problem about user-profiles-Collection of common programming errors

  • slhck
    windows-8 user-profiles
    I like to have my user folder on a different drive (D:) than my OS is (C:). Reading the following post I decided to give it a try.All went quite well, untill I found out that my Windows 8 Apps won’t execute anymore (other than that I didn’t noticed any problems). My apps do work, while using an account that isn’t moved.In the eventviewer I’ve found error messages like these:App <Microsoft.MicrosoftSkyDrive> crashed with an unhandled Javascript exception. App details are as follows: Display

  • kewal
    7 users user-profiles
    Have searched a lot for this issue. I am not sure if it is a php issue or Drupal issue but the error message is pointing towards Drupal. Whenever i go to the user edit form in Drupal 7 i get the following error:Notice: Undefined index: #title in user_account_form() (line 1070 of /opt/lampp/htdocs/modules/user/user.module)I have searched a lot. This seemed relevant but it did not work out for me. Any suggestions would be appreciated.ThanksEdit 1: I am using 7.18 and

  • kiamlaluno
    7 6 user-profiles forum
    I hate making posts like this because I feel like I am asking people to do all my work for me! However, in times like this, when I am pressed for time, I have to. So…I am trying to add an user profile in the topics in the Forum module. I have found a brilliant tutorial, but unfortunately it is for Drupal 6 and some of the functions are not compatible with Drupal 7; I couldn’t find the equivalent functions, and I figured some of you may know them.If you do, I would greatly appreciate it if you

  • Sithu
    users user-profiles user-registration
    I have two user roles with profile fields. Role 1 Name, Username, Password, Email, Address line 1, Address line 2, Website.Role 2 Name, Username, Password, EmailI want to let anonymous user to chose user role on registration. Upon user role selection, I want to show role-related fields interactively (with javascript).I mean that when select Role 2, Address line 1, Address line 2 and Website fields will be disappeared, and when select Role 1, they will be appeared again.I currently use ‘user_ro

  • stefgosselin
    user-profiles installation distributions
    Creating an installation profile for a french site.I have hit a brick wall trying to have the profile install fr language translations. I have tried adding this to my profile as this comment Add french language. locale_add_language(‘fr’, ‘French’, ‘Français’, LANGUAGE_LTR, ”, ”, true, true); drupal_set_message(t(‘The language %language has been add and is now the default language.’, array(‘%language’ => ‘french’)));Code above generates a fata

  • MPD
    database user-profiles
    I am trying to retrieve some fields from my Profile 2 profile but am not sure how I should connect the table dr_field_data_field_resources to its relevant user.In profile it is possible to add a field term_reference ‘resources’, then I want to be able to retrieve those values in an array based on a user I specify. I did see some other docs for profile2_load, but I using an example turorial. I am getting called to undefined function for profile2_load().$userskillsresources = db_query(“SELECT dr_u

  • kiamlaluno
    Here is my code:function THEME_preprocess_block(&$variables) {$variables[‘user_profile’] = menu_get_object(‘user’); }I print the field “name” using print $user_profile->name, and I get the following error:Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in include() (line 71 of SITE\sites\all\themes\parce\block–block–2.tpl.php).I assumed $user_profile was not an object and I tried print render($user_profile[‘name’]), which returned me: Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClassWhat is

  • dooffas
    7 forms user-profiles user-registration
    My users enter a phone number on registration. The amount of values that can be entered is set to unlimited. Setting this changes the field so that you can add another field below to add additional phone numbers. I would like the users to be able to add more numbers after registration without having to go to /user/%user/editI am trying to return just the phone number field on another page. However I cannot seem to get any of that form displayed on another page. When I have been displaying other

  • Alexander
    global $user; $user->uid ; print_r($user->uid); print “print out the user value” . $user->uid;$uid =3;$account = user_load($user->uid); $profile = profile2_load_by_user($account);$print_first_name = drupal_render(field_view_field(‘profile2’,$profile[‘main_profile’], ‘field_first_name’)); print $print_first_name;What I have attempted to do is to pass the $user->uid to the user_load function. When I pass $uid = 3 to the user_load function it seems to work fine. I am wondering wha

  • ?.?.
    Im getting this message:”bad response, status message:undefined”

  • Luis C
    Every time I upload a picture I keep getting web server failed and responce undefinedand I keep getting error 403 Yos webservice failedhow can I upload a pic without getting errors

  • Rach Gal
    Ive been trying to upload a pic of myself but everytime I try it comes back either saying “bad response, status message: undefined” or “the file size limitation is 1mb” what do these mean? And how to I fix it?

  • someone good
    hi,id really appreciate your help. even when i delete some people from my list and address book, they seem to come thru and are able to message me. id like to make it that they dont even see when/if im online, not access my picture, and not even have me in their messenger list anymore. is that what ignore does?if so, do i enter just their yahoo ID? i tried to do that, but im being told that an “Unknown Error” occured while ignoring… please help! there are a couple of stalking people