
I often hear people claiming that they might not be educated but theyre street smart. They look down on people with common knowledge, thinking theyre better. I get if you were force to live on your own from a young age and that you have to learn everything by yourself. If you had it hard, I understand that you see yourself as book smart. Or, if instead of going for a higher education, you decided to travel to cultivate yourself. Theres more than school, but people that had it easy, never been an

continuation of question: Under what grounds or violation can a public officer be Impeached?CAN YOU ANSWER AND EXPLAIN THIS QUESTION?PLEASE HELP ME FOR THIS QUESTION, i need the answer by JANUARY 4..

Reservoir Dog

Changing staff attitude?Inspiring followers?Or something undefined?What do you believe the role of a leader is? What is their greatest challenge?

Jamestown was set up in 1607. By 1619 ships were bringing in the first slaves to supplement the work force. The Spanish started much earlier because the native americans they “found” died off in slavery almost completely, and they had to import workers…about 1560 for them.Here are some good sources, and a capture from one of them:”It is estimated that as many as 15 million people were transported as slaves, with unknown numbers dying enroute. Most of the enslaved people ended

I found Heuristics and Biases (from Kahneman and Tversky) to be fascinating, but its a bit dense and long to recommend to certain friends. Any suggestions on a book covering the same information, but thats a bit more accessible as a casual read?