
Moses Liao Gangzheng
ubuntu supervisord
I have a server with supervisor running an eventlistener, on the event when the process crashes, I managed to get crashmail to send an email to me. But the email content only states “Process adnode04 in group adnode04 exited unexpectedly (pid 1255) from state RUNNING”.I want crashmail to be able to take content from the last 10-20 lines of the log file and email me the contents. Is it able to do that?

Peroli Sivaprakasam
php cli ziparchive supervisord
We have a php (Version 5.3.10) cli application doing some heavy work on a ubuntu 12.04 64 bit machine. This script can run for a long time depending on the dataset it receives. These datasets are zip files with a lot of XML, image and MS doc files.Earlier this script used few system commands (shell, perl, java) to complete its task. We did not have problems then. Recently, we upgraded these scripts to use RabbitMQ for multiple concurrent invocations, moved from cron based working to supervisord

Josh Nankin
ntp supervisord
I’m running supervisord on one of my servers. I have a cronjob that updates the clock using ntpdate every few hours, because on EC2 clocks tend to frequently lag.I’ve noticed that when the ntpdate command runs, supervisord will frequently crash and have to be restarted.I’ve checked the supervisord logs, and I don’t see anything. I have the INFO level turned on.Any ideas?

I’m running supervisord on my CentOS 6 box like so, /usr/bin/supervisord -c /etc/supervisord.confand when I launch supervisorctl all process status are fine, but if I try the reload command in supervisorctl, and then do anything, I get unix:///tmp/supervisor.sock no such filebut the reload command should take care of recreating the .sock?I’m using the same config file I’ve used successfully on other boxes, and im running everything as root. I can’t undesrtand what the problem is…Config file:;

Andrew Ellis
I am running supervisord to keep Redis and other pieces of software up and running. However, I can not, for the life of me, get resque-web to work.This is the .ini that I’m including:[program:resque] command=/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195/bin/resque-web autostart=true autorestart=true user=root stdout_logfile=/var/lib/resque/stdout.log stderr_logfile=/var/lib/resque/stderr.logUnfortunately, when I run service supervisor restart I get the following in the supervisord log:INFO exited: resque

php bash process supervisor supervisord
Perhaps I’m misunderstanding with Supervisor does, but perhaps me asking this question will help clear that up. Basically, I have a Supervisor program in my /etc/supervisord.conf file that executes a bash script which simply executes a PHP script. I’ve been able to successfully get that bash script to run from supervisor only upon launch of supervisor. However, isn’t the point of something like supervisor that it runs that tasks in the background at set intervals or something so that I can know

django deployment environment-variables supervisord
I’ve setup supervisor to run celeryd, celerycam and gunicorn as per this blogpost. Everything ran smoothly at first. After the first restart, nothing started up. The logs I can see are of the form.Unknown command: ‘run_gunicorn’ Type ‘manage.py help’ for usage.I’m guessing this is because supervisor doesn’t ‘see’ my environment variables like DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE, DB_HOST, etc. I put all of them in /etc/environment but it’s of no use. Again, I tried putting them against environment tag in /etc