UnKnown Error

Jesse Roper
c# asp.net wcf 2014-1-2 19:33:31
I’ve been having issues getting a service to start. I have 2 other services are identical in configuration in just about every way that start fine, but one of them refuses to start and I really need to get it to work today. I can’t see any difference in their implementation or config files. I’m receiving the following messages when attempting to start the service after installing it with InstallUtil:The service is not responding to the control functionmore help is available by typing NET HELPM

Maxim Zaslavsky
c# asp.net asp.net-mvc authentication asp.net-membership 2014-1-2 19:27:26
I have published and deployed an ASP.NET MVC application that uses the Roles feature of ASP.NET authentication. On my development machine, Roles work fine – but on my server, to which I’ve transferred the build, the entire database (schema, data, and users), and with full permissions, Roles don’t work.Here is the line where my code crashes:var exists = Roles.RoleExists(“Administrator”);For some reason, such Roles queries aren’t working, but System.Web.Security.Roles.Enabled returns true and Syst

c# .net printing registry webbrowser-control 2014-1-2 19:11:24
I am using the webbrowser control in winforms and discovered now that background images which I apply with css are not included in the printouts.Is there a way to make the webbrowser print the background of the displayed document too?Edit: Since I wanted to do this programatically, I opted for this solution:using Microsoft.Win32;…RegistryKey regKey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(“Software”).OpenSubKey(“Microsoft”).OpenSubKey(“Internet Explorer”).OpenSubKey(“Main”);//Get the current setting

c# asp.net-mvc process administrator lync-2010 2014-1-2 17:39:24
I have a MVC Site that should start a Process that does a Lync call under certain circumstances. Everything works fine if I start it manually and on my development machine with VS2012 it works too. But on IIS7 on our Windows 2008 Server if it gets called by the website it doesn’t work. My .exe file starts but it crashes on LyncClient.GetClient().Any ideas how to work around that problem? I thought it might be possible to run the App via C# code as the Administrator Account instead of System.

c# 2014-1-2 17:25:43
So I am making a custom control for my program. I went to add a string property but when I tried to change it C# crashes. This is the code I am usingprivate string series = “None”; [Description(“Tells What the Series is”)] [Category(“Element”)] [DefaultValue(“None”)] public string Series {get { return series; }set { Series = value; } }

c# image-comparison 2014-1-2 17:06:00
i have two images and i want to compare two image and want to get difference. i search google and found a link from where i copy paste the code for image comparison using win32 api. so this is the url http://blog.bobcravens.com/2009/04/create-a-remote-desktop-viewer-using-c-and-wcf/here i am pasting the code.private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){Bitmap _prevBitmap = new Bitmap(@”d:\prev.jpg”);Bitmap _newBitmap = new Bitmap(@”d:\current.jpg”);Rectangle bounds = GetBoundingBoxForC

c# android monodroid 2014-1-2 17:01:47
My problem is when I try to make a phone call using Action_Call intent, the app crashes and exits to menu. I have tested my code on many another devices and it worked fine! What is the problem? This is my code:String encodedHash = Uri.encode(“#”);String ussd = “*” + encodedHash + “105” + encodedHash;startActivityForResult(new Intent(“android.intent.action.CALL”,Uri.parse(“tel:” + ussd)), 1);Remember my problem is only on Galaxy S3 and I am also using Mono for Android.

c# wpf clickonce 2014-1-2 16:57:43
I have simple WPF app that I deployed using click once to shared folder on my computer so it can be installed via local network. When I click on install button , it prompts me to download/save setup file, and when I run it, it installs app to my computer. But, when I try to start it I get this screenand then nothing happens. Any ideas…?

c# .net memory-leaks 2014-1-2 16:40:16
Memory leak is, when there is unused memory in application and GC can collect it, normally it occurs if some where in application we keep unwanted strong reference of an object, and GC will able to find the path(Direct and indirect) so it can free this object, but this all are true about reference type that mean in Heap memory allocation.But what about stack And as far i know GC will not responsible to clean up the stack it will automaticaly clean when function will return.So my question is tha

c# version-control 2014-1-2 16:35:11
I have two project A(application) and B(library) both in C# 3.5. A refers B. Now what I want is A should not build or crash at runtime unless it uses a certain version of B. Which is the best way to achieve this? Should I go for strong naming? Project A will have continues changes made to it. However project B will be more or less static unless a major bug is found.

c++ opencv emgucv 2013-12-14 2:09:14
I am working with opencv_createsamples to create vector file, but it allays crashed.\Lib\Emgu\bin>opencv_createsamples -info “C:\Haar\CarData\info.txt” – vec “C:\Haar\CarData\cars.vec” -w 48 -h 24 -num 27 Info file name: C:\Haar\CarData\info.txt Img file name: (NULL) Vec file name: C:\Haar\CarData\cars.vec BG file name: (NULL) Num: 27 BG color: 0 BG threshold: 80 Invert: FALSE Max intensity deviation: 40 Max x angle: 1.1 Max y angle: 1.1 Max z angle: 0.5 Show samples: FALSE Width: 48 Height:

c# crash emgucv 2013-12-10 3:16:02
I cannot use the SURFDetector object, because the program crashes.I’m using the version 2.4.9 of Emgu (downloaded form here), and I’ve followed the instructions about adding the OpenCV dependencies (link):For EMGU CV version >=2.4 cudart64_42_9.dll, cvextern.dll, npp64_42_9.dll, opencv_calib3dXXX.dll, opencv_contribXXX.dll, opencv_coreXXX.dll, opencv_features2dXXX.dll, opencv_flannXXX.dll, opencv_highguiXXX.dll, opencv_imgprocXXX.dll, opencv_legacyXXX.dll, opencv_mlXXX.dll, opencv_nonfreXXX.dll,

c# opencv image-processing emgucv 2013-12-4 12:34:25
I’m working on my project which is a robot air hockey player;in the project I’m using a Microsoft lifecam to identify the “ball” place. that’s working.the problem is when I’m running the project in the main form – if before entering the game I’m checking the camera (one pic) that is the code inside the button:Capture capture = new Capture(0);Image<Emgu.CV.Structure.Bgr,byte> temp = capture.QueryFrame();picture pic = new picture(temp);pic.ShowDialog();and after the check I’m staring playin

Benson Chiu
multithreading emgucv face-recognition 2013-12-4 9:34:59
I am trying improve the speed of detecting faces in images by running the DetectHaarCascade face detection concurrently on multiple files. But I am hitting AccessViolationException, wondering does anyone have examples on how to run EMGU CV face detection parallelly.Here is a simple test I wrote where I have 98 images to detect:[TestMethod]public void TestDetectParallel(){var face = new HaarCascade(“haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml”);var images =Directory.EnumerateFiles(Environment.CurrentDir

Nikson Kanti Paul
c# computer-vision emgucv 2013-12-4 8:55:31
I am trying to use EMGUCV for C#. Currently i have installed Visual Studio 2010 express Edition. When trying to execute some simple commands the Emgu.CV.CvInvoke threw an exception came out so i put the unmanaged code in the exe folder. But still it continued to give me the error. So i tried adding the unmanaged code to solution explorer and still it is giving me this error. Is there anything else which i can do so i can finally use emguCV?The exception is System.TypeInitializationException was

Richard Twitty
vb.net ocr emgucv emgu 2013-12-4 8:01:08
Hey this is my first time using this website, but I a problem. I saw this awesome youtube video about getting ocr to work with vb.net. Here the url:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kjdu8SjEtG0So I decided to download the emgu libraries, here the url:http://sourceforge.net/projects/emgucv/I did everything the video say and I get this error: “An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: The type initializer for ‘Emgu.CV.OCR.Tesseract’ threw an excepti

detection emgucv vision 2013-12-3 3:55:32
I’m having a problem with using Haar Detection and EmguCV within VS2012. I’ve copied the exception details below to provide more insight. Please note that I do not have rapport installed on my pc, although I wish I did because that would probably solve this issue! Anyways, hoping I could get some assistance. Thank you in advance.System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException was unhandledHResult=-2147467259Message=External component has thrown an exception.Source=Emgu.CVErrorCode=-2147467259StackTr

c# kinect emgucv emgu cv 2013-12-2 14:46:25
I’m working on a project for school involving C#, Kinect, and Emgu CV. I fairly new to both C# and Emgu CV, so I may be missing something simple. What I am trying to do is use the image from the Kinect as an Emgu CV image for processing, but I keep getting an error. The error that comes up is “TypeInitializationException was unhandled” and “The type initializer for ‘Emgu.Cv.CVInvoke’ threw an exception.” The code I’m using to get the image from the Kinect is:using (ColorImageFrame colorFrame = e

Soner Gönül
c# emgucv 2013-12-2 3:24:54
I’m trying to start using emgu CV open CV for C#. But I’m having trouble making it work. I’m following this guide to make simple program using emgu CV Link but I get following error: (any idea what I’m doing wrong?)System.TypeInitializationException was unhandledMessage=The type initializer for ‘Emgu.CV.CvInvoke’ threw an exception.Source=Emgu.CVTypeName=Emgu.CV.CvInvokeStackTrace:at Emgu.CV.Image`2..ctor(String fileName) in c:\Emgu\emgucv-windows-x86-gpu\Emgu.CV\Image.cs:line 144at T

c# opencv emgucv emgu 2013-12-1 21:00:14
I’ve been working with EMGU+OpenCV for quite some time and ran into this AccessViolationException mystery.First thing first, the code:class AVE_Simulation{public static int Width = 7500;public static int Height = 7500;public static Emgu.CV.Image<Rgb, float>[] Images;static void Main(string[] args){int N = 50;int Threads = 5;Images = new Emgu.CV.Image<Rgb, float>[N];Console.WriteLine(“Start”);ParallelOptions po = new ParallelOptions();po.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Threads;System.Threadi