
Does this word still have negative connotations? Is there a new “nerd” word that better describes intelligent tech people (other than the tired old word geek)?

So I do not understand why girls make this face. I am honestly curious. If you have ever done this face please answer why.http://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&hl.

Individuals experiencing a mid-life crisis have some of these feelings:search of an undefined dream or goal a deep sense of remorse for goals not accomplished desire to achieve a feeling of youthfulness need to spend more time alone or with certain peers They exhibit some of these behaviors:abuse of alcohol conspicuous consumption — acquisition of unusual or expensive items such as clothing, sports cars, jewellery, gadgets, tattoos,piercings, motorbikes, etc. depression paying special attention

*Link the question and answers is in details.*Is it not truly troubling, the amount of people who would choose some childish notion of freedom in its most undefined and abstract sense, and/or this image of “bravado” over the safety and security of their loved ones? Is there nothing more vile? Do these people even realize what theyre actually saying? Have they thought about it at all? Did they never reach the understanding that security can actually help preserve and ensure freedom

Pedro Si
the times? It also squashes the idea that marriage was meant for a man and woman only, especially since the Bible never uses the term marriage at any point, and leaves the word undefined



I believe you misstated the question, but I can still answer.Your inevitable death was ordained at the moment you came into existence as a living being.That exact moment is as yet undefined scientifically, but is the subject of much debate — most fiercely debated by the “right-to-life” and “pro-choice” groups.Is that clear as mud?

well, it all started with some computer programming. Then this virus came along creating a gigantic deadly glitch which, creates a blank, 13 bit, window with the word undefined”. It though, can make your game acc go super strong like in runescape, stickarena, world of warcraft. It makes your character invincible, and kills all people around you 20 times without you even attacking! It in turn, though, destroys IMPORTANT files! help!

Part of the reason its closing now is only because mens average wage is decreasing. This is not a man hating question so dont judge

Ive asked the same question (but of British nationals) and most of the responses seem to be from people sympathetic to the cited beliefs of the British National Party. So, if you are indiginous, currently that questions still open for you, but I want to know how other ethnicities see the future of the UK. Are you optimistic? Do you believe in multiculturalism? What would you like this bundle of nations to be like in 50 years time? These are just ideas, but Id love for you to answer the key quest

Is there a significant conflict brewing (or already active) between the west and any other defined or undefined people, group or ideology that might be described as not part of the west or different to the west, By west I more or less though not exclusively include progressive democratic generally prosperous generally industrialised country’s with individual rights, freedom of speech press faith etc, Also do you feel that if it is true that there is a genuine conflict, or a conflict that is brew


Ive heard that crows can represent something ominous when seen in a house like there might be dark hidden secrets. What animals, objects, colors, etc would represent something good (vice versa for bad) and why is it represented that way?I also know white, for good, can mean purity of a class or person.

it would go untill a certain undefined time in which it would resume as normal. if you decided to commit suicide you would wake up at the same morning. basically like in the movie grounhog day.
