send a crash report to my own server.What are my options? what’s the “best” option?

Joachim Sauer
javascript html css xhtml 2014-1-4 1:11:29
I am trying to change the color of this text to green using JavaScript, but I get a warning about it being a bad object and the script crashes.<html> <head><style>b {color: #0000FF; }</style><script>function resizea() {var a = document.getElementsByTagName(“b”);a.style.color = “#00FF00″; }</script></head> <body onload=”resizea()”><b>I am blue</b></body> </html>

javascript facebook ios5 facebook-ios-sdk 2014-1-3 23:46:20
In iOS 5, when a user attempts to share a link using the Facebook API, they are prompted to log in, but then the resulting page returns this:<script type=”text/javascript”> window.location.href=”fbconnect:\/\/ success#_=_”; </script>The only option is to close the window. If the user then attempts to share a link a second time, it works.Any ideas how to resolve this?

Pete Verdon
javascript http browser upload 2014-1-3 23:13:30
The project is a servlet to which people can upload files via, at present, HTTP POST. This is accompanied by Web page(s) providing a front-end to trigger the upload. We have more or less complete control over the servlet, and the Web pages, but don’t want to impose any restrictions on the client beyond being a reasonably modern browser with Javascript. No Java applets etc.Files may potentially be large, and a possible use case is mobile devices on less reliable networks. Some people on the proje

jquery json flickr galleria 2014-1-4 4:44:22
Is there anyway of getting this galleria.js example to work with JSON and Flickr? http://goo.gl/Fk3h5Reason being, I have 500 Flickr photos in a set and using Galleria’s supplied Flickr plugin, it takes forever to load or crashes the browser. JSON method seems ideal.I’ve already come across this tutorial http://goo.gl/3L5Nn but it only covers one photoset with JSON.I can’t seem to figure out how to tie it all together. Help much appreciated!

php jquery ajax json codeigniter 2014-1-4 4:30:07
I used $.ajax to check data on my controller. It works fine if there’s no process before the variables that I put to array for json encoding. The controller echoes the data but the view doesn’t render it as json encoded data. Controller:public function redeem($item){$this->load->model(‘point_model’);$cost = 0;switch($item){case ‘umbrella’:$cost = 100;break;case ‘jacket’:$cost = 200;break;case ‘mug’:$cost = 50;break;}$tixD = $this->point_model->getTicks($_SESSION[‘playerID’]);$tix =

jquery html css safari 2014-1-4 1:58:11
The following website runs fine in all browsers it seems apart from safari on a mac where it goes absolutely mental and crashes the browser. I have tried removing the google map, transforms from the css and the stellar jquery plugin to see if any of these were causing the issues and it still didn’t sort it. Anyone know what the problem is?beta.recklessnewmedia.com

jquery viewport 2014-1-4 1:22:37
The amazing plugin “Viewport Selectors for Jquery” (http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/viewport) works, but its a old project that seems abandoned by the author. Example of use:$(window).scroll(function () {$(“#mydiv:in-viewport”).each(function() {$(this).css(‘background-color’,’red’);}); });Works on IE9+, Chrome and fail in IE8-, crash IE on scroll page.Any tip to solve this? Or just disable viewport detect, ie, always visible…Tnks so much!

jquery internet-explorer 2014-1-4 0:21:24
I’m using jQuery to transpose guitar chords on my website, but for some reason it is not working in internet explorer, but is for every other browser. Please help.

jquery recaptcha 2014-1-4 0:01:15
I have a recaptcha code within a jQuery dialog.For some reason, when I load the page in firefox, it hangs (works great on IE/Chrome though). I found that the recaptcha in the dialog is causing it.I thought that if I would load the recaptcha code only when a user opens the dialog that might solve the issue and also help me reduce the amount of outbound connections in general.this is the ‘view source’ of the bit that is related to the recaptcha:<div id=”dialog-form” title=”Create new user”>

jquery if-statement contains 2014-1-3 23:44:47
I cannot get this to work. I simply want to display an alert for test purposes if the proposed td contains “OH”. <table id=”v65-cart-shipping-details”><tr>..</tr><tr>..</tr><tr><td>United States, OH 43112</td><tr></table>No matter what is in it (ie. United States, MI 48187) the alert still pops up, what am I missing?$(document).ready(function() {if ($(“#v65-cart-shipping-details tr:eq(2) td:contains(‘OH’)”)) {alert(“Did Stuff”) } });

jquery jquery-ui 2014-1-3 23:34:22
I have a web page with nothing more than pure HTML, CSS and full Javascript with Jquery and some Jquery UI effects. The problem is that in certain places of the web page and with certain animations, the page hangs on Chrome 13 and Explorer 8; in Firefox 4/5/6 the page works just perfect. (tested only on these browsers)Here is the main HTML page:<div id=”contentwrapper”><div id=”contentcolumn”><div id=”upperContent”></div><div id=”downContent” class=”noDisplay”><d

javascript jquery ios jquery-mobile cordova 2014-1-3 22:15:46
Can anyone else running iOS 7.0.3 Help me confirm an issue with multiple select boxes in phonegap application? When I select the jquery mobile select menu with “multiple:multiple” attribute, app crashes. Works fine when I remove “multiple:multiple” attribute.It looks like its works on other OS version except 7.0.3. I am testing the app on iPhone 5 with OS version of 7.0.3

javascript jquery replace special-characters 2014-1-3 21:01:10
My HTML looks something like this:<b><a href=”#”>Home</a> > <a href=”#”>This Page</a></b>How can I replace all instances of the plain text right-angle brackets > with these ? in JavaScript/jQuery?The result should look like:<b><a href=”#”>Home</a> ? <a href=”#”>This Page</a></b>I tried:$(‘b’).text($(this).text().replace(‘>’,’?’));But it almost made my browser crash…Thanks in advance.